True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ENFJ - teacher

MBTI personality type: ENFJ - teacher

The ENFJ is an idealistic organizer. They are driven to realize a vision that is best for humanity, often acting as catalysts for human growth. They see potential in others and have the charisma to convince others of their ideas. ENFJs focus on values and vision, and are passionate about people’s potential.


ENFJ personality type

ENFJs are typically energetic, driven, and always busy with various things. They have a deep understanding of human needs and a keen awareness of human suffering; however, they also tend to be optimistic and forward-thinking, intuitively identifying opportunities for improvement. ENFJs have big ideals and ambitions, but they don’t pursue them for their own sake: instead, they believe they have a responsibility to make the world a better place.

What does ENFJ stand for?

ENFJ is one of the sixteen personality types created by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers and is an acronym. It represents extroversion, intuition, feeling, and judgment. ENFJ refers to a person who is energized by time spent with others (Extraverted), focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), makes decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling), and more Prefers planning and organization rather than spontaneity and flexibility (Judging). ENFJs are sometimes called ’teacher personalities’ because of their interest in helping others develop and grow.

ENFJ Values and Motivations

ENFJs are driven by strong altruism and compassion for others. They have an intuitive sense of the emotions of others and often become a barometer of the emotions of those around them. However, their compassion is not limited to those close to them: they are often humanitarian in nature, and may feel genuine concern for the ills of humanity as a whole. They tend to experience firsthand what others are feeling and feel compelled to take action when they see people suffering.

ENFJs want to form close, supportive connections with others and believe that collaboration is the best way to get things done. They like to be liked and are very sensitive to feedback, whether positive or negative. They expect the best not only from themselves but from others. ENFJs may feel disappointed when others are not as genuine as they are. ENFJs strive to maintain strong relationships and strive to be valued members of families, teams, and communities.

How others view ENFJs

ENFJs are naturally excellent mentors and are often praised as geniuses at organizing educational events. They tend to take charge of situations and guide their teams through activities and experiences that are conducive to learning and growth. They have an intuitive understanding of human potential and inspire others to pursue greater development with their charisma and passion. They are typically energetic and productive and excel in leading others to discover new knowledge.

ENFJs are often excellent communicators, adept at using language to connect with others. They have great insights into people and love to talk about relationships. They often enjoy helping others solve personal problems and enjoy sharing insights about people, emotions, and motivations. They can sometimes over-invest themselves in their emotions to the point of becoming overly emotional, and can feel exhausted if there is too much negativity around them.

For more information: [‘Reading People: Deciphering the Code of Human Behavior’]( w4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDk8UAG8PE1oXVAYyHF4PCBl_X2xreFx9NAVZEBoeQw9fRWMEK14VXAc KXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlwWXg8BXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0gWAWoJHl8lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVAAAUFldD0ILA2sNHV gWQQYFXVtaD0gWA2YLGVklXwcDUFdtOHtifjFRZj8UD2AGKQIlSS5xemZ9TSASWVFsVi0iCS9VBWhw fR9jIGFkNh8DOA)

How rare is the ENFJ personality type?

ENFJ composition:

  • 2.2% of the total population
  • 2.8% women
  • 1.4% of men

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ENFJ Celebrities

ENFJ celebrities include:

  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Pope John Paul II
  • Maya Angelou
    -Meghan Markle
  • Michael Jordan
  • Reese Witherspoon
  • Margaret Mead
    -Ralph Nader
  • Abraham Maslow
  • Dr. Phil McGraw
  • Martin Luther King

Facts about ENFJ

Interesting facts about ENFJs:

  • On the personality trait scale, scores were positive, pleasant, sociable, demanding, impatient, appreciative and compromising.
  • Most likely of all types to cope with stress through exercise.
  • Most likely of all types to believe in a higher spiritual power.
  • Ranked by psychologists as the least likely to get into trouble in school.
  • Personal values include friendship, education and learning, creativity and community service.
  • Among the types with the highest job satisfaction, they were also the most likely to report plans to leave their jobs.
  • Common in religious, teaching and artistic professions.

ENFJ Hobbies and Interests

Popular hobbies for ENFJs include organizing social events, reading, art, museums, storytelling, listening to music, writing, and gourmet cooking.

ENFJ Strengths

Maintain Harmony. Not only do ENFJs work to promote harmony and morale while deflecting potential conflicts, they are also adept at persuading and motivating others to move in the same direction. They see positive relationships as a surefire way to a sense of fulfillment and are highly cooperative, promoting cohesion and even friendships inside and outside the workplace.

Communication skills. One of the many keys to an ENFJ’s success is the ability to communicate skillfully across multiple mediums. Whether in the classroom or in love letters, they have a gift for translating ideas into words. ENFJs enjoy writing, talking, and telling stories, and their audiences are often equally enthusiastic about what they have to say. Comfortable in large and small groups, they like to be the center of attention and thrive on good conversation, especially with others who are as passionate as they are.

Persuasiveness. ENFJs are known for their powers of persuasion and are often effective at getting people to do what they want them to do. But ENFJs are charitable and the motivation is usually not manipulation or personal gain, they just want people to do more or better because it will benefit them or help them achieve some potential. These people are likeable and trustworthy, so others often feel compelled to listen and follow them.

leadership. ENFJs have strong social circles and are likely to plan events and find opportunities to bring people together. Their leadership ensures that others quickly join in and get excited about it. Teaching and mentoring come as easily to them as breathing and talking, making ENFJs particularly adept at leadership, training, or education. Their idealism helps them see the potential of other people and entities with great clarity and accuracy, and their judgment helps them chart a path to achieve their goals.

ENFJ Weaknesses

Look before you leap. ENFJs are passionate and willful, often jumping into situations without fully examining or investigating the problem before them, or thinking deeply about the consequences. Their intuitive gifts take over, and although they think they understand everything, they may overlook necessary and important details.

Overpromise. Although they thrive on being overwhelmed, ENFJs can easily become overcommitted from being extremely excited about life and its opportunities, wanting to say ‘yes’ to as many things as possible and do as many things as possible. As a result, they may later have to back out of commitments they had previously reviewed but not seriously considered, often ending up failing to get much done.

Difficulty making tough decisions. ENFJs may have difficulty processing information that seems to lack a subjective element when making decisions. Strict logic, objective reasoning, and data-based conclusions may be difficult or even impossible. Although ENFJs may be seen as compassionate, they may also be seen as lacking impartiality, as they may place the needs of the individual above the needs of the whole and see exceptions more readily than rules.

Too selfless. Because ENFJs prioritize the needs of others and relationships, they may not be able to properly access their own needs. If they worry that expressing their needs will cause conflict or disunity, they may try to hide those needs. If they don’t build a sense of self, they can’t be authentic in their relationships. Since ENFJs already tend to keep to themselves, having no one truly understand how they are feeling can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and being misunderstood.


Growth and Development of ENFJ

To reach their full potential, ENFJs should:

Attention to detail. Although ENFJs like to read between the lines, sometimes details matter, especially when reading a boring, impersonal contract. This may be a forced reaction, but it is necessary. When working on various projects, endeavors, or events, ENFJs will benefit from a simple ’let me think about it,’ and then actually taking the time to consider the details, goals, and time commitment before responding.

Stick to it. ENFJs love starting new projects and trying things out, but can sometimes bite off more than they can chew. Rather than looking at a project as a monolith and becoming overwhelmed, breaking the work into small chunks and viewing each chunk as a unique goal can help ENFJs stay enthusiastic and motivated.

Adapt to conflict. Disunity, division and conflict are not the end of the world, nor are they something to always be avoided. ENFJs do desire friendly relationships rather than hostile ones, but growth often happens in a tense space. When an ENFJ consciously faces and handles conflict, good things can come of it—and even deepen relationships.

Living in the moment. ENFJs are future-oriented by nature, and while this helps them imagine potential, it can keep them from dealing with their current lives - possibilities are more exciting than current realities! While ENFJs will continue to look to the best future, they need to put their scheduling and planning skills into practice to get started on today’s tasks so they can achieve their future goals.

Watch their bottom line. While ENFJs do derive personal satisfaction from helping others, they must take their talents and the income it brings seriously. You can do this by helping people, contributing to the world, and earning a living wage. ENFJs may also need to work on becoming more task-oriented and focused on productivity. It’s easy to get caught up in the relationship aspects of a project or job and fail to meet goals and expectations. ENFJs will have to work hard to maintain a balance between relationships and productivity.

ENFJ at work

At work, ENFJs have the drive to organize others to implement positive change. They are passionate, problem solvers and are especially good at using their strong intuition about people.

ENFJs tend to be collaborative and work best in harmonious environments that support others and inspire them to grow. Often taking on the role of mentor, they believe that helping others do better is their primary goal.

ENFJs are often drawn to leadership roles and naturally organize teams to leverage their unique talents. They are often visionaries who enjoy creating innovative initiatives with a humanitarian focus in their work. ENFJs value teamwork and desire organizational resources to bring their ideas to life.

The ideal work environment for an ENFJ would be forward-thinking, people-centered, with a clear humanitarian mission and an emphasis on constructive action. Their ideal job should allow them to develop and implement ideas that improve the environment and well-being of others.

For more information: [‘Self-cultivation of Type 16 Personality’]( PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cDkgQBWYNG1odWAcyHx0rdA8QYRhqXFhIIxhVKikEDzEVRWMEK14VXAcKXV ZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGFIUVQcBVG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD04XAW8BHFIlWgYLZ AUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQQFXV5UDU8LA24PEl4RQQY Q5aKjgjOA) MBTI is a unique personality analysis method. This book uses it as a tool to explore how type 16 people can improve themselves. Provide proven methods and growth plans that can be used immediately. After reading this book, you can easily know what type your personality is. In your career, what are your strengths that you can leverage and what weaknesses you need to control. The important thing is that it is a guide tailor-made for you to help you get rid of confusion and become the ideal self in your mind! You can also teach yourself through this book! It takes a short time to understand what type other people are. Know the other person’s preferences and characteristics, and know whether the other person is a suitable friend, work partner or partner for you!

ENFJ Career Statistics

  • Most likely of all emotion types to manage large teams
  • Second highest job satisfaction of all types
  • Emotional type with the second highest average income
    -Emotional type least likely to report being a stay-at-home parent

Top career options for ENFJs include:

  • Community and Social Services: Health educator, marriage and family therapist, rehabilitation counselor, school or career counselor, social worker, social or community services manager.
  • Media & Communications: Interpreter or translator, photographer, PR specialist, PR manager, journalist, author.
  • Education: High School Teacher, Instructional Coordinator, Elementary School Teacher, Secondary School Teacher, Early Childhood Teacher, College Tutor, Special Education Teacher, Adult Literacy Teacher, Principal, College Administrator, Child Care Center Director.
  • Business, Management and Sales: Advertising and Promotions Manager, Human Resources Manager, Insurance Sales Agent, Realtor, Accommodation Manager, Flight Attendant, Fund Raising Event, Human Resources Specialist, Market Research Analyst, Conference or Convention Planner Teacher, training or development specialist, training or development manager, sales manager.
  • Entertainment, Art & Design: Actor, Producer or Director, Landscape Architect, Art Director, Floral Designer, Industrial Designer, Interior Designer.
  • Personal Care and Services: beauticians, child care workers, fitness instructors.
  • Science: Anthropologist or Archaeologist, Forester, Historian, Psychologist, Sociologist, Urban or Regional Planner.
  • LAW: Legal mediator, lawyer.
  • Health Care: Athletic Trainer, Audiologist, Chiropractor, Dental Hygienist, Dietitian or Dietitian, Genetic Counselor, Nurse Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Physician Assistant, Recreational Therapist, Speech-language pathologist, medical or health services manager.
  • Office and Administration: Customer Service Representative, Receptionist, Administrative Assistant

ENFJ on a team

ENFJs are collaborative, inspiring team players who are interested in working together to implement improvement plans. They work based on supportive relationships, are good at understanding the needs and priorities of others, and are good at building consensus. ENFJs possess natural enthusiasm and tend to involve team members in their vision.

Due to their extreme focus on collaboration, ENFJs can be incompetent in conflicting teams, too focused on creating harmony and neglecting objective evaluation. Although often possessing a strong sense of purpose, they are more people-oriented than task-focused and prioritize the growth and development of others throughout the process. ENFJs sometimes need to refocus on the task at hand, as they may spend so much time coaching and encouraging others that they lose sight of the team’s main goal.

ENFJ as a leader

In leadership positions, ENFJs are enthusiastic, helpful, and action-oriented. They are strong leaders with clear ideas about how to improve the organization to better meet people’s needs. ENFJs are confident in their mission, but often need to balance goal orientation with a focus on people. They seek cooperation and want others to be involved both in action and in spirit. ENFJs often serve as mentors; they enjoy helping employees grow into great workers and people.

Although ENFJs often possess leadership positions, they may become discouraged in situations of ongoing conflict. They have a deep need to be appreciated, and if they are unable to garner support for their ideas and values, they may feel exhausted and unproductive.

Careers to avoid for ENFJs

It’s important to note that any personality type can be successful in any career. However, some careers are well-suited to the ENFJ’s talents and preferred work styles, while others require patterns of thinking and behavior that the ENFJ does not possess. Occupations that require ENFJs to work outside of their natural preferences may leave them feeling stressed or exhausted. At the same time, these careers are often unattractive to ENFJs who are choosing a career.

Data collected from general population surveys indicate that the following careers are not ideal choices for the ENFJ group.

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Carpenter Electrician Mechanic
Factory Director System Analyst Medical Records Technician
Auditors Pathologists Military
Computer Programmer Engineering Technician Chemical Engineer
Electrical Engineer Power Plant Operator

ENFJ and other personality types


The following types of people are more likely than most to share values, interests, and general lifestyles with ENFJs. While they won’t necessarily agree on everything, and there’s no guarantee they’ll always get along, they’re more likely to feel relaxed and comfortable and have a lot in common.

  • INFJ
  • ESFJ
  • ENFP
  • ENFJ

Interesting differences

The following types of people may find ENFJs to be similar in personality, but there are some key differences that make them particularly interesting to watch. ENFJs may find these types of people particularly interesting and be drawn to getting to know them. The relationship between an ENFJ and these types should have a good balance of common ground and opportunities to challenge each other.

  • INTJ
  • INFP
  • ENTP
  • ENTJ

Potential additions

ENFJs may not feel an immediate connection to the following types of people, but after getting to know each other, they may find that they have something important in common and something to teach each other. While these types of people may not appeal to ENFJs at first, a relationship between them has a lot of potential for complementation and mutual learning.

  • ISFJ
  • INTP
  • ESTJ
  • ESFP

Challenge the Opposite

The following types of people are most likely to have personality conflicts and conflicts with ENFJs, but also have the best opportunities for growth. Because these types have fundamentally different values and motivations than ENFJs, they may initially seem difficult to relate to. But precisely because they are so different, their strengths are the ENFJ’s weaknesses. If they can form some kind of relationship, they can learn a lot from each other.

  • ISTP
  • ISTJ
  • ISFP
  • ESTP

ENFJ in Love

In relationships, ENFJs are helpful and enthusiastically supportive. They are motivated to get to know their partners and do things they enjoy, and are sensitive to their partners’ emotions and reactions.

ENFJs are great cheerleaders and will encourage their partners to develop and explore their potential. They are engaged and ready to help and look for opportunities to support their partners in their achievements.

ENFJ partners want harmony above all else, sometimes at the expense of their own needs. Conflict makes ENFJs uncomfortable, and they usually avoid it. ENFJs are very sensitive to criticism and can become very emotional and even punish others when their feelings are hurt. However, they have deep insights into people, emotions, and motivations; they are often able to apply this talent to solving problems.

The ideal partner for an ENFJ appreciates their compassion, support, and dedication to helping others, and strives to understand the ENFJ’s feelings and values.

ENFJ as a parent

As parents, ENFJs are always proactive in guiding their children’s development. They are willing to teach their children how to deal with various things and clarify concepts of right and wrong in a warm and supportive way.

ENFJs have high hopes for their children and often envision a bright future for them. They focus on children’s potential and want to inspire their development. Sometimes they over-idealize their children and become disappointed when their children fail to meet expectations. When they view their children’s misbehavior, they may view it as a rebellion against their own values and try to correct the mistake.

For more information: [‘Please Understand Me: Kelsey’s Personality Type Analysis’]( ESw4PTRNJXGFOSxhBJVMOVF9cD0MSCmsOGF0TXgIyVh08FjBHBTZtSRMVXkcDCylDdg1ERWMEK14VXA cKXVZYC0gnAG4KG1ISXgMFV25tCEgnQgEIGlodWgEBXG5fCEoWA2sOG1kdbQYFXVtaD0oQC24PH10lW gYLZAUIZk8SB2dYHlJFDwcLV15tOHsUM2gIEk8TL0dQQFgvOHsXM2w4G1oVVQUHUVhcDkwLA28O HVoVQQYFXVtaD0oQBGgOHl0lXwcDUFdtOHtgaBldSQl1DgdhPy0BWixxeGt_UiBWPURsVjkuYT9s fQltGgtKNVVpAg4JOA)

ENFJ Communication Style

ENFJs are passionate and compassionate communicators who show a keen interest in understanding what others are thinking. They desire to know what matters most to others so that action can be taken to improve the situation for everyone involved. ENFJs are very willing to give affirmation and support, making sure everyone knows their ideas have merit. They are good at connecting with different types of people and are able to come up with solutions that meet the needs of others. Often, they have an innate ability to guide and mentor others, helping them to succeed.

Path of Discovery

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

For ENFJ type personality, we have specially launched a paid reading version of ‘ENFJ Advanced Personality File’ on WeChat public account (psyctest). The advanced personality profile is more detailed and more advanced than the free interpretation, aiming to further meet your individual needs and expectations.

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