Psychological aging, are you affected? 16 questions, you will know in one test

Psychological aging, are you affected? 16 questions, you will know in one test

The psychological behavior of people aging before they get old is called psychological aging. Aging attitude is people’s experience and evaluation of the aging process and old age. It is a relatively complex psychological structure that can be divided into multiple levels from different angles. As age increases, many psychological functions of modern people, especially cognitive functions, decline, such as slow response, memory loss, weakened anti-interference ability, etc. Aging of cognitive functions directly affects daily life. ##The harm of psychological aging Professor Freeman, a famous psychiatrist at Harvard University in the United States, believes: “Psychological factors account for a large proportion of the causes of people’s illnesses.” The World Health Organization believes that mental health is more important than physical health. If you are mentally aging, you may have the following problems: - Decreased memory, low efficiency, easy to make mistakes - Lack of creativity and imagination, unwilling to try new things, unable to adapt to changes - Selfish, not caring about others, Not good at communication, difficult to establish good interpersonal relationships - Living in the past, not looking at the future, losing enthusiasm and goals for life - Complaining more, less grateful, dissatisfied with oneself and others, easily angry and sad - Collecting useless things, Reluctance to throw them away leads to a messy life

##Psychological Aging Test So, are you mentally aging? There are 16 questions below. You can answer “yes” or “no” according to your actual situation. If your answer to more than 7 items is “yes”, then your psychology is experiencing an aging crisis, and you should be careful to protect your psychology. 1. Have you become very forgetful? 2. Are you often at a loss? 3. Do you always focus on self-centered things? 4. Do you like to talk about the past? 5. Are you always whiny? 6. Whether Are you indifferent to what is happening in front of you? 7. Do you feel alienated from your loved ones, or even want to live alone? 8. Do you find it very difficult to accept new things? 9. Are you too sensitive to things related to yourself? 10. Are you unwilling? 11. Do you feel that you have fallen behind the times? 12. Are you often impulsive? 13. Do you often feel sad for no apparent reason? 14. Do you feel that life is boring and meaningless? 15. Do you gradually like to collect impractical things? ? 16. Are you often angry for no reason? ##Prevention of Psychological Aging If you find that you have signs of mental aging, don’t worry. You can improve your mental state and make yourself younger mentally through the following methods: - Exercise more and maintain a healthy life. Habits, enhance physical fitness, improve immunity - learn more new knowledge, new skills, new interests, broaden horizons, inspire inspiration - care more about others, participate in more social activities, make more friends, increase interpersonal communication, cultivate empathy - review more Now, plan more for the future, set more goals, realize more dreams, and increase motivation in life - be more grateful for life, praise others more, affirm yourself more, think more positively, and increase the joy of life - tidy up the environment more, discard more clutter, and clean up more Mind, let go of your burdens and increase your living space##Conclusion Psychological aging is not caused in one day, nor can it be changed in one day. You need to constantly adjust your mentality and habits to make yourself mentally younger, healthier, and happier. ###Free online psychological test What is your mental age? Test address:

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