"Why did you leave your last job?" Teach you the 4 major methods of replying, and you can give a standard answer no matter what the reason is!

During the interview, there is a question that remains unchanged for thousands of years: “Why did you leave your last job?” This is also the question that almost all interviewers are most afraid of facing. How to answer it beautifully and achieve a gorgeous turn? A profound task indeed. Instead of worrying about how to answer “yourself”, why not think about, if you are an employer, why do you need the answer to this question? A few years ago, there was a very popular picture on the Internet. An employee wrote on his resignation note, “The world is big, I want to see it.” It received enthusiastic reposts. Such a reason full of feelings and dreams is certainly romantic, but for For the employer, what he needs to know is: “After you go to the world and see the world, what positive feedback will you have on my company and this position?”. Breaking up and saying goodbye is always the hardest part. The other party will also want to observe your attitude in changing jobs from your words and actions, and whether you are a suitable partner to work with.

Resignation can be roughly divided into four situations. The situations mentioned below also provide you with ideas on how to succeed. Speak out the reasons for your resignation in a polite and elegant manner. ##1. I am working and want to change jobs

The work reaches a ceiling, and the salary increase cannot be increased , often the situation of office workers who are still working. It is recommended that you tell the truth about your current situation during the interview: “Why are you looking for a job?”, “Why do you want to leave?” If it is conveyed directly: The company works overtime too often and the company does not give me a salary increase, it will be obvious , the other party may also be afraid that he will cause you the same trouble. It is better to use another point of view to state: “Because my salary in this company is relatively low, I think that after two years of training and growth, the company cannot afford to pay me accordingly.” I also understand that the company’s overall salary level is difficult, so I hope to find a job in a place that is suitable for my ability growth and where I can exert and contribute more." “I personally can accept voluntary overtime and am willing to work together with the company. Times are tough, but because the current overtime hours in this company are too long, it has affected my life and work balance. I hope to maintain the quality of my work, so based on practical considerations, I want to change to another company that better meets our needs. company.” ##2. Have resigned and are dissatisfied with the last job

I suggest conveying Avoid lying when it comes to this message, but be selective in how you convey it. If you blindly criticize your former company for being bad, you may make the other person think that you are too intolerant or that you did not treat your former employer well enough. If you feel that your abilities are being oppressed by the company’s policies, you can say: “I want to find a stage that can provide me with the opportunity to display my talents.” If a discord with my supervisor leads to my resignation, I can say: “Although I learned from my former supervisor. There are many things, but they have reached a saturation level at this stage. As far as my personal career plan is concerned, I really hope to have more growth in your company…”; If the work load is too heavy and unreasonable for the business scope, you can state: “Because I really like your company’s clear growth goals, departmental division of labor and entrepreneurial spirit. The scope of my previous company that I wanted to explore is no longer the company’s current development direction. I think leaving my job is a better decision for both of us. I am also very grateful to my former company for their kindness and teachings, which made me a more comprehensive person, so I want to develop in your company…" Simply put, you can “put it another way” and show your vision in your words and put forward your opinions. Future plans and your expectations for your abilities and growth. ##3. I have been out of work for a long time and am currently unemployed

You may have been thinking about it for a while after leaving your job. Life, a gap year to complete your bucket list, or simply being unable to find a job. The former answer can be: “I have been in the workplace for a long time and feel that my changes have become stagnant, so I have set a XX-year rest plan for myself. I have set some simple goals for this plan, hoping that I can Through this method, I regained my passion for life. After XX years, I also found that I really like my motivation in the workplace…” And if the latter is still unable to find a job, I would suggest that you be vague When looking for a job, you can say: “After leaving my job, I spent some time reorganizing my current goals. I found that what I needed was a company that allowed me to take on more tasks and responsibilities, so I established my job search more clearly. “Direction…” In this way, he indirectly conveys that he does not have time to work. In fact, he is waiting for a suitable company, and it can also show his caution and seriousness. ##4. Unfortunately, I was laid off by the company

Don’t be afraid to state the fact that you were laid off! Being laid off often involves the company’s business adjustments and structural integration, such as company relocation, company reduction of manpower due to budget; or, this team is really not suitable for you. Adjust psychologically first. This is a more rational choice for both of you. There is no harm in not expecting or expecting. I suggest you first think about why your boss chose you instead of others during the layoffs: “Because you are too young?”, “Because the results of your work have not been seen?” In addition, what kind of things have you observed during this layoff? thing? Have you thought about and reflected on yourself, how can you avoid such a situation from happening again in the next company in response to the problems of the previous company? “After my reflection, I found that the company’s current goals are not in line with the abilities I have developed and accumulated. The company wants me to do more interpersonal communication, but I hope to focus more on my technology and expertise to optimize the company’s products. Therefore I also hope to find a position that can truly utilize my skills!” Or you can honestly state the company’s force majeure factors: “Due to the company’s personnel budget reduction, I am the most recent employee of the company among the entire team, so I cannot It will bring them the most beneficial experience, so the company also hopes that I will go to a place where I can develop my talents better.” In fact, it is not difficult to tell the truth. What matters is how you say it. Don’t let people think that you are too ambitious, think highly of yourself, or don’t know yourself well enough. Try your best to find objective reasons, discuss both sides’ positions, state your future plans based on your personal ambitions, and express the connection between your abilities and the company you are applying for. I believe this will make the interviewer more impressed by your answers. **Test what career direction is suitable for you? **

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/0rdBwGv3/

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