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Test your social adaptability?

The world we live in is full of changes. In many cases, most people do not have the ability to change the environment they live in. They can only change themselves to a certain extent to make themselves more adaptable to the external world. However, 'the situation is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change.' . Change, can you do it? This test has 20 questions, each question has 5 an...

What's missing from your successful tactics?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
If you want to get rich and succeed, you must cultivate your high quality in many aspects. However, we are not all versatile, and there are always some unsatisfactory shortcomings. How far are you from success? What other abilities do you need to cross the threshold of success? Please take this quiz and it will tell you the answer.

Can you communicate freely in the Internet age?

With the popularity of the Internet, many people have fallen into an illusory world and cannot extricate themselves. They are whispering with 'lovers' who do not know whether they are male or female, or are immersed in the endless fighting of online games. Over time, they will lose the real world. The ability to communicate with people. When you have to return to the real reality, you will feel t...

Are you a mature person?

Character/Personality 3 2 minute 1
A person with rich life experience is usually a person with mature personality. Such people are confident in themselves in everything they do, believe in their own abilities and ideas, and are good at using their own knowledge and learning. At work, he can face everything calmly, and he will not give up even if he encounters big setbacks. He values relationships with his colleagues. He has his...

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