"Reverse MBTI test" measures your ideal type! MBTI love brain expression of different personalities

MBTI is a commonly used personality test tool that can help you understand your personality type and strengths. Did you know that MBTI can also be used to test your ideal type and how you behave in a relationship? Recently, a method of “reverse MBTI testing” has become popular on the Internet. Just imagine the person you like and then answer the questions for him or her, and you can get your ideal MBTI type. You can also test it with your significant other to see if he or she is your Mr Right or Mrs Right. So, what kind of love brain do different MBTI types have in love? Love brain refers to a person’s way of thinking and behavior when in love. Some people will be very proactive, some people will be very passive, some people will be very romantic, and some people will be very rational. Next, let’s take a look at the love brain expressions of the 16 types of personalities! ##MBTI Type 16 Personality “Love Brain Expression” ###Mediator INFP: Master of Secret Love INFP is an idealistic and creative personality type. They will be gentle and considerate in love, but they are also easily shy and sensitive. They may have been in love with each other for a long time in their hearts, but on the surface they pretend to be calm. They will take the initiative to approach each other, but they are unlikely to take the initiative to confess. Even if everyone around them sees that they are interested in each other, they will not admit it and will try their best to create some opportunities for chance encounters every day.

###Candidate ENFP: Enthusiastic Confession King ENFP is a lively and cheerful personality type. They will be very enthusiastic and generous in love. They like to express their love to each other, not only by speaking out, but also by actions. prove. They were always full of energy around each other and said “I love you” several times a day. They will also care about each other’s feelings and needs, and give each other meticulous care. ##Commander ENTJ: Decisive pursuer ENTJ is a confident and decisive personality type. They will be very proactive and active in love. They think that the person they like is not to be missed, and they will want to get the person they like as soon as possible. Chase him (her). They will collect as much information about each other as possible, take advantage of casual encounters, take the initiative to show their strengths, and then find opportunities to confess.

###Archon ESFJ: Selfless devotee ESFJ is a passionate and responsible personality type. They will show their love unreservedly in love and will definitely buy good things for each other when they see them. Share your daily routine with each other. They care about each other’s mood and will give appropriate care to make the other person feel that you are always there. ###Entrepreneur ESTP: The bold show of love ESTP is an adventurous and practical personality type. They will dare to spend money for each other in love, will be willing to pay for each other, and will be immersed in it. They don’t shy away from saying “I love you” directly. No one can’t feel their love, and they are the number one straight-shooter in love! ###Explorer ISFP: Implicit hinter ISFP is a perceptual and free personality type. They will be very low-key and modest in love. They will not take the initiative but will hint. If they receive an obvious hint, they will take the initiative to think. Give it a try. They will also care about each other’s thoughts and feelings, want to share everything with each other, and are willing to understand and try each other’s interests and hobbies. Although it is not easy to express love directly, they are actually giving and caring silently. ###Debater ENTP: The witty seducer ENTP is a smart and innovative personality type. They will be very interesting and challenging in love, and they will set some traps for the other party, making the other party fall directly for you. But if you find that the other person is not interested in you, you won’t pursue him. You can be the one who takes the initiative, but you won’t pursue someone wholeheartedly.

###General Manager ESTJ: Firm possessor ESTJ is a decisive and practical personality type. They will be very direct and honest in love, and they will not hesitate to spend money for each other. They will remember the little details that the other person said they like, crazy. Use love words to attack. People who are super proactive will chase after someone relentlessly and pursue them fiercely. However, if they persist for a period of time and the other person seems to have no interest, they will not hesitate to find the next target.

###Connoisseur ISTP: Patient Companion ISTP is a calm and analytical personality type. They will be very calm and rational in love, and will want to take the initiative to understand each other’s life. They are patient people and will take the time to listen. Talk to the other person and do things with him or her, even things that you are not interested in at all. You will also pay attention to what the other person likes, and if you see it, you will buy it for him or her. ###Protagonist ENFJ: Gentle guide ENFJ is a passionate and charming personality type. They will be very gentle and considerate in love. At the beginning, they will want to get close to the person they like and take the initiative to get close to him or her. , but not excessively. It will make the other person feel that you should like him or her, and then let the other person take the initiative, but the control of the relationship is still in your own hands. ###Architect INTJ: Cautious planner INTJ is an independent and rational personality type. They will be very cautious and planful in love. They are a type that cannot take the initiative. They will first evaluate the feasibility and then decide whether to take action. If you think there is potential for development, you may try to express it to the other party first and see the other party’s reaction at the same time. If the feedback is negative, you will not continue to invest. ###Performer ESFP: The straightforward love shower ESFP is a lively and happy personality type. They will be very straightforward and enthusiastic in love, and will directly say to each other: “I love you so much” and “I like you so much” , “I’m so lucky to meet you”, and will ask for a hug every day. If you like someone, say you like it. If you miss someone, say you miss them. He is a very direct person. Because they feel that sincerity will not become less precious just because it is spoken. ###Advocate INFJ: Affectionate Observer INFJ is an idealistic and compassionate personality type. They will be affectionate and loyal in love, but they also have difficulty revealing their feelings. They will not take the initiative to do anything to someone they like, but will observe the other person secretly and silently, and will not become proactive until they are sure that the other person also likes them. However, the behaviors displayed may not be so obvious. Not only are ordinary people unable to see it, but sometimes they are duplicitous.

###Logician INTP: Smart Trickster INTP is an intelligent and curious personality type. They will be very interesting and creative in love. INTP with many clever ideas will set some traps for the other party, allowing the other party to directly You pour. But if you find that the other person is not interested in you, you won’t pursue him. You can be the one who takes the initiative, but you won’t pursue someone wholeheartedly. ###Guardian ISFJ: Loyal companion ISFJ is a traditional and responsible personality type. They attach great importance to loyalty and responsibility in love. They do not need a gorgeous romantic relationship, but prefer sincere communication between two people. . They generally don’t express their thoughts easily. If you expect him or her to say sweet words to you or prepare small surprises, you will definitely be disappointed. But they will accompany each other more, and be full of warmth and love in every small daily detail. They will express their love with actions more than words. ###Logistician ISTJ: Rational Planner ISTJ is a rigorous and practical personality type. They will be very rational and planning in love, and will not get emotional easily, nor will they waste time on fruitless relationships. They will first understand each other’s background and values, and then decide whether a relationship is suitable for them. If it feels right, it will proceed steadily without too many ups and downs. The above is the expression of the love brain of 16 types of personality. Do you think it is accurate? Which is your ideal type? Come and reverse test the MBTI and find your other half! If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to retest whether your personality type has changed, PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI Type 16 Professional Personality Test, which we hope will be helpful to you. Test address: www.psyctest.cn/mbti/

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/0lxn8nGJ/

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