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The pessimist is always right, the optimist always moves forward!

Pessimists are always right, optimists always move forward! This quote expresses the philosophical view that pessimists tend to be able to foresee possible problems and challenges, so their concerns are justified to some extent. Optimists, however, choose to keep moving forward, regardless of the difficulties ahead, believing that a solution to the problem can be found. This attitude helps drive ...

From a psychological perspective, share 20 insights into life

Psychology is the science that studies human psychological activities and behaviors. It can help us better understand ourselves and others, and improve our quality of life and happiness. In this article, I will share 20 life insights from a psychological perspective, hoping to give you some inspiration and thinking. 1. Don’t deny your feelings easily, it is our inner voice. Our feelings are our r...

20 rules you must know in relationships

Relationships are an integral part of our lives, affecting our emotions, growth, and happiness. However, interpersonal communication is not an easy thing. It requires us to master some basic principles and skills in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflicts. In this article, I will share with you 20 rules of interpersonal relationships, hoping to help you improve your interpersonal skills a...

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