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50 cognitive biases that Musk recommends everyone master

The 50 cognitive biases that Musk recommends that everyone should master are an in-depth analysis of the common errors and biases in our thinking. These cognitive biases not only exist in our personal lives, but also widely affect social and economic development. Understanding these cognitive biases can help us see things more objectively and make smarter decisions. 1. Fundamental Attribution Err...

15 common psychological mistakes made by contemporary people, don’t be “deceived” by your own brain anymore

Do you sometimes feel that your way of thinking is irrational or that you have made some wrong decisions? You may be 'tricked' by your own brain. The human brain is a very complex and magical organ that can help us process all kinds of information, solve problems, and create imaginations. However, the brain also has its limitations and flaws. It will be affected by some psychological biases (cogni...

PsycTest User Registration Agreement Terms

Update time: June 26, 2023 Effective date: June 26, 2023 respected user: You are welcome to choose and use PsycTest products. PsycTest reminds you that please read all the following content carefully, especially the terms in bold or other reasonable ways to draw your attention, and please focus on reading the terms (especially the terms of intellectual property authorization and personal infor...

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