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Are you empty?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
Nowadays, we often hear words such as "Oh, it's really boring, there is no point in doing anything", "Forget it, let's just do it, there is nothing to do", etc. This is a manifestation of psychological emptiness. Empty psychology refers to the emptiness in a person's spiritual world, having no faith, no sustenance, being bored, or being addicted to Pai Gow, drinking and taking drugs, prostitution ...

Do you often feel empty?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
Nowadays, we often hear words such as "Oh, it's really boring, there is no point in doing anything", "Forget it, let's just do it, there is nothing to do", etc. This is a manifestation of psychological emptiness. Are you mentally empty now? Answer this test question with "Yes" or "No".

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