4 manifestations of “pseudo-diligence”

Pseudo-diligence may seem like a sign of diligence on paper, but in fact it is an inefficient or even ineffective behavior. Professor Jordan Peterson, a well-known psychology expert, has summarized four manifestations of pseudo-diligence. Let us understand them one by one.

**1. Pseudo-diligent people will spend a lot of time doing the easiest things and show off their hard work everywhere. **

This behavior makes people think they are working really hard when in fact they are just wasting time and resources. They are only willing to do the easy and simple tasks and ignore the important work that requires real effort and time.

**2. Fake diligent people will procrastinate in the name of ‘preparation’. **

They may look busy, but in reality they are not making any progress. They always find excuses to put off tasks that require immediate action. In their eyes, preparation seems to be more important than actual action, which leads to their procrastination behavior.

**3. Pseudo-hard-working people never verify the results of their work. **

They don’t know whether they are doing well or badly, they just keep working hard. They do not realize the importance of timely feedback and evaluation, so they are unable to correct errors or improve methods in a timely manner. They only focus on task completion and ignore the importance of quality.

**4. Pseudo-diligent people read a lot of books, but never summarize the rules or apply knowledge into practice. **

What they pursue is only the quantity of knowledge, but ignores the quality and application of knowledge. They do not realize that the real value of knowledge lies in its ability to guide action and produce practical results. Therefore, their learning only remains at the theoretical level and cannot be translated into actual abilities and achievements.

These pseudo-diligence behaviors may seem hard, but they cannot bring effective results. Complaints and negative energy often arise when people realize that their efforts are not being rewarded. In this case, we should face up to the dangers of pseudo-diligence and move towards real diligence and achievement through critical thinking and continuous efforts.

To truly escape the trap of pseudo-diligence, we must first be aware of the dangers of these inefficient behaviors. We need to clarify our goals and focus on those tasks that really matter. At the same time, we must learn to give timely feedback and evaluate our work results, and continuously improve and improve. In the process of learning and accumulating knowledge, we must learn to summarize the rules and apply the knowledge in practice to truly exert its value.

It is not easy to get rid of the trap of pseudo-diligence. It requires continuous efforts and thinking on our part. But only through critical thinking and genuine effort can we move toward true diligence and achievement. Let us get rid of the shackles of pseudo-diligence and pursue real progress and success!

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/23xy9Kxr/

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