Do humans always repeat the same mistakes? Escape from the endless reincarnation of adversity

Do you have any recurring problems/situations? They may be (just) bad habits in life, or they may be your tendency to avoid facing difficulties, or you may not actually know what it is, but you always feel like you are stuck in life. When you find yourself back in the same predicament… - Relying on alcohol every time when you are stressed, but drinking more and more - Every time you enter an intimate relationship, you will sacrifice yourself excessively to please the other person - Every time you are in a mood Bobo has made many plans, but they always fall by the wayside

Today I would like to share with you singer Portia Nelson “Autobiography in Five Short Chapters” (Autobiography in Five Short Chapters), invites everyone to savor it together. Autobiography Chapter 5 📖Chapter 1: I was walking on the road. There was a deep hole on the road and I fell into it. I didn’t know where I was. I felt helpless. It was not my fault. It took me a long time to find the way out📖 Chapter 2: I was walking on the same road. There was a deep hole in the road. I pretended not to see it and I fell into it again. I couldn’t believe it. I fell into the same place again, but it was not my fault. It still took me a long time to climb out this time. 📖Chapter 3: I was walking on the same road. There was a deep hole on the road. When I saw it, I still fell into it. This is a habit. My eyes were open. I knew where I was. This was my responsibility. I walked out immediately. 📖Chapter 4: I was walking on the same road. There was a deep hole on the road and I walked around it📖Chapter 5: I took another road to get out of the infinite reincarnation of the dilemma

When the problem first occurs, we don’t understand why the problem occurs and panic and don’t know what to do. This is all human nature. But when problems arise again and again, do you think it’s fate? Or are you habitually deceiving yourself? Is this the only way to go? As stated in “Autobiography Chapter Five”, to get out of reincarnation we need to first take the responsibility for change, and then slowly become conscious about making new choices. There may be ups and downs along the way, but one day, we will not fall into the same hole again 🕳️ Striking a balance between accepting the status quo and changing, and finding the part that you can be responsible for is a lifelong issue. Will you want to change starting today? If so, thank yourself for your courage first, and then ask yourself: How will I take the first step?

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