Unknown love trivia between couples! How many do you know?

Unknown love trivia between couples! How many do you know?

Hey guys! Want to know the little secrets between lovers? 😉

Did you know that hugging is not only an expression, it can also produce oxytocin, which makes each other trust and like each other more! Moreover, holding your lover’s little hand can actually relieve pain and anxiety! Let’s uncover these mysteries together!

💖 **Hugging for 20 seconds can produce oxytocin, making the other person trust and like you more. **

🤝 ** Holding your lover’s little hand can reduce pain and relieve anxiety. **

💑 **Couples who keep their new relationship a secret experience a surge in their romantic experience with each other. **

Don’t forget, expressing gratitude to the people you like will arouse your own happiness! Moreover, when people who like each other look at each other, their heartbeats will synchronize. This is so romantic!

🎥 **Watching movies together frequently will reduce the breakup rate. **

👂 **Love words sound better when spoken to the left ear. **

🤣 **Small fights between couples can help maintain intimacy. **

Remember to ask the other person for their opinion, it will make the other person like you more! Also, if two strangers are forced to sit together and talk and keep eye contact, they may fall in love with each other!

💕 **Choosing a good date location can greatly increase your divorce rate. **

💔 **Heartbreak is real. Divorce, betrayal, and breakups can all cause real pain in the heart area. **

😘 **Girls can become sexy by controlling their voices. **

Is it getting more interesting? Looking at photos of your sweetheart can actually relieve pain! Moreover, in a relationship, boys are faster than girls to say: ‘I love you.’

❤️ **It only takes 4 minutes to determine whether you like someone. **

💔 **When boys break up, they usually really want to break up, not a test. **

🍰 **The better the relationship between couples, the easier it is for them to gain weight. **

Another knowledge point: if a girl says it’s okay, then it’s probably okay; if a boy says it’s okay, then it’s usually okay. Lovers who are too similar or too different often cannot last for a long time!

🔍 **Come and join us to uncover these mysterious love facts! Remember to like, leave a comment and follow! ** 🎉

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/0lxnyQ5J/

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