The MBTI types of athletes participating in the Chinese delegation at the Paris Olympic Games revealed-PsycTest MBTI personality database

The MBTI types of athletes participating in the Chinese delegation at the Paris Olympic Games revealed-PsycTest MBTI personality database

At the ongoing Paris Olympics, the athletes of the Chinese delegation are showing their sports talents in different ways, and the character traits behind them are also one of the important factors that contribute to their success. Today, we will explore the personality characteristics of these Olympic athletes through the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) type, and at the same time introduce to you a powerful tool - the MBTI personality database provided by the PsycTest official website.

What is MBTI?

The MBTI is a psychological tool used to measure and describe individual personality traits, developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers based on Jung’s theory of psychological types. MBTI divides personality into 16 types, covering four dimensions: extroversion (E) or introversion (I), feeling (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), judging (J) or Perception (P).

Understanding the characteristics of these 16 personality types can help us better understand individuals’ behavior patterns and decision-making methods in different situations. Here is a brief introduction to the 16 personality types:

1. ISTJ (introversion, feeling, thinking, judging)

Dependable, responsible and detail oriented. They like a structured environment, value traditions and rules, and are good at organization and planning.

2. ISFJ (introversion, feeling, emotion, judgment)

Caring about others, down-to-earth, gentle. They pay attention to the needs of others, like to provide support and help, and are good at building stable interpersonal relationships.

3. INFJ (introversion, intuition, emotion, judgment)

Idealistic, insightful, and compassionate. They focus on long-term goals and visions and are good at understanding the emotions and needs of others.

4. INTJ (introversion, intuition, thinking, judgment)

Strategist, independent, confident. They have a strong sense of goal and planning ability, are good at analyzing complex problems, and pursue efficiency and innovation.

5. ISTP (Introversion, Feeling, Thinking, Perceiving)

Pragmatist, calm and flexible. They enjoy hands-on problem solving and are good at handling practical situations and challenges.

6. ISFP (Introversion, Feeling, Feeling, Perception)

Gentle, creative and easy-going. They have a keen intuition of beauty and like to explore and experience life freely.

7. INFP (introversion, intuition, emotion, perception)

Idealistic, empathetic, and creative. They focus on personal values and ideals and pursue inner truth and meaning.

8. INTP (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perception)

Theoretician, analytical, independent. They like to explore abstract concepts, pursue logic and knowledge, and like to think about complex problems.

9. ESTP (Extroversion, Feeling, Thinking, Perceiving)

Practical, adventurous, action oriented. They like to solve problems through practice and are good at responding to changes and challenges quickly.

10. ESFP (Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception)

Active, optimistic, social. They like to interact with people, enjoy the fun in life, and are good at adapting to changes and coping with stress.

11. ENFP (Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception)

Passionate, imaginative, and interpersonal. They seek new and meaningful experiences and are good at motivating others and developing creative ideas.

12. ENTP (Extroversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perception)

Innovative, smart and flexible. They like to challenge traditional ways of thinking and are good at solving complex problems and coming up with new ideas.

13. ESTJ (Extroversion, Feeling, Thinking, Judging)

Organizer, pragmatic and strong in leadership. They focus on efficiency and order, are good at planning and execution, and like clear rules and structures.

14. ESFJ (extroversion, feeling, emotion, judgment)

Caring, social, helpful. They value harmonious interpersonal relationships, are good at paying attention to the needs of others, and like to maintain social harmony.

15. ENFJ (Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judgment)

A leader, empathetic and inspiring. They pay attention to the development and growth of others, are good at motivating and organizing teams, and pursue ideals and goals.

16. ENTJ (extroversion, intuition, thinking, judgment)

Strategic, decisive, goal-oriented. They like to make plans and lead implementation, are good at organization and management, and pursue efficiency and results.

MBTI types of Chinese team’s Paris Olympic athletes

MBTI types of Paris Olympic athletes

Let’s take a look at the MBTI types of some athletes from the Chinese delegation and feel the diversity and uniqueness of their personalities. The sources of these MBTI types are explained as follows: for the public MBTI types, we directly quoted the data provided by the PsycTest official website; for the undisclosed types, we made speculations based on the athletes’ public performance and personality characteristics. If you have a different opinion or think some of the speculations are inaccurate, you are welcome to vote on PsycTest’s MBTI personality database to help determine the final personality type.


  • Women: Chen Yiwen (ISFJ), Chang Yani (ESFP), Chen Yuxi (INFJ), Quan Hongchan (ISFP)
  • Men: Wang Zongyuan (INTJ), Xie Siyi (ENFP), Long Daoyi (ISTP), Yang Hao (ENTP), Cao Yuan (ESFJ), Lian Junjie (ESTP)


  • Female: Hou Zhihui (ISFJ), Luo Shifang (ESFP), Li Wenwen (ESTJ)
  • Men: Li Fabin (ISTJ), Shi Zhiyong (ESTP), Liu Huanhua (ENTJ)


  • Men’s Singles: Wang Chuqin (ENTP), Fan Zhendong (ISTP)
  • Women’s Singles: Sun Yingsha (ISFP), Chen Meng (ISFJ)
  • Mixed Doubles: Wang Chuqin (ENTP)/Sun Yingsha (ISFP)
  • Men’s Team: Wang Chuqin (ENTP), Fan Zhendong (ISTP), Ma Long (INFJ), substitute: Liang Jingkun (ESTJ)
  • Women’s Team: Sun Yingsha (ISFP), Chen Meng (ISFJ), Wang Manyu (ESTP), substitute: Wang Yidi (ESFJ)

Rifle Pistol Shooting

  • Women’s 10m Air Rifle: Huang Yuting (ISFP), Han Jiayu (INFJ)
  • Men’s 10m Air Rifle: Sheng Lihao (INTJ), Du Linshu (ISTP)
  • 10m Air Rifle Mixed Team: Huang Yuting (ISFP), Han Jiayu (INFJ), Sheng Lihao (INTJ), Du Linshu (ISTP)
  • Women’s 10m Air Pistol: Jiang Ranxin (ISFJ), Li Xue (ESFP)
  • Men’s 10m Air Pistol: Zhang Bowen (ESTJ), Xie Yu (ISFP)
  • 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team: Jiang Ranxin (ISFJ), Li Xue (ESFP), Zhang Bowen (ESTJ), Xie Yu (ISFP)
  • Men’s 25m Pistol Rapid Fire: Li Yuehong (ISTJ), Wang Xinjie (ENTP)
  • Women’s 25m Sports Pistol: Zhao Nan (ISFP), Liang Xiaoya (ENFJ)
  • Women’s 50m Rifle Three Positions: Zhang Qiongyue (ISFJ), Han Jiayu (INFJ)
  • Men’s 50m Rifle Three Positions: Liu Yukun (ISTP), Du Linshu (ISTP)


  • Men’s Singles: Shi Yuqi (ISFP), Li Shifeng (ESTP)
  • Women’s Singles: Chen Yufei (ISFJ), He Bingjiao (ESFP)
  • Men’s Doubles: Liang Weikeng (ISTJ)/Wang Chang (ENTP), Liu Yuchen (INFJ)/Ou Xuanyi (ISTP)
  • Women’s Doubles: Chen Qingchen (ESFJ)/Jia Yifan (ISFP), Liu Shengshu (ESTJ)/Tan Ning (ISFJ)
  • Mixed Doubles: Zheng Siwei (ENTP)/Huang Yaqiong (ESFP), Feng Yanzhe (ISFJ)/Huang Dongping (ISFP)


  • Men: Zou Jingyuan (ISFP), Zhang Boheng (INFJ), Liu Yang (ESTJ), Xiao Ruoteng (ENTP), Sun Wei (ISTP), substitutes: You Hao (INTJ), Lan Xingyu (ISTJ), Su Weide (ESFP), Shi Cong (ENFP)
  • Female: Qiu Qiyuan (INFJ), Zhou Yaqin (ISFJ), Ou Yushan (ENFP), Zhang Yihan (ISFP), Luo Huan (ESTJ), substitute: Du Siyu (ESFP), Zhang Qingying (ISFP), Huang Zhuofan (INTJ) )


  • Men: Yan Langyu (INTJ), Wang Zisai (ISTP), substitute: Li Yuming (ISFP)
  • Female: Hu Yicheng (ESFP), Zhu Xueying (ISFJ), substitute: Lin Qianqi (ENFJ)


  • Female: Zhang Yufei (ISFP), Ye Shiwen (INFJ), Li Bingjie (ESFJ), Yang Junxuan (ENTP), Tang Qianting (ISTJ), Yu Yiting (ISFP), Peng Xuwei (ENFP), Wu Qingfeng (INFJ) , Liu Yaxin (ESTJ), Yang Chang (ESFP), Wan Letian (ISFJ), Wang Xueer (ISFP), Gao Weizhong (ENTJ), Chen Luying (ISFP), Tang Muhan (ENFP), Cheng Yujie (ESFJ), Ge Chutong (ISTJ), Kong Yaqi ( ESFP)
  • Men: Wang Shun (INFJ), Xu Jiayu (ISTJ), Qin Haiyang (INTP), Pan Zhanle (ENTP), Dong Zhihao (ISFP), Ji Xinjie (ESFJ), Wang Haoyu (INTJ), Zhang Zhanshuo (ISFP), Wang Changhao (ESTP), Sun Jiajun (ISFP), Fei Liwei (ENFP), Chen Juner (ISTP), Niu Guangsheng (ISFJ)

synchronised swimming

  • Feng Yu (ISFJ), Chang Hao (ENTP), Wang Ciyue (ISFP), Zhang Yayi (ISFP), Wang Liuyi (ESFP), Wang Qianyi (ENFP), Xiao Yanning (ISFJ), Xiang Xuanxuan (ESFJ), substitute: Cheng Wentao (ENTJ)


  • Women’s Individual Foil: Chen Qingyuan (INFJ), Huang Qianqian (ISFP), Wang Yuting (ESFP)
  • Men’s Foil Individual: Mo Ziwei (ISTP), Chen Haiwei (ENTP), Xu Jie (ESFJ)
  • Women’s Individual Epee: Sun Yiwen (INFJ), Yu Sihan (ISFP), Tang Junyao (ENFJ)
  • Men’s Individual Epee: Wang Zijie (INTJ)
  • Women’s Individual Saber: Yang Hengyu (ESFP)
  • Men’s Sword Individual: Shen Chenpeng (ISFP)
  • Women’s Foil Team: Chen Qingyuan (INFJ), Huang Qianqian (ISFP), Wang Yuting (ESFP), substitute: Jiao Enqi (ESFJ)
  • Men’s Foil Team: Mo Ziwei (ISTP), Chen Haiwei (ENTP), Xu Jie (ESFJ), substitute: Wu Bin (ISFP)
  • Women’s Epee Team: Sun Yiwen (INFJ), Yu Sihan (ISFP), Tang Junyao (ENFJ), substitute: Xu Nuo (ISFP)


  • Women-49kg: Guo Qing (ISFP)
  • Women-57kg: Luo Zongshi (ENFJ)
  • Women-67kg: Song Jie (ESFJ)
  • Women’s +67kg: Zhou Zeqi (ISFP)
  • Men-68kg: Liang Yushuai (ENTP)
  • Men’s +80kg: Song Zhaoxiang (ISTJ)


  • Women’s 50kg: Wu Yu (ISFP)
  • Women’s 54kg: Chang Yuan (ESFP)
  • Women’s 57kg: Xu Zichun (ENTJ)
  • Women’s 60kg: Yang Wenlu (ISFJ)
  • Women’s 66kg: Yang Liu (ENFP)
  • Women’s 75kg: Li Qian (ESTJ)
  • Men’s 80kg: Tohtarbek Tanglatihan (ISTP)
  • Men’s 92kg: Han Xuezhen (INFJ)

Women’s Basketball

  • Wang Siyu (ESFJ), Li Yueru (ISFJ), Li Meng (ENFP), Li Yuan (ISTP), Zhang Ru (ESFP), Wu Tongtong (ISFP), Luo Xincheng (ENTJ), Jin Weina (ISFP), Tang Ziting (ISFP) ), Tang Yu (ENFJ), Sun Mengran (ESFJ), Huang Sijing (INFJ), Han Xu (ISTJ), Yang Liwei (ISFP), Yang Shuyu (ESFP), Pan Zhenqi (ESTJ)

Rhythmic Gymnastics

  • Collective: Guo Qiqi (ENFJ), Hao Ting (ISFJ), Huang Zhang Jiayang (ESTP), Wang Lanjing (ESFJ), Ding Xinyi (INFP)
  • Personal: Wang Zilu (INFJ)

sailing board

  • Men’s Hydrofoil Windsurfing: Huang Jingye (ISTJ)
  • Women’s Hydrofoil Windsurfing: Yan Zheng (ESFJ)
  • Men’s Kiteboard: Huang Qibin (ENTP)
  • Women’s Kiteboard: Chen Jingle (ISFP)
  • Women’s ILCA6 Sailing: Gu Min (INTJ)
  • Men’s 49er Class Sailing Boat: Wen Zaiding (ESTJ), Liu Tian (ISFP)
  • Women’s 49erFX Class Sailing Boat: Hu Xiaoyu (ENFJ), Shan Mengyuan (INFJ)
  • Mixed 470 Class Sailing Boat: Xu Zangjun (INTP), Lu Yixiao (ESFP)
  • Mixed Nacra17 Class Sailing Boat: Mai Huicong (ENTJ), Chen Linlin (ISFJ)

golf ball

  • Men: Yuan Yechun (INTJ), Dou Zecheng (ESTP)
  • Women: Yin Ruoning (ISTP), Lin Xiyu (ENFP)

Modern Pentathlon

  • Men: Luo Shuai (ENTJ), Li Shuhuan (INFJ)
  • Female: Zhang Mingyu (ISFJ)


  • Women’s Individual: Lin Xinyu (ENFP) (Substitute: Yang Yifan (ESFJ))

Marathon swimming

  • Xinxin (ISFP)


  • Women-48kg: Guo Zongying (ESTJ)
  • Women-52kg: Zhu Yeqing (ISFJ)
  • Women-57kg: Cai Qi (ENFP)
  • Women-63kg: Tang Jing (ISTJ)
  • Women-78kg: Ma Zhenzhao (INTJ)
  • Women’s +78kg: Seo Shi-yeon (ENTJ)

3-person basketball

  • Men: Zhu Yuanbo (ESTP), Zhang Ning (ENFP), Zhao Jiaren (ISFP), Yan Peng (ENTJ), Guo Hanyu (ISTJ), Lu Wenbo (INFJ)
  • Female: Wan Jiyuan (ESFJ), Wang Lili (ENFJ), Zhang Zhiting (ISTJ), Chen Yujie (ISFP), Chen Minngling (ENFP), Huang Kun (ESFP)

Learn more about MBTI types: PsycTest’s MBTI Personality Database

If you are interested in MBTI type, or want to know your own MBTI type, PsycTest official website provides free MBTI personality test , as well as a powerful MBTI personality database. Here, you can check the MBTI types of various characters, and through a wealth of tests and information, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the characteristics and performance of different personality types.

Why choose PsycTest’s MBTI personality database?

  1. Rich data: The database contains the MBTI types of a large number of people, from celebrities to ordinary people, covering a wide range of people.
  2. Accurate testing: Through scientific and rigorous testing, we can help you accurately locate your MBTI type.
  3. Detailed analysis: Each MBTI type has detailed personality analysis and suggestions to help you better understand yourself.
  4. Practical application: Understanding MBTI types can help you achieve better results in career planning, interpersonal relationships, personal growth, etc.

How to use PsycTest’s MBTI personality database?

Visit the PsycTest official website and enter the MBTI personality database . You can:

  • Enter the name you are interested in via the search box to see their MBTI type.
  • Take the MBTI test to discover your personality type.
  • Browse detailed introductions to different types and learn how to use them to your advantage in daily life.


By understanding the MBTI types of Olympic athletes, we can see the importance of personality traits on the road to success. Whether you want to better understand yourself or improve the quality of your life and work through MBTI types, PsycTest’s MBTI Personality Database is a trustworthy tool. Come and explore!

Visit the PsycTest official website to start your MBTI journey! If you have a different opinion about an athlete’s MBTI type, feel free to vote in the PsycTest database to help determine the final personality type.

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