psychological knowledge — blog posts


Glass Heart: Understanding, Causes, Characteristics, and Treatment

##What is a "glass heart"? "Glass heart" is a figurative term used to describe those who are emotionally fragile, easily hurt, and overly sensitive. These people have strong emotional reactions to criticism, indifference, or unkind words from others that are as fragile as glass. Glass Heart Level Test: ##Causes of glass heart The formation of glass heart may be related to the following factors: 1....

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Personality disorders are a type of mental illness that affects an individual's thinking, emotions, behavior and interpersonal relationships. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition whose core features are significant instability in relationships, self-image, mood, and behavior. This disorder often involves multiple aspects of the patient's life, and the patient ...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality disorder is a psychological term used to describe individuals with extremely self-centered and self-admiring traits. This disorder is often associated with an exaggerated sense of one's own abilities and importance, as well as an inattention to the needs and feelings of others. ##Origin and DefinitionThe concept of narcissism comes from a story in Greek mythology, which te...

Savior Mindset Analysis: The definition, characteristics, effects, and how to change the Savior Mindset.

##What is the savior mentality? The messiah mentality, also known as the "Messiah Complex" or "Savior Complex," is a psychological state in which an individual believes that they have a special mission to save others or the world. This mentality may stem from an individual's sense of inferiority and narcissism, and they may prove their worth and satisfy their inner needs by helping others. In some...

Gaslighting: Behind the scenes of psychological manipulation

什么是“煤气灯效应”? 煤气灯效应(Gaslighting)是一种精神操控的策略,它悄无声息地侵蚀你的信念体系,使你对自己的感知和现实产生怀疑。在这种操控下,施害者通过连绵不断的批评和羞辱,将自己的过错转嫁给受害者,从而在受害者心中播下自我怀疑的种子。这种策略不仅让施害者逃避责任,还让他们能够牢牢掌握操控权,使受害者逐渐丧失自我价值感和自信心,最终陷入对施害者的依赖。 煤气灯效应(Gaslighting)在线测试 了解煤气灯效应,不仅能帮助我们保护自己,也能让我们更加同情和理解那些受到心理操纵的人。 你是否正处于煤气灯效应之中?想知道自己是否曾经或正在经历煤气灯效应吗?参加在线测试,了解更多! 自测入口: “煤气灯效应”有可能是无意的吗? 确实,煤气灯效应并非总是出于蓄意。在某些情况下,人们可能在试图掩饰自己的过失时,不自觉地运用这种手段。这种无意识的心理操控可能源于对自身...

Introduction to psychological scales: Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI-R) - a psychological tool for exploring individual differences

In the field of psychology, personality scales are important tools for assessing individual psychological characteristics. The Jackson Personality Inventory-Revised (JPI-R) is one of the widely used scales. It was developed by American psychologist Douglas N. Jackson in 1974 to comprehensively assess an individual's personality traits. ##The Jackson Personality Inventory Structure and Characterist...

What does ABO mean? What are pheromones? How to take a free ABO gender pheromone test?

What does ABO mean? What does pheromone mean? Were you confused when you first learned about terms like “ABO” and “pheromone”? In fact, we also mentioned in the previous article what does ABO mean? Today we mainly talk about what ABO pheromone means? What are the pheromones and how are they tested? In order to facilitate everyone's reading, we will briefly introduce the meaning of ABO! What does #...

The pessimist is always right, the optimist always moves forward!

Pessimists are always right, optimists always move forward! This quote expresses the philosophical view that pessimists tend to be able to foresee possible problems and challenges, so their concerns are justified to some extent. Optimists, however, choose to keep moving forward, regardless of the difficulties ahead, believing that a solution to the problem can be found. This attitude helps drive p...

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Shadow Function Personality Analysis of MBTI’s Sixteen Personality Types

As we journey through the psychology of personality, Jung’s Theory of Psychological Types and the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) provide us with a unique perspective that allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Jung's theory refers to the Shadow Functional Personality - this is a part of our unconscious that often contains traits and potentials that we are unwilling t...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Test: What does each letter stand for?

Have you ever wondered what the letters of Type 16 Personality Test stand for? Why do some people like risk-taking while others prefer stability? Why do some people like to think alone, while others enjoy communicating with others? This is the question that the MBTI Type 16 Personality Test answers! Free MBTI test entrance: ##What is MBTI? MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, ...

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