True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ESTJ - Supervisor

##MBTI Personality Type: ESTJ – Executive ESTJs are hard-working traditionalists who desire to be in charge of organizational projects and people. They are methodical, rule-abiding, conscientious, and tend to approach projects in a systematic, methodical manner.

###ESTJ Personality type ESTJ is the perfect organizer and hopes to bring benefits to the surrounding environment. structure. They value predictability and like to move things forward in a logical sequence. When they see a lack of organization, ESTJs often take the initiative to establish processes and guidelines so that expectations are clear to everyone. ###What does ESTJ stand for? ESTJ is an acronym used to describe one of sixteen personality types created by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It stands for extroversion, feeling, thinking, judging. ESTJs are people who are energized by being around others (extroversion), focus on facts and details rather than ideas and concepts (feeling), make decisions based on logic and reason (thinking), and prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and act in a flexible manner (judgment). ESTJs are sometimes called executive personalities because they tend to take charge and make sure things are done right. ###ESTJ Values ​​and Motives ESTJs are traditional, practical, and realists. For ESTJs, past experience is important: what works and what has been done before. They value evidence over guesswork and trust their own personal experience. ESTJs seek rules to follow and standards to meet, and often take a leadership role in helping others meet expectations. They are concerned with maintaining social order and getting others to follow the rules. ESTJs often serve as project managers at home and at work, adept at setting goals, making decisions, and organizing resources to complete tasks. ESTJs want to be highly productive and believe this can best be achieved with well-organized people and systems. ###How others view ESTJ ESTJs are good at taking control of situations. They know how things should go and are ready to take responsibility for making sure they happen. They are task-oriented and put work before fun. ESTJs are confident and strong and always seem to be in control. ESTJs appreciate structure and usually start organizing as soon as they enter a room. They want to establish ground rules and make sure everyone is following them. ESTJs are often involved in a variety of institutions, such as clubs, associations, societies, and churches, where they often take leadership roles. They tend to interact with people through rituals and routines. Social interaction for ESTJs often means following established traditions and interacting with people in an organized manner. ESTJs tend to respect and seek hierarchy. They want to know who is responsible and, if not identified, assign a level of responsibility. Once structure is in place, ESTJs will often trust authority figures and expect compliance from lower-level people. For more information: []( JVMOVF9cC0IeCmwJGlMXXgAyLikFTR5RazJrUxt2XF5HNxghaw1kRWMEK14VXAcKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlIQVAUCUW5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaDEMWAm4AGlslWgYLZAUIZk8SB2dY

##How rare is the #ESTJ personality type? ESTJ composition: - 9% of the total population - 11.3% of men - 7% of women > PsycTest free MBTI personality test: > > > >

###ESTJ Celebrities ESTJ celebrities include: - Colin Powell - Judge Judy Sheindlin - Michelle Obama - Martha Stewart - Alec Baldwin - Dr. Laura Schlesinger - George Washington - Sander La. Day O’Connor - Mike Wallace - Vince Lombardi###Facts about ESTJs Some interesting facts about ESTJs: - On personality trait measures, may score as Contentment, Energetic, Prejudice, Complacent and Pragmatic - More likely than other types to exhibit Type A behavior - Scored highest in coping resources of all types (tied with ENFPs) - Ranked third highest in marital satisfaction of all types - Ranked in college grade point average Top Four - One of the least likely of all types to consider suicide while in college - One of the most likely to stay in college - One of the most satisfied with their jobs - Valued personal values ​​include health, financial security, Achievements and Prestige - Overrepresented among bank clerks, financial managers, and business owners

###ESTJ Hobbies and Interests Popular ESTJ hobbies include building and repairing things around the home, gardening, volunteering, community service, and attending and watching sports . ###ESTJ Strengths Organization and Efficiency. ESTJs are good at planning and making lists, and are meticulous and planned. Their brains naturally impose structure on their lives and time. ESTJs like to create order out of chaos and are always on time for appointments. This helps others see them as reliable, stable, and trustworthy. Dedication and Commitment. No one would accuse an ESTJ of being lazy; it’s natural for this type to give their all, displaying boundless energy and commitment. They are willing to sacrifice personal time or interests in order to keep their promises and deliver the best work possible. Employers can count on ESTJs to consistently uphold the organization’s vision and execute it flawlessly, while encouraging other employees to practice the same standards. Integrity. ESTJs display consistent integrity in leadership roles, believing that the rules apply equally to them and to their subordinates. Although they know how to exercise authority, they show great respect for their superiors and do not hesitate or struggle to obey orders. They understand that organizations and societies function best when based on a healthy sense of respect and responsibility. Management Rights. ESTJs are the guardians of society. They believe it is their responsibility to uphold standards and clearly outline what is acceptable and what will not be tolerated. Therefore, ESTJs can always be counted on to obey and uphold laws, rules, regulations, and practices in order to maintain order and smooth functioning of the organization. On the home front, ESTJs are committed to caring for their families while also wanting to provide excellent service to all those they serve. ###The ESTJ’s weak judgment. A black and white lifestyle can be a major trap for ESTJs. While they have a laudable commitment to their beliefs, they often forget that all the principles they espouse are neither universal nor objective, and that the traditional, time-honored way is not the only way. ESTJs may not see innovation as beneficial and may have little patience with people who choose unconventional lifestyles, which can come across as judgmental or small-minded. Emotional discomfort. ESTJs tend to be dismissive of emotions or considerate of feelings—either their own or others—which can make them appear harsh, rude, utilitarian, and uncaring. Their typically low emotional intelligence can lead them to misjudge the intentions of others and to be misunderstood as well. They often have little patience with people who think, act or react emotionally, viewing these as disadvantages rather than potential advantages. Workaholic. While the ESTJ’s work ethic is commendable, this type can also be guilty of workaholism and perfectionism. Their Type A personality and intensity can be difficult for others to accept, as they are often very aloof to others who may not work as hard or as “perfectly” as they do. Stubborn. The ESTJ’s insistence that their own way or point of view is objectively correct can hinder the process of personal growth. In fact, ESTJs are often so deeply entrenched in their original beliefs and correctness that they do not acknowledge new or conflicting information that might lead to a changed, perhaps truer, conclusion. Rigidity prevents them from being truly open, and their practical approach to thinking and living in general may stifle their ability to think imaginatively or use foresight. ###Growth and Development of the ESTJ To reach their full potential, the ESTJ should: Insist on judgment. ESTJs can be extremely confident that they have the motivations, intentions, consequences, and conclusions figured out before all the information is gathered, and fail to admit that they may not have the entire story. Before making a quick judgment or assessment, it’s best to wait a moment, ask more questions, wait for more details, and acknowledge that despite your confidence, there may be things you don’t see. Embrace Diversity. ESTJs often don’t realize that others have a lot to contribute and that their way is not the only way and therefore should not be ignored. ESTJs who are a little more flexible and open-minded may find that flexibility and openness are not such a bad thing. There’s really no need to stick to your own ideas. Exercise self-criticism. ESTJs tend to believe that they are always right and that their moral compass is objective, absolute, and universal. However, their objectivity isn’t always as objective as it seems - they have a standard that makes them feel objective, usually due to “this is how it’s always been done.” They would benefit from recognizing personal subjectivity and taking some time to examine the basis for their beliefs. Understand other people’s feelings. ESTJs need to work on acknowledging their own feelings and being more careful about the feelings of others. While it may seem “not personal,” it is crucial to a subordinate or child. Strictness and rigidity can drive away good employees and alienate family members, so make a point of recognizing the gifts and talents of others and making a conscious effort to express appreciation for those talents. Relax, don’t be nervous. ESTJs need to work on relieving stress and consciously relaxing. While you don’t want to be seen as lazy, remember that leisure and rest are not signs of laziness, but are normal ways for humans to recharge. ESTJs benefit from real vacations (not endless activities, plans, and travel) and enforced breaks. Practices like yoga, tai chi, and meditation can help. More details: ###ESTJ at work At work, ESTJs are good at organizing people and projects and operations, they like to be in control and often pursue management positions, preferring roles that involve decision-making and enforcing policies and procedures. ESTJs quickly develop a reputation in the workplace for their ability to deliver tasks on time and with high quality. They are always reliable and gain satisfaction from completing projects. Overzealous in taking on responsibilities, they sometimes overwork themselves. The ideal work environment for an ESTJ is highly structured, with clear expectations and an organized authority structure. Their ideal job allows them to use their organizational skills within a standardized set of procedures to efficiently produce a tangible product.

###Popular occupations for ESTJ Popular occupations for ESTJ include: | Occupational name | Occupational name | Occupational name | | — | — | — | | Sales engineer | Stock broker | Insurance agent | | Sales Manager | Purchasing Agent | Real Estate Agency | | Hotel Manager | Credit Analyst | Budget Analyst | | Insurance Adjuster | Financial Advisor | Project Manager | | Management Consultant | Office Supervisor | Public Administrator | | Chief Financial Officer | Chief Information Officer Officer | Military | | Police | Civilian pilot | Teacher | | Farmer or rancher | Cook | Lawyer | | Paralegal | Judge | Auditor | | Principal | Property manager | Restaurant owner | | Pharmacist | Dentist | Doctor | | Sports Instructor | Civil Engineer | Mechanical Engineer | | Industrial Engineer | Flight Engineer | Database Administrator | | Real Estate Appraiser | Cost Estimator | Construction Supervisor | Is a responsible personality type who brings order and hard-working energy to the team, focusing on developing structure and acting quickly on opportunities. ESTJs are outspoken and candid in sharing their objective assessment of situations. They are hard-working, productive, and results-oriented, expecting others to share their same methodical determination. ESTJs are very task-focused and may become impatient with colleagues who want to discuss things for too long before discussing action steps, especially if the discussion is too abstract or theoretical. They tend to lead their teams in making decisions and proceeding with specific plans of action. ESTJs are consummate planners, respect timelines and deadlines, and are unwilling to deviate from plans. They want to understand established procedures but may become annoyed by team members who don’t follow the rules. For more information: ###ESTJ as Leader In leadership positions, ESTJs ensure that things are done correctly, results are produced reliably, and standards are met Satisfied. They make expectations clear to the team, not only about what needs to be done, but also how and when it needs to be done. When managing projects, their plans are usually methodical and detailed, ensuring that the final product is delivered exactly as expected. ESTJs tend to cling to traditional ways of doing things and may not recognize the need for innovation. They trust their past experiences and may be reluctant to enter an uncertain future. Vision can be a challenge for ESTJ leaders, who are often better at implementing change than conceiving of it. ESTJs trust authority structures and will often seek to establish clear hierarchies. They readily accept orders from their superiors and expect subordinates to respect their authority in return. They are often decisive and may show little flexibility after making a decision. ###ESTJ Careers to Avoid It is important to note that it is possible for any personality type to be successful in any career. However, some careers are well-suited to the ESTJ’s talents and preferred work styles, while other careers require patterns of thinking and behavior that ESTJs do not possess. Careers that allow ESTJs to work outside of their natural preferences may cause stress or fatigue, and are often unattractive to ESTJs who are choosing a career. Based on data collected from general population surveys, the following occupations are unpopular among ESTJs. | 💔 | 💔 | 💔 | | —— | —— | —— | | Artist | Graphic Designer | Writer | | Musician | Actor | Art Director | | Beautician | Restaurant owner | Recreation worker | | Early childhood teacher | Social scientist | Physical therapist | | Child care provider | Social worker | Nurse aide | | Veterinary assistant | Psychologist | Librarian | ###ESTJ and other personalities Type####Likeminded People of the following types are more likely to share similar values, interests, and lifestyles with ESTJs. While there’s no guarantee they’ll agree on everything or that they’ll always get along, they are more likely to feel at ease and have a lot in common with each other. - ISTJ - ESTP - ESTJ - ENTJ ####Interesting Differences Some people think that the ESTJ personality is very similar to the following types of people, but in fact there is Some key differences that make these types of people more interesting to watch. ESTJs may feel particularly attracted to these types of people and have a desire to get to know them. Building a good relationship between an ESTJ and these types requires a balance of common ground and opportunities to challenge each other. - ISTP - INTJ - ESFP - ESFJ ####Potential Complementary ESTJ may not feel directly connected to the following types of people at first, but as they get to know each other Eventually, they may discover that they have some important things in common and can learn from each other. Although these types of people may not initially appeal to ESTJs, their relationships have a lot of potential for complementation and mutual learning. - ISFJ - INFJ - ENTP - ENFJ ####Challenging Opposites The following types may have personality clashes and conflicts with the ESTJ, but that’s also for the best Opportunities for growth. Since these types have fundamentally different values ​​and motivations than ESTJs, they may seem difficult to relate to at first. But precisely because they are so different, their strengths are the ESTJ’s weaknesses. If they can build a good relationship, they can learn a lot from each other. - ISFP - INTP - INFP - ENFP ###ESTJ in Love In relationships, ESTJs are reliable and responsible, but also have a tendency to be stubborn. They value daily life and family traditions and want stability and security in their home life. Usually, they are very organized and have a well-ordered home. ESTJs can come off as bossy, often wanting to dictate to those around them. They are decisive and strong-willed and sometimes insensitive to their partner’s feelings. Therefore, they need to work on loosening their grip and opening up lines of communication. ESTJs want a reliable relationship, one that can help them achieve their ideals of traditional family life. Partners valued by ESTJs will appreciate their responsibility and productivity, and will value the ESTJ’s substantial contributions to the relationship. ###ESTJ As Parents As parents, ESTJs adhere to clear roles and expectations and emphasize respect for authority and family rules. They often control the household and assign tasks and responsibilities to family members, expecting these roles to be completed without complaint. ESTJs are traditionalists with a strong appreciation for holidays, rituals, and cultural occasions, and often bond with their children through established rituals. The ESTJ’s ultimate goal in parenting is to raise children who are diligent, productive, and abide by society’s rules and expectations. For more information: ###ESTJ Communication Style ESTJ is a pragmatic, action-oriented Communicator. They often assume control and use communication to organize and determine what needs to be done. ESTJs are very clear about expectations and procedures; they explain the necessary steps and how and when tasks are completed. While they are open to debate and criticism, they still want to follow the rules and get the job done. They are focused on tasks and results and have little patience for deviations or nonconformities. ###Road of Discovery If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s ! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together! For ESTJ-type personalities, we have specially launched a paid reading version of the WeChat public account (psyctest) . The advanced personality profile is more detailed and more advanced than the free interpretation, aiming to further meet your individual needs and expectations.

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