MBTI book list: 10 must-read books to help you understand yourself, discover your potential, and improve your leadership skills

Do you want to understand your personality type, discover your potential and strengths, find a career direction that suits you, and improve your leadership and interpersonal relationships? If your answer is yes, then you must not miss the following MBTI-related books. They will take you into a new world of psychology, allowing you to understand yourself, understand others, and win in character! ##What is MBTI? MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It is a personality testing tool based on Jungian psychology theory. It can help people understand their psychological tendencies and recognize their strengths. and weaknesses, improve self-awareness and self-management, and better communicate and cooperate with others. MBTI divides human personality into 16 types, each type has its own characteristics and style, as well as suitable occupations and fields. MBTI can not only help personal development, but can also be applied to team building, leadership training, career planning, marriage and love matching, etc. It is a very practical and interesting psychological tool. ##MBTI related book list recommendation The following are 10 MBTI related books that we have selected for you. They introduce the theory and practice of MBTI from different angles and levels, and how to use MBTI to improve your life and Quality of work. Whether you want to understand your personality type, explore your career potential, or improve your leadership and relationships, you can find answers and inspiration in these books. ###1. “Born Different: Personality Type Identification and Potential Development”

This book is a classic work by Isabel Myers, one of the founders of MBTI. It is the authoritative and original material of MBTI theory and a must-read book in the field of personality testing. This book introduces in detail the theoretical basis, test methods, type characteristics of MBTI, and how to develop your potential and advantages according to your own type and find a career and lifestyle that suits you. This book is suitable for readers who want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI theory and their own personality. ###2. “Illustrated MBTI” Type 16 Personality: Psychology and Personality Analysis》

This book is an introductory book on MBTI with pictures and texts, using vivid and interesting comics and cases to help Readers quickly grasp the basic concepts of MBTI, learn how to analyze their own and other people’s personality types, and how to adjust their communication and behavior styles according to different types to improve their interpersonal effectiveness. This book is suitable for readers who want to learn MBTI in a relaxed and interesting way. ###3. “Discover your professional personality: MBTI helps you realize your potential”

This book is a book focusing on MBTI and career planning, through The test and analysis of MBTI help readers discover their career personality, understand their career interests, strengths, weaknesses, and the career types and fields that suit them. This book also provides the MBTI distribution and characteristics of various occupations, and how to choose and develop your career according to your type. This book is suitable for readers who want to use MBTI to plan their career direction. ###4. “Workplace Psychological Type: MBTI Perspective”

This book is an MBTI application book for professionals. Through MBTI testing and analysis, it helps Readers understand the workplace psychological types of themselves and others, and how to improve their work efficiency, communication skills, teamwork, leadership, innovation and other core workplace qualities according to different types. This book also provides MBTI coping strategies for various workplace scenarios and how to use MBTI to solve various problems and conflicts in the workplace. This book is suitable for readers who want to use MBTI to improve their competitiveness in the workplace. ###5. “What is your professional personality?” MBTI Type 16 Personality and Career Planning"

This book is a combination of MBTI and career planning books, which help readers understand their own personality type through MBTI testing and analysis, and how to choose and develop their career according to their own type. This book also provides career planning templates for 16 personality types, including career goals, career paths, career skills, career risks, career advice, etc., as well as the MBTI distribution and characteristics of various occupations, and how to adapt according to your own type and optimize their professional environment. This book is suitable for readers who want to plan their careers based on their personality type. ###6. The main force in the field: INTJ Personality Manual》

This book is a career guide specifically for INTJ types. Through MBTI testing and analysis, it helps Readers of the INTJ type understand their own personality characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, and how to improve their workplace performance according to their own type, exert their own workplace value, and achieve their own career goals. This book also provides common problems and solutions for INTJ types in the workplace, as well as how to communicate and cooperate with other types of people, and how to develop your own leadership and innovation. This book is suitable for INTJ type professionals, or other types of people who want to understand the INTJ type’s workplace style. [](https://union-click.jd.com/jdc?e=618%7Cpc%7C&p=JF8BATkJK1olXQ8HUV9UDU4VBV8IGlocXQMLV15UCk0VBl9MRANLAjZbERscSkAJHTdNTwcKARlZAUEPVhcJRT9LT0VSBVJESw4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cAUsSCmwIElkTXwMyXS0ebgB0UC1qEgdxR2RyCAYmQU5-VWMEK14VXAcKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlsSXQQEXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXFZcCEITAWYIGlslWgYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV1"PsychologicalType:How"Classifypeople?》

This book is an introduction to Jungian psychology. Personality psychology is the theoretical source of MBTI. It is a psychological method that explores people’s subconsciousness and unconsciousness. It can help people understand their own psychological structure, psychological motivation, psychological development, and how to achieve their own psychological integration and personality improvement. This book focuses on the psychological type theory in Jungian psychology, that is, how to divide people into different types based on their psychological functions and psychological attitudes, and how different types of people know themselves, understand others, and how to achieve Mental balance and harmony. This book is suitable for readers who want to learn MBTI from the perspective of Jungian psychology, or who want to have a deeper understanding of their own psychological level and growth. This book is suitable for readers who want to learn MBTI from the perspective of Jungian psychology, or readers who want to have a deeper understanding of their own psychological aspects. [](https://union-click.jd.com/jdc?e=618%7Cpc%7C&p=JF8BATEJK1olXQUBV1tbDEMWBV8LHF4UXgIAVV5VAXtTXDdWRGtMGENDFlVDFhNSVzMXR0ROCBlQCgJDThtUV3FPQw9TQlZQEQYDV0VRUyxcYw4ZXgEHVV1ZCko"MB"XjYFVFdJDjlWUXsOaWslTIType16PersonalityComicBook"

This book is a comic book that displays the characteristics, styles, strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics of the 16 MBTI personality types in the form of comics. It is a very interesting and lively MBTI book along with other types of books on how to get along. This book not only helps readers quickly identify their own and other people’s personality types, but also allows readers to learn how to improve the quality of their lives and work according to their own types while appreciating comics, and how to establish good relationships with different types of people. Relationship. This book is suitable for readers who want to learn MBTI through comics, or readers who want to increase their interesting knowledge about MBTI. ###9. “Win in Character”

This book is a book focusing on MBTI and leadership. It helps readers understand their own leadership style through MBTI testing and analysis. , strengths, weaknesses, and how to build your own leadership personality cornerstone according to your own type, improve your leadership level, lead yourself and others, and achieve your own leadership goals. This book also provides MBTI coping strategies for various leadership scenarios, and how to use MBTI to develop your own leadership qualities, such as vision, strategy, execution, influence, innovation, change, etc. This book is suitable for readers who want to use MBTI to improve their leadership skills, or who want to understand different types of leadership styles. ###10. “MBTI Type 16 Personality and Career Planning: What is your professional personality? 2nd Edition》

This book is a combination of MBTI and career planning This book is the second edition of the fifth book above. Compared with the first edition, this book adds more career cases, career advice, career tests, and career planning tools to help readers gain a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding. Your own personality type, and how to choose and develop your career based on your type. This book also provides career planning templates for 16 personality types, including career goals, career paths, career skills, career risks, career advice, etc., as well as the MBTI distribution and characteristics of various occupations, and how to adapt according to your own type and optimize their professional environment. This book is suitable for readers who want to plan their careers according to their personality types, or who want to update their career planning knowledge. ##To summarize, the above are the 10 MBTI-related books we recommend for you. They are all excellent and Practical MBTI books can help you learn and apply MBTI from different angles and levels to improve your character, career, leadership, interpersonal and other aspects of your abilities and levels, allowing you to win in character and life! If you are interested in these books, you may wish to click on the details link to learn more details, or purchase them directly! I believe you will gain a lot of knowledge and fun from these books! > Free MBTI Professional Personality Test > > Test address:

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