‘Self-Rating Symptom Scale SCL90’ is one of the most famous mental health test scales in the world and is currently the most widely used outpatient examination scale for mental disorders and mental illnesses.
SCL-90 (Symptom Checklist-90) is a commonly used symptom self-rating scale. It was compiled in 1975. Its author is LR Derogatis. It is sometimes also called Hopkins’s Symptom Checklist. , HSCL, was compiled earlier than SCL-90, the author is the same person, the earliest version of HCSL was compiled in 1954).
The SCL-90 includes 90 items covering nine different subscales, which are:
- Somatization: involves physical discomfort and symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, etc.
- Obsessive-Compulsive: involves obsessive thoughts and behaviors, such as repeated checking, hand washing, etc.
- Interpersonal Sensitivity: involves sensitivity to other people’s reactions, feelings of inferiority, etc.
- Depression: involves low mood, hopelessness, self-blame, etc.
- Anxiety: involves emotional experiences such as tension, uneasiness, fear, etc.
- Hostility: Involving anger, hostility, impulsiveness, etc.
- Phobic Anxiety: Involves fear of specific things or situations.
- Paranoid Ideation: involves suspicion and distrust of others.
- Psychoticism: Experiences involving abnormal thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors.
Each subscale has 10 items, and individuals need to rate each item based on their condition to reflect their experience and severity of the corresponding symptom area.
Assessment of the SCL-90 can provide information about individual mental health problems and help mental health professionals in diagnosis and treatment planning. However, it is only used for preliminary screening and evaluation and cannot be used as the sole basis for diagnosis. It needs to be used in conjunction with other clinical assessment tools and the opinions of professional doctors.
SCL90 can be regarded as a miniature version of the mmpi scale, with the advantage of ease of use and short evaluation speed. It is suitable for friends who suspect that they have mental health problems to do a self-examination. This test is suitable for adults (over 16 years old). The purpose of the test is to assess whether a person has certain psychological symptoms and Depending on its severity, it has a good ability to distinguish people with psychological symptoms (that is, they may be at or on the verge of a psychological disorder). It is suitable for testing those people in a certain group of people who may have psychological disorders, and what kind of psychological disorders someone may have. Psychological disorders and their severity do not apply to mania and schizophrenia.
The test scale lists symptoms or problems that some people may have. Please read each item carefully and select an appropriate option based on how well the statement matches your own situation (last week or now). :
- No: consciously do not have the problem (symptom);
- Very mild: I feel that I have this problem, but it does not occur frequently or seriously;
- Moderate: I feel that I have this symptom, and its severity is mild to moderate;
- Severe: I feel that I often have this symptom, and its degree is moderate to severe;
- Severe: The frequency and intensity of the symptoms are felt to be very serious.
As a self-evaluation scale, the specific meanings of ’light, medium, and heavy’ here should be understood by the self-evaluators themselves, and there is no need to make rigid regulations.
⚠️Note: The author of the scale has not proposed a cut-off value. According to the national norm results, if the total score exceeds 160 points or any factor score exceeds 2 points, positive screening needs to be considered and further examination is required:
-The total score reflects the severity of the condition.
-Total symptom index: total score/90, indicating where the subject’s self-feeling lies between 1 and 5 based on the overall situation. The score of the total symptom index is between 1 and 1.5, indicating that the subject feels that there are no symptoms listed in the scale; between 1.5 and 2.5, indicating that the subject feels some symptoms, but they occur infrequently; between 2.5 and 2.5 Between 3.5, it indicates that the subject feels symptomatic, and the severity is mild to moderate; between 3.5 and 4.5, it indicates that the subject feels symptomatic, and the severity is moderate to severe; between 4.5 and 5, it indicates that the subject feels symptomatic, and the severity is mild to moderate; It feels like it is present, and the frequency and intensity of the symptoms are very severe.
- Number of positive items: The number of items with a single score ≥ 2, indicating how many items the subject has ‘symptoms’.
- Number of negative items: The number of items with a single score = 1, indicating how many items the subject is ‘asymptomatic’.
- Average score of positive symptoms: (total score - number of negative items)/number of positive items, indicating the average score of subjects in the ‘symptomatic’ items. What is the range of severity of the items that reflect the subject’s poor self-feeling?
This test result report only contains the total score evaluation, and the detailed results need to be evaluated by the test takers based on their scores.
This test can not only be used for self-testing, but also for checking other people (such as those with abnormal behavior and the possibility of mental or psychological illness). If it is found that the score is high, further screening should be carried out.