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4 manifestations of “pseudo-diligence”

Pseudo-diligence may seem like a sign of diligence on paper, but in fact it is an inefficient or even ineffective behavior. Professor Jordan Peterson, a well-known psychology expert, has summarized four manifestations of pseudo-diligence. Let us understand them one by one. 1. Pseudo-diligent people will spend a lot of time doing the easiest things and show off their hard work everywhere. This b...

Subconscious: What we don’t know about ourselves

We do all kinds of things, say all kinds of things, and express all kinds of emotions every day. However, have you ever thought that these superficial behaviors and feelings are actually driven by our subconscious minds deep inside? What is the subconscious mind? How does it affect us? Let’s explore this mysterious and important spiritual realm together. What is the subconscious mind? The Uncons...

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