MBTI cognitive function: Ni function-insight into the inner nature

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation | Features | — | — | — | | Extraverted intuition | Ne | Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively | | * Introverted intuition* | Ni | Conjunctive association; seeking unchanging and common truths, trusting intuition; good at discovering the essence and predicting the future based on it | | Extraverted Reality | Se | Objective Reality ; Seeks sensory stimulation, likes changes in the environment; good at adapting to new environments, keen observation | | Introverted Sensing | Si | Subjective Reality; retains and ruminates past memories, trusts experience; is good at defending rules and routines | | Extraverted Thinking | Te | Positivist logic; believe in facts and value results; good at standardizing processes, improving systems, and promoting progress| | Introverted thinking| Sense | Fe | The emotions of the group; focus on consensus and emotional feedback between people; good at reading, persuading and influencing others | | Introverted emotion | Fi | Individual emotions; focus on individuality, paying attention to individual emotions and values; good at taking the place of others situation, empathy and support for the weak | MBTI theory holds that everyone has four main cognitive functions, which are the mental processes people use when perceiving and judging things. Two of them are sensing functions (Sensing or Intuition), two are judging functions (Thinking or Feeling), and each function has an extraverted or introverted tendency. This article will focus on one of the perceptual functions - Introverted Intuition, or Ni function for short. Ni function is the ability to penetrate into the inner essence and meaning of things. It can help us transcend appearances and phenomena, grasp the development trends and future impacts of things, improve our own insight and foresight, and realize our own vision and goals. This article will explain the Ni function from the following aspects: - What are the characteristics of the Ni function? - In which genres does the Ni feature appear? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ni function? - How to develop and balance Ni functions?

##What are the characteristics of Ni function? ###Strong Insight Ni function has a deep insight into things, and can see the hidden essence, patterns and meaning behind things, rather than just staying on the surface details and data. The Ni function can also extract key clues and patterns from various information and build its own theoretical system and conceptual framework to explain and predict things. For example, when studying, Ni function will like to explore the principles and logic of various subjects instead of just memorizing facts and formulas. ###Strong foresight Ni function has keen foresight of the future and can deduce the possible development trends and future impacts of things based on its own insight into the nature of things, rather than relying solely on past experience and current conditions. The Ni function can also formulate your own vision and goals based on your own vision of the future, as well as the strategies and actions needed to achieve them, instead of just following the trend or blindly following the trend. For example, at work, the Ni function will like to explore new areas and opportunities rather than just being satisfied with old areas and mechanisms. ###Idealistic Ni function has a high degree of idealism about yourself and the world, always pursuing higher levels of meaning and value, rather than just being satisfied with surface-level interests and needs. The Ni function also always adheres to one’s own beliefs and principles, never compromises easily or goes with the flow, rather than just obeying the expectations and norms of others or society. For example, in life, Ni function will like to pursue self-realization and growth rather than just pursuing ease and comfort. ###Strong Independence Ni function has a strong independence of oneself and likes to rely on one’s own judgment and decision-making rather than relying on others or external information. The Ni function also likes to do things at its own pace and way, rather than being controlled by others or the external environment. The Ni function does not care much about the opinions and evaluations of others, but pays more attention to one’s own inner feelings and values ​​rather than external image and reputation. For example, in relationships, the Ni function will like to communicate and cooperate with like-minded people, rather than dealing with or catering to everyone. ##In which types does Ni function appear? According to the MBTI theory, everyone has four main cognitive functions, one of which is the Dominant Function and the other is the Auxiliary Function. These two functions are our most commonly used and skilled functions. It is also the core of our personality types. There are also Tertiary Function and Inferior Function. These two functions are relatively weak, but they will also affect us to a certain extent. The Ni function appears as the dominant function or auxiliary function in the following four types: ###INTJ (Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Intuition-Introverted Feeling-Extraverted Feeling) Ni is the dominant function of INTJ, and Te is the auxiliary function of INTJ. INTJ is a strategist type. They like to use Ni to gain insight into the nature and future of things, use Te to organize and implement their own plans and goals, use Fi to adhere to and express their values ​​and beliefs, and use Se to adapt to and respond to the external environment. INTJ is a smart, rational, calm, and decisive type. They are good at formulating long-term and comprehensive strategies, pursuing efficiency and excellence, and realizing their own visions and goals. ###INFJ (Introverted Feeling - Extraverted Intuition - Introverted Sensing - Extraverted Thinking) Ni is the dominant function of INFJ, and Fe is the auxiliary function of INFJ. INFJ is a mentor type. They like to use Ni to gain insight into the meaning and impact of things, Fe to communicate and coordinate their own and others’ emotions and values, Ti to analyze and evaluate their own and others’ thoughts and behaviors, and Se to balance and regulate themselves. and the needs and desires of others. INFJ is a warm, understanding, visionary, and influential type. They are good at guiding themselves and others to achieve personal growth and social change, pursue harmony and ideals, and convey love and wisdom. ###ENTJ (Extroverted Thinking-Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Feeling) Ni is the auxiliary function of ENTJ, and Te is the dominant function of ENTJ. ENTJ is a leader type. They like to use Te to direct and manage their own and others’ tasks and goals, use Ni to predict and plan the future and development of themselves and others, use Se to master and utilize external resources and opportunities, and use Fi to adjust and persist. own beliefs and principles. ENTJ is a strong, confident, ambitious, and capable type. They are good at organizing and leading teams or organizations to achieve high efficiency and high-quality results, pursuing power and success, and achieving their own dominance and control. ###ENFJ (Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Sensing-Introverted Thinking) Ni is the auxiliary function of ENFJ, and Fe is the dominant function of ENFJ. ENFJ is a charming type. They like to use Fe to establish and maintain emotional and value connections between themselves and others, use Ni to inspire and realize the potential and ideals of themselves and others, and use Se to feel and enjoy the beauty and diversity of the external world. Use Ti to examine and refine your own and others’ thoughts and actions. ENFJ is a warm, friendly, optimistic, and charismatic type. They are good at mobilizing themselves and others to participate in meaningful and beneficial activities, pursuing harmony and happiness, and spreading love and joy. ##What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ni function? Ni function, as a perceptual function, has many advantages and disadvantages. The following are some common advantages and disadvantages: ###Advantages - Ni function can help us see through the essence and meaning of things, and increase our insight and understanding of ourselves and the world. - Ni function can help us predict future trends and impacts, increasing our foresight and influence on ourselves and the world. - Ni function can help us formulate our own vision and goals, and increase our idealism and pursuit of ourselves and the world. - Ni function can help us maintain our independence and originality, and increase our confidence and creativity in ourselves and the world. ###Disadvantages - Ni function may cause us to be too introverted and withdrawn, difficult to communicate and cooperate with others, and easily misunderstood or ignored. - The Ni function may cause us to be overly idealistic and unrealistic, ignore practical limitations and difficulties, and be easily disappointed or frustrated. - Ni function may cause us to be too stubborn and stubborn, unwilling to accept or respect different opinions and values, and prone to conflict or alienation. - Ni function may cause us to be overly sensitive and self-blame, have difficulty satisfying or relaxing ourselves, and be easily depressed or depressed. ##How to develop and balance Ni functions? Ni function is a useful and interesting function. It can help us transcend appearances and phenomena, grasp the development trends and future impacts of things, improve our own insight and foresight, and realize our own vision and goals. However, the Ni function also needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect. Here are some suggestions for developing and balancing Ni function: - Communicate and interact with other people with Ni function, share your insights and foresight, listen to their feedback and suggestions, and learn from their strengths and experiences. - Appropriately open your mind and vision, give yourself more information and knowledge, try different angles and methods to look at things, and avoid making overly subjective or one-sided judgments. - Pay more attention to your external actions and results, use Te or Fe to realize and test your ideas, make sure they are effective and beneficial, don’t just stay in the thinking or fantasy stage. - Pay more attention to your inner needs and desires, use Fi or Ti to regulate and satisfy your emotions and values, make sure they are healthy and balanced, don’t just ignore or suppress them. ##Summary Ni function is introverted intuition, which is the ability to penetrate into the inner nature and meaning of things. The Ni function is characterized by strong insight, foresight, idealism, and independence. Ni function appears as a dominant function or auxiliary function in INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ and other types. The Ni function has many advantages, such as increased insight, increased foresight, increased ideals, increased creativity, etc. Ni function also has some disadvantages, such as being too introverted, too idealistic, too stubborn, too sensitive, etc. The Ni function needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect. > Official free MBTI online test > > Test address:

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