In addition to the MBTI 16 personality types, we have collected a large number of free personality tests, take the test together!

In addition to the MBTI 16 personality types, we have collected a large number of free personality tests, take the test together!

A personality test is a tool that uses a series of questions or tasks to assess a person’s personality traits, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, suitable careers, etc. Personality tests can help us understand ourselves better. There are many different types of personality tests available online, some based on psychological theories, some based on statistics, and some based on fun. Different personality tests have different focuses and applicable scenarios, so we can choose the appropriate personality test according to our own purposes and interests. I have collected here some links to free personality tests that I think are more interesting and valuable and share them with you. I hope you can also get some benefits and fun from them. ##MBTI Personality Test MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a personality test based on Jung’s personality classification theory. It divides human personality into four dimensions, each dimension has two extremes, making up a total of 16 types. Different personality types. The MBTI personality test can help us understand our preferences, motivations, behavior patterns, and similarities and differences with other types of people. There are different versions of the MBTI personality test, with different numbers and difficulty levels of questions. I have collected here links to six versions of the free MBTI personality test ranging from 12 questions to 200 questions. You can choose a suitable version to take the test based on your time and energy. Each version is free to test and see the results for free. - Free MBTI Express Trial Version Test (12 questions) Test Link: - Free MBTI Simple Version Test (28 questions) Test Link: - Free MBTI classic version test (72 questions) Test link: - Free MBTI standard version test (93 questions) Test link: - Free MBTI Professional Edition test (145 questions) Test link: - Free MBTI full version test (200 questions) Test link: ##Other personality tests In addition to the MBTI personality test, there are Other personality tests are worth testing, such as: ###PDP Professional Personality Free Online Test This is a personality test based on behavioral science. It divides people’s behavioral characteristics into four dimensions, namely dominance, influence, stability, and accuracy. , each dimension has two levels, high and low, forming a total of 16 different behavioral styles. The PDP Professional Personality Test can help us understand our own behavior patterns and how to communicate and cooperate effectively with people with different behavioral styles. Test link: ###Enneagram Free Online Test This is a personality test based on people’s motivations and fears. It divides people’s personalities into There are nine basic types, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as relationships with other types. The Enneagram test can help us understand our inner drives and how to balance our emotions and needs. Test link: ###Cartel 16PF free online test This is a personality test based on factor analysis, which divides human personality into 16 Factors, each factor has two extremes, forming a total of 16 dimensions. The Cartel 16PF personality test can help us understand our own personality structure and how to improve our character strengths and improve our character weaknesses. Test link: ###FPA Personality Color Free Online Test This is a personality test based on color psychology, which divides human personality into four There are three colors, namely red, yellow, blue, and green. Each color represents a character trait, namely authority, liveliness, rationality, and harmony. The FPA personality color test can help us understand our own personality colors and how to get along with people of different colors. Test link: ###Holland Career Aptitude Free Online Test This is a personality test based on career interests, which classifies people’s career aptitudes. There are six types, namely practical type, research type, artistic type, social type, enterprise type, and conventional type. Each type has its own occupational characteristics and suitable occupational scope. The Holland Career Aptitude Test can help us understand our career interests and how to choose and plan our career development. Test link: ###DISC Personality Free Online Test This is a personality test based on behavioral style, which divides people’s behavioral styles into four types Types, namely Dominant, Influential, Stable and Cautious, each type has its own behavioral characteristics and advantages. DISC personality test can help us understand our own behavioral style and how to communicate and collaborate with people with different behavioral styles. Test link: ###Big Five Personality Scale Free Online Test This is a personality test based on five dimensions, which divides people’s personality into There are five dimensions, namely openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Each dimension has two levels, high and low, making up a total of five dimensions. The Big Five Personality Inventory test can help us understand our own personality traits and how to improve our personality qualities. Test link: ###Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ free online test This is a personality test based on three dimensions. It is divided into three dimensions, namely extroversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. Each dimension has two levels, high and low, forming a total of three dimensions. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ test can help us understand our own personality tendencies and how to regulate our emotions and mentality. Test link: ###WVI Schuber Career Values ​​Free Online Test This is a values-based personality test that divides people’s values ​​into six types Types, namely realization type, identification type, social type, independent type, economic type, security type, each type has its own value orientation and career satisfaction. The WVI Schuber Career Values ​​Test can help us understand our own values ​​and how to choose and adapt to a career environment that is consistent with our own values. Test link: ###WCS Williams Creativity Tendency Assessment Scale free online test This is a personality test based on creativity, which will Creativity tendencies are divided into four types, namely innovative, practical, artistic, and analytical. Each type has its own creative characteristics and advantages. The WCS Williams Creativity Tendency Assessment Scale test can help us understand our own creative tendencies and how to improve our creativity level and ability to apply creativity. Test link: ###ABO Psychological Gender Free Online Test This is a personality test based on psychological gender, which divides people’s psychological gender into four types Types, namely masculine, feminine, neutral, and androgynous, each type has its own psychological characteristics and behavioral patterns. The ABO Psychological Gender Test can help us understand our psychological gender and how to adjust the balance between our psychological gender and biological gender. Test link: ###Phil Personality Test This is a personality test based on Phil’s personality theory, which divides human personality into four types Types, namely idealist, supervisor, executor, and creator, each type has its own personality characteristics and advantages. The Phil Personality Test can help us understand our own personality type and how to get along with people of different personality types. Test link: ###Four temperament types free online test This is a personality test based on the ancient Greek four temperament theory, which divides people’s temperaments into There are four types, namely sanguineous, choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic. Each type has its own temperament characteristics and advantages. The four-temperament type test can help us understand our own temperament type and how to regulate our temperament and emotions. Test link: —- The above are the links to some free personality tests that I have collected. I hope you can pass these tests and understand yourself better. Discover your potential, increase your self-efficacy, and build more harmonious relationships with others. If you find it useful, please give it a like and leave a message for communication. Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life!

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