True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ENTJ - Commander

MBTI personality type: ENTJ - Commander

ENTJs are strategic leaders with a passion for organizational change. They quickly identify inefficiencies and come up with new solutions, and are willing to make long-term plans to realize their vision. They are good at logical reasoning and are usually articulate and quick-witted.


ENTJ personality type

Analytical and objective, ENTJs like to bring order to the world around them. ENTJs see when flaws exist in a system and enjoy the process of discovering and implementing better ways. They are opinionated and enjoy taking on the role of leader and manager, organizing people and processes to achieve their goals.

What does ENTJ stand for?

ENTJ is an acronym used to describe one of sixteen personality types created by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It represents extroversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment. ENTJ refers to a person who is energized by spending time with others (extroversion), focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (intuition), and makes decisions based on logic and reason (thinking), preferring to be planned and organized Methodical rather than spontaneous and flexible approach (judgment). ENTJs are sometimes called commander personalities because of their innate ability to lead others.

ENTJ Values and Motivations

ENTJs are typically motivated to succeed professionally and enjoy the fruits of their hard work. They are ambitious and crave power and influence. For ENTJs, decision-making is part of their career, and they are expected to make wise decisions and implement them.

ENTJs tend to be forthright and decisive, and can sometimes become critical or rude in the pursuit of their goals. Although they may not be able to detect subtle changes in the emotions of others, they are generally friendly and outgoing. They are willing to work with others to achieve common goals but are less concerned about the feelings of others. They focus on results and want to be efficient, capable, and influential.

How others view ENTJ

ENTJs are natural leaders and often take charge no matter where they are. They often have a clear vision for the future and an intuitive understanding of how to move people and processes toward that goal. They tend to approach every situation with the attitude of an efficiency analyst and are not shy about pointing out what could be done better. For ENTJs, it’s just a matter of time before their ideas are implemented, and they can impress their players to do all the work.

ENTJs are often very gregarious and seem to know how a person will fit into their grand plans from the moment they are introduced. They are often direct and may appear presumptuous or even arrogant; they assess people and situations very quickly and have difficulty being honest about the problems they see. ENTJs are sensitive to issues of power and seek positions and influential people. They are ambitious and often very focused on their careers. ENTJs enjoy their jobs more than other personality types, and may even say that work is their joy.

For more information: [‘Reading People: Deciphering the Code of Human Behavior’]( w4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDk8UAG8PE1oXVAYyHF4PCBl_X2xreFx9NAVZEBoeQw9fRWMEK14VXAc KXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlwWXg8BXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0gWAWoJHl8lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVAAAUFldD0ILA2sNHV gWQQYFXVtaD0gWA2YLGVklXwcDUFdtOHtifjFRZj8UD2AGKQIlSS5xemZ9TSASWVFsVi0iCS9VBWhw fR9jIGFkNh8DOA)

How rare is the ENTJ personality type?

ENTJ is one of the least common types among people and the rarest among women. ENTJ composition:

  • 1.8% of the total population
  • 2.3% of men
  • 1.5% women

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ENTJ Celebrities

Famous ENTJs include:

  • Margaret Thatcher
    -Kamala Harris
  • Sheryl Sandberg
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Carl Sagan
  • General Norman Schwarzkopf
  • David Letterman
  • Douglas MacArthur
  • Harrison Ford
  • Mindy Kaling
  • Quentin Tarantino
  • Bill Gates

Facts about ENTJ

Interesting facts about ENTJs:

  • Scored on the personality trait scale as ambitious, powerful, optimistic, conceited, adaptable and energetic
  • Least likely to report stress caused by work or finances
  • More likely than the average person to develop heart disease
  • Least likely to believe in a higher spiritual power
  • Top four types of university GPA rankings
  • those most likely to stay in college
  • Personal values include family, achievement, creativity and learning
  • Overrepresentation of MBA students and small business owners
  • One of the two types most likely to be satisfied with their job

ENTJ Hobbies and Interests

Popular hobbies for ENTJs include serving in leadership roles in community groups, attending social gatherings or sporting events, and competitive sports. Because ENTJs are often focused on their careers, they may have few interests outside of work, or they may choose only those leisure activities that help further their careers.

ENTJ Strengths

strong will. One thing that’s especially admirable about ENTJs is that they are virtually immune to criticism. Once they have established a position or made a decision, they will not give in to outside pressure. They believe that their beliefs are correct and that their deft logic will lead them to success. To influence an ENTJ, you have to outsmart them or prove them wrong. ENTJs don’t mind being criticized and aren’t afraid to hold opinions that are different from their own.

Efficient. Known for their sheer productivity, efficiency, and focus, ENTJs can often handle many tasks without giving up or falling behind on any one of them. They are full of energy in their work and always achieve excellent results. Even if their plans or positions don’t seem to work or take longer than expected, ENTJs are often able to achieve what they seek because they believe they will not fail.

Strategic Thinking. ENTJs are sharp thinkers and excellent problem solvers. They tend to have great ideas and are able to examine situations from all angles and develop strategic plans to achieve their vision. They are not overwhelmed by problems; rather, they are invigorated by them. These qualities, combined with their strong conceptual capabilities, ensure that every project moves towards smart, long-term solutions.

Charismatic Leader. ENTJs live in a world full of possibilities and challenges at every turn. They are leaders in the best sense of the word, using their energy and charisma to inspire and lead others. People often choose ENTJs as their leaders, which allows the ENTJ to achieve ambitious plans that they would never be able to achieve on their own.

ENTJ Weaknesses

Abrasive and Domineering. It’s no surprise that ENTJs are logic-driven and good at spotting flaws and loopholes. But when coupled with their characteristic bluntness and lack of concern for the feelings of others, they can appear critical, demanding, and callous. Not everyone likes having their flaws pointed out frequently.

impatient. ENTJs hold others to their equally difficult standards, believing that everyone can and should work just as hard as they do. They tend to have little patience with those who are naturally less direct or slower to act. ‘It’s my way or the highway’ can become a mantra that frightens those on the sharp end of being criticized by an ENTJ.

arrogant. ENTJs value strategic thinking, resourcefulness, and decisive action, and look down on people who don’t fit in. While confidence is a good thing, it can often translate into arrogance, especially in the eyes of those who haven’t put in as much effort and don’t have the same courage.

Poor handling of emotions. Empathy is not one of the ENTJ’s strengths. This type tends to become impatient when others refuse or are unable to see things from their perspective, which requires the ENTJ’s active attention to recognize the value of others’ opinions and consider their feelings. In personal settings, ENTJs can act overbearing and trampling on the feelings of others, which makes it difficult for them to win friends.


Growth and Development of ENTJ

To reach their full potential, ENTJs should:

  • Get in touch with emotions – both your own and others. ENTJs can make conscious efforts to improve their emotional intelligence. Otherwise, they come across as abrasive and unfeeling, and their relationship will not develop properly. ENTJs can make progress by making an effort to consider their own and others’ feelings, but this won’t happen naturally.
  • Exercise restraint. Getting it right is important, but it’s not the only issue. It’s also important to consider the personal consequences. Truth and consequences are important, but the ENTJ needs to think carefully about how their actions and decisions will affect those around them or society as a whole.
  • Value people. Ideas, causes, and beliefs are important, but the ENTJ will be happier in the long run if he or she does not completely abandon personal relationships and the feelings of others in pursuit of what is right or what they believe in. It is possible to have a relationship and friendship with someone who disagrees on everything but doesn’t want to argue.
  • Listen. ENTJs must make an effort to listen, not just to retort. ENTJs combine intuition and quick processing, with a tendency to interrupt others, predict information, and make assumptions. They will benefit from slowing down, listening, waiting for others to finish, and trying to pay attention to details because those details are actually very important.
  • Relax! ENTJs work at an intense pace, and they often don’t see the need for leisure or rest. But their work schedules, high intensity, and perfectionism can cause them to neglect their health and negatively impact them and their families. Therefore, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of leisure, fun, social interaction and rest in their lives without feeling guilty about the time they may spend outside of work. In the long run, they may find that allowing themselves to relax is more beneficial at work.

ENTJ at work

ENTJs are often attracted to leadership positions in order to be able to develop strategies to increase efficiency and productivity. They prefer management or supervisory roles and want to be able to initiate and lead organizational change.

ENTJs enjoy solving challenging problems and understanding complex systems to identify areas that can be improved. They naturally see opportunities to improve systems and want to lead teams to realize their vision. They appreciate an environment that encourages innovation and does not hold tradition as sacred.

At work, ENTJs need clear structure. They prefer to evaluate their own work and that of their colleagues against a clear set of guidelines. They appreciate a fair and equitable environment where performance is objectively evaluated and generously rewarded. ENTJs are typically motivated, hardworking, and want recognition for their efforts through money, power, and prestige.

An ENTJ’s ideal organization focuses on competence and logical thinking, and includes smart and ambitious colleagues. ENTJs ideally want jobs that challenge their talents through strategic planning and clear goal setting to solve complex problems.

For more information: [‘Self-cultivation of Type 16 Personality’]( PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDkgQBWYNG1odWAcyHx0rdA8QYRhqXFhIIxhVKikEDzEVRWMEK14VXAcKXV ZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGFIUVQcBVG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD04XAW8BHFIlWgYLZ AUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQQFXV5UDU8LA24PEl4RQQY Q5aKjgjOA) MBTI is a unique personality analysis method. This book uses it as a tool to explore how type 16 people can improve themselves. Provide proven methods and growth plans that can be used immediately. After reading this book, you can easily know what type your personality is. In your career, what are your strengths that you can leverage and what weaknesses you need to control. The important thing is that it is a guide tailor-made for you to help you get rid of confusion and become the ideal self in your mind! You can also teach yourself through this book! It takes a short time to understand what type other people are. Know the other person’s preferences and characteristics, and know whether the other person is a suitable friend, work partner or partner for you!

ENTJ Career Statistics

  • Most likely to earn a high salary among all types
  • Most likely of all types to manage large teams
  • Least likely of all types to report unemployment
  • Least likely of all types to report being stay-at-home parents
  • Earn more while self-employed than any other type of person

Popular careers for ENTJs include:

  • Business and Finance: Accountants, Auditors, Budget Analysts, Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners, Investigators, Cost Estimators, Financial Analysts, Financial Auditors, Financial Managers, Fundraisers, Insurance agent, labor relations specialist, loan officer, logistics specialist, management consultant, market research analyst, conference or exhibition planner, personal financial advisor, purchasing manager, buyer, real estate appraiser, tax agent, actuary, operations researcher Analyst, Statistician, Administrative Services Manager.
  • Management: Advertising and Promotions Manager, Construction or Engineering Manager, Compensation or Benefits Manager, Emergency Management Director, Lodging Manager, Property, Real Estate or Community Association Manager, Top Executive.
  • Sales: Advertising sales agent, insurance sales agent, real estate broker or sales agent, sales engineer, sales manager, sales representative (wholesale and manufacturing), securities sales agent, merchandise or financial services sales agent.
  • Architecture and Engineering: Aeronautical Engineer, Agricultural Engineer, Architect, Biomedical Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Computer Hardware Engineer, Draftsman, Electrical or Electronic Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Health and Safety Engineer, Industrial Engineer , landscape architect, marine engineer or naval architect, materials engineer, mechanical engineer, mechanical engineering technician, mining or geological engineer, nuclear engineer, petroleum engineer, surveyor.
  • Life, Physical and Social Sciences: agricultural or food scientist, anthropologist or archaeologist, atmospheric scientist (including meteorologist), biochemist or biophysicist, chemist or materials scientist, conservation Scientist or ranger, economist, environmental scientist or specialist, epidemiologist, geographer, geologist, historian, hydrologist, medical scientist, microbiologist, natural science manager, physicist or Astronomer, political scientist, psychologist, sociologist, survey researcher, urban or regional planner, zoologist or wildlife biologist.
  • Arts & Media: Art director, industrial designer, photographer, public relations manager, public relations specialist, reporter, correspondent or broadcast news analyst, writer or author.
  • Health Care: Athletic trainer or exercise physiologist, dentist, exercise physiologist, medical or health services manager, occupational health and safety specialist, optometrist, pharmacist, physician or surgeon.
  • Education, Training and Libraries: Vocational or technical education teachers, secondary and above education administrators, professors or university lecturers, teachers, adult literacy or remedial education.
  • Entertainment and Sports: Coach or scout, music director or composer, producer or director.
  • Computer and Information Technology: Computer and IS Administrator, Computer Network Architect, Computer or Information Research Scientist, Computer Programmer, Computer Systems Analyst, Database Administrator, Information Security Analyst, Network or Computer Systems Administration Engineers, software developers, web developers.
  • Construction Operations: Construction manager, building or building inspector, electrician, airline or commercial pilot.
  • Law and Order: Correctional officers, fire inspectors or investigators, police officers or detectives, private investigators or investigators, judges or hearing officers, attorneys.

ENTJ on a team

ENTJs are ideal leaders in charge of a team. As strategic thinkers, they intuitively know what everyone does and how they contribute. They usually have a clear vision and are often able to identify problems in the system. Although their ideas are often concise and compelling, they may get into power struggles with colleagues who question their leadership or authority.

ENTJs are objective thinkers who are willing to consider multiple options and typically listen to their team members’ ideas. They excel at synthesizing information and are often able to combine numerous ideas into a single plan of action. Although ENTJs are open to new ideas, they are decisive and may make decisions autonomously at the end of a discussion. ENTJs pay little attention to personal issues and may ignore them in the process of concept development. They want to develop a clear plan for change and take decisive action.

ENTJ as a leader

In leadership positions, ENTJs excel at organizing and implementing long-term change initiatives. They prefer to be in control and take on as much responsibility and decision-making authority as possible.

ENTJ leaders are democratic in their thinking and are often willing to listen to new perspectives; however, when a decision needs to be made, they are unwavering in their direction. ENTJ leaders who have made up their minds focus solely on action, leaving little room for dissent.

ENTJs focus on long-term plans and visions and lead their teams to achieve goals systematically. They enjoy solving tough problems and want to strategically organize people and resources to achieve goals on time. They are results-oriented and can be blunt and critical; they can have difficulty getting along with employees who want a personal touch. ENTJs are best at leading serious, goal-oriented teams who share their enthusiasm for getting to work.

Careers to avoid for ENTJs

It’s important to note that any personality type can be successful in any career. However, some careers are well-suited to the ENTJ’s talents and preferred work styles, while others require patterns of thinking and behavior that ENTJs do not possess. Careers that require ENTJs to work outside of their natural preferences are often stressful or draining, and are generally unattractive to ENTJs who are choosing a career.

Based on data collected from surveys of the general population, the following careers are less suitable for ENTJs:

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Receptionist Medical Assistant Teacher’s Assistant
Restaurant Owner Preschool Teacher Home Health Aide
Medical Records Technician Dental Assistant Practical Nurse
Meal Preparers Child Care Providers Beauticians
Industrial Artist Bill Collector Data Entry Clerk

ENTJ and other personality types


The following types of people are more likely than most to share values, interests, and general lifestyles with ENTJs. They won’t necessarily agree on everything, and there’s no guarantee they’ll get along forever, but they’re more likely to feel relaxed and comfortable and have a lot in common.

  • INTJ
  • ESTJ
  • ENTP
  • ENTJ

Interesting differences

The following types of people may be thought of as having similar personalities to ENTJs, but there are some key differences that may make them particularly interesting to watch. ENTJs may find these types of people particularly interesting and drawn to them to get to know. Relationships between ENTJs and these types should have a good balance of common ground and opportunities to challenge each other.

  • ISTJ
  • INTP
  • ENFP
  • ENFJ

Potential additions

ENTJs may not consider themselves directly related to the following types of people, but after getting to know each other, they may find that they have something important in common and something they can teach each other. While these types of people may not initially appeal to ENTJs, their relationships have great potential for complementation and mutual learning.

  • ISTP
  • INFJ
  • ESTP
  • ESFJ

Challenge the Opposite

The following types of people are most likely to have personality conflicts and disagreements with ENTJs, but also have the best opportunities for growth. Because these types have fundamentally different values and motivations than the ENTJ, initially, there may seem to be no connection between them. However, because they are so different, their strengths are the ENTJ’s weaknesses, and if they can form a relationship, they can learn a lot from each other.

  • ISFP
  • ISFJ
  • INFP
  • ESFP

ENTJ in Love

In relationships, the ENTJ is a commanding and challenging partner. They have high expectations for themselves and their partner and want to find a partner who is willing to invest the time and energy necessary to create a successful life together.

ENTJs prefer to have their homes and lives structured and organized, and may impose this structure on others. They often have clear ideas about how to do things and may think others should learn to follow suit.

As problem solvers, ENTJs are passionate and analytical individuals who can face conflict head-on. When solving problems, they weigh ideas without emotion and with detached logic. They may ignore their partner’s feelings, preferring to use objective logic to reach conclusions. They may also have difficulty listening patiently to others due to their strong desire to solve problems.

Often ambitious, ENTJs may spend a lot of time at work or pursuing career success through other means. They usually need a partner who is independent and supportive of their goals. ENTJs value a partner who respects and appreciates their abilities, intelligence, and effectiveness.

ENTJ as a parent

As parents, ENTJs manage their children and families. They set clear expectations and make sure house rules are followed. By setting clear consequences for misbehavior, they tend to be consistent, rational disciplinarians and are often able to elicit compliance from their children.

Because professional pursuits often occupy their time, ENTJs may experience limitations in the amount of time they can spend with their families at home. But they take the task of being competent, effective parents very seriously. They regularly ensure that time spent with their children is well utilized and instills an appreciation for the value of hard work, productivity and achievement.

For more information: [‘Please Understand Me: Kelsey’s Personality Type Analysis’]( ESw4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cD0MSCmsOGF0TXgIyVh08FjBHBTZtSRMVXkcDCylDdg1ERWMEK14VXA cKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlodWgEBXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0oQC24PH10lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQUHUVhcDkwLA28O HVoVQQYFXVtaD0oQBGgOHl0lXwcDUFdtOHtgaBldSQl1DgdhPy0BWixxeGt_UiBWPURsVjkuYT9s fQltGgtKNVVpAg4JOA)

ENTJ Communication Style

ENTJs are direct and leadership communicators, usually know exactly what needs to be done, and have a responsible attitude towards organizing people and projects. ENTJs are methodical and strategic in their thinking. They communicate their vision and implementation plan in a logical, mission-oriented manner. ENTJs are quick to spot flaws in ideas and plans and criticize them freely. They like to analyze ideas but are ultimately action-oriented; they want to integrate information, develop a long-term plan, and then move forward.

Path of Discovery

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

For ENTJ personality, we have specially launched a paid reading version of ‘ENTJ Advanced Personality File’ on WeChat public account (psyctest). The advanced personality profile is more detailed and more advanced than the free interpretation, aiming to further meet your individual needs and expectations.

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