When asked in an interview about salary expectations, how much is a reasonable offer? 3 steps to teach you how to negotiate a good salary

The end of the year is coming soon, and many people are hesitant to change jobs or change jobs after the year, simply because they hope to get better treatment. However, the main reason why everyone decides whether to change jobs is whether they can negotiate a better salary during the interview. Some netizens posted online to share that they were a recent graduate from a liberal arts university and had just gone to an electronics company for an interview. However, when it came time to fill in the ’expected salary’ at the last step, because I did not have a bachelor’s degree and had no experience. , I am worried that the salary is too high and I will not be admitted, so I ask netizens for their opinions!

After the article was exposed, some netizens believed that the original PO ‘should offer a salary higher than expected because the company will bargain.’ Another group of netizens believed that ’the negotiation can start from the salary on the recruitment website.’ Most netizens believed that ’ It is at least 1.2-1.5 times more than the original salary to have the value of changing jobs.’ ‘It is reasonable to ask for 1.5 times the salary to change jobs, and 2 times the salary is great. After all, there are pains and running-in periods in the early stage of the switch.’ Encourage the original PO ‘Just start jumping by 2 times.’

Asked during the interview about expected salary

In the interview, I was asked about my salary expectations. How much is a reasonable offer? 3 steps taught to you

During the interview, the interviewer will usually ask about your expected salary in order to understand your ‘minimum bottom line’ so that the company can verify your salary. If your answer is ‘according to company regulations’, I am afraid that the final salary you receive will be You won’t be very satisfied; however, if you answer a salary that is too high, you may worry that it exceeds the company’s salary standard, will not be able to advance to the next level of re-examination, and may even miss the opportunity to get a good job.

Therefore, what is a reasonable salary offer? How should job seekers talk about high salary? In fact, there is no certain standard for this. In many cases, due to differences between Taiwanese businessmen and foreign businessmen, or differences in industries and fields, even for the same position, different companies have different salary standards for recruiting talents.

It is recommended that you do the following 3 points before the job interview. When entering the salary negotiation stage, you will be more confident in shouting out the expected figures!

1. Confirm your acceptable minimum salary

Measure the minimum salary you can accept in advance. For example, if the monthly salary is 25K, then when looking for a job or interviewing, if the total salary and benefits are less than 25K, they will be excluded. However, if the company’s monthly salary is less than 25K, but the annual salary totals on average more than 25K, or if the new company has a higher salary increase than the original company, it can be considered.

Set the minimum salary you can accept before the interview, and bravely refuse a salary lower than this standard during salary negotiations. This will prevent you from having to settle for a lower salary, or avoid the idea of changing after you find that it does not meet your expectations. Thoughts of work.

2. Collect information and investigate market conditions before the interview

In addition to confirming your expected salary, you need to investigate the market salary situation in advance and always pay attention to the salary and salary adjustments in the job market as a reference for salary negotiation. Many recruitment websites and headhunting companies will also publish the annual average salary levels of industries and categories as a reference; on the other hand, environmental factors will also affect the salary market of industries and positions, such as whether the industry is short of workers and whether the field is Popularity, future development of the position, etc. are also factors that affect whether you can talk about a higher salary!

It is recommended that job seekers search the Internet for people who have shared their experience in salary negotiation at the company, and consider other people’s and their own academic experiences, project achievements, etc. as bargaining chips for you; in addition, there are many job search platforms on the Internet where you can search for various jobs. Salary trends for each company.

Directly asking seniors who have gained experience in the field is the most direct and effective way. You can ask senior students, relatives and friends who have relevant experience through your network, and you can even ask them about their salary negotiation experience or experience during interviews. Skill.

3. Ask about the company’s salary and benefit system during the interview

In addition to the fixed salary, it is recommended that you learn more about the company’s salary and allowance-related benefits during the interview, such as year-end bonuses, dividends, allowances, salary adjustment systems, etc., because these allowances can also be converted into actual salary to estimate the annual salary. Do A reference for comparing multiple companies. Many small companies do not fully write down their salary and benefit systems on the company’s official website or recruitment advertisements, so it is most efficient to ask the interviewer directly during the interview.

Finally, when HR asks you about your expected salary, provide the salary range you are able to accept (the lower limit must be higher than the minimum salary you accept). Although the company may give you the lowest number of expected salary, provide the range. This will give you some flexibility when interviewing companies to determine your salary, and will not stop your chances of admission.

Friends who are planning to change careers recently, please quickly follow the above three steps. When asked about ’expected salary’ during the interview, I hope you can confidently and firmly state your expected salary; when the interviewer asks ’ You have no relevant work experience’ and so on, but you can also be brave enough to refuse!

Many people are not confident enough in themselves and do not dare to negotiate during the interview. However, in fact, both the employer and the job seeker are equal during the interview. As long as you have the corresponding conditions and abilities, you should bravely speak up and fight for yourself. I wish everyone can get a good salary when they change jobs after this year!

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Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/kVxry5A3/

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