MBTI cognitive function: Ti function - establishing internal logic

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation | Characteristics | — | — | — | | Extraverted intuition | Ne | Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively | | Introversion Intuition | Ni | Convergent association; seeks unchanging and common truths, believes in intuition; is good at discovering the essence, and predicts the future accordingly | | Extraverted Reality | Se | Objective Reality; seeks sensory stimulation, likes changes in the environment; is good at adapting to new things Environment, keen observation | | Introverted Reality | Si | Subjective Reality; retain and ruminate on past memories, believe in experience; good at defending rules and routines | | Extraverted Thinking | Te | Positivist logic; believe in facts, value results; good at norms Process, improve system, promote progress | | Introverted Thinking | Ti | Sceptic logic; doubt facts, value principles; good at designing unique methods of doing things, adjusting according to the situation | | Extraversion Sense | Fe | The emotions of the group; focus on consensus and emotional feedback between people; good at reading, persuading and influencing others | | Introverted emotion | Fi | Individual emotions; focus on individuality, paying attention to individual emotions and values; good at taking the place of others situation, empathy and support for the weak | MBTI theory holds that everyone has four main cognitive functions, which are the mental processes people use when perceiving and judging things. Two of them are sensing functions (Sensing or Intuition), two are judging functions (Thinking or Feeling), and each function has an extraverted or introverted tendency. This article will focus on one of the judgment functions - Introverted Thinking, referred to as Ti function**. Ti function is the ability to establish and apply internal logic. It can help us clarify our ideas and principles, improve our ability to analyze and solve problems, and increase our confidence and independence. This article will elaborate on the Ti function from the following aspects: - What are the characteristics of the Ti function? - In which genres does Ti functionality appear? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ti function? - How to develop and balance Ti function?

##What are the characteristics of Ti function? ###The strong rationality function has a strong rational pursuit of things, always wanting to find out the essence and laws of things, and constantly thinking and reasoning. The Ti function is highly skeptical of facts, likes to use one’s own logic to verify and judge things, and does not easily accept what others or authorities say. For example, during learning, the Ti function will like to explore deep reasons and meanings, rather than just memorizing superficial concepts and formulas. ###Strong Independence Ti function has strong independent requirements for itself, always wanting to do things in its own way, without being affected by others or the environment. The Ti function has a high degree of confidence and self-esteem in itself, likes to evaluate itself and others by its own standards, and does not easily compromise or cater to others. For example, at work, Ti functions will like to design and implement their own plans and methods, rather than just following the arrangements and instructions of others or organizations. ###Strong Creativity Ti function has a strong creative drive, always wanting to create new and valuable things that conform to its own logic, and constantly improving and perfecting its own works. The Ti function has a high degree of challenge and progress requirements for itself. It likes to use its own abilities to solve complex and difficult problems and is not satisfied with the status quo or routine. For example, in creation, the Ti function will like to build and develop its own theoretical model or system architecture, rather than just imitating or borrowing from others or existing achievements.

###Strong introversion Ti function has a strong introversion tendency, always wanting to immerse in one’s own inner world, constantly reflecting and sorting out one’s thinking. The Ti function has low attention and sensitivity to the outside world. It likes to use its own time and space to think and create, and does not require too much external stimulation or feedback. For example, in life, Ti function will like to have in-depth communication and discussion alone or with a few close friends, rather than only participating in lively or superficial social activities. ##In which types does Ti function appear? According to the MBTI theory, everyone has four main cognitive functions, one of which is the Dominant Function and the other is the Auxiliary Function. These two functions are our most commonly used and skilled functions. It is also the core of our personality types. There are also Tertiary Function and Inferior Function. These two functions are relatively weak, but they will also affect us to a certain extent. The Ti function appears as the dominant function or auxiliary function in the following four types: ###INTP (Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Intuition-Introverted Feeling-Extraverted Feeling) Ti is the dominant function of INTP, and Ne is the auxiliary function of INTP. INTP is a thinker type. They like to use Ti to build and improve their own theoretical systems, use Ne to find and explore new knowledge and information, use Si to accumulate and store their own experience and data, and use Fe to regulate and adapt to their emotions and interpersonal relationships. INTP is an intelligent, rational, curious, and independent type. They are good at analyzing and solving complex and abstract problems, pursuing truth and wisdom, and creating novel and valuable ideas. ###ISTP (Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Feeling) Ti is the dominant function of ISTP, and Se is the auxiliary function of ISTP. ISTP is a craftsman type. They like to use Ti to analyze and understand the principles and structures of things, use Se to observe and operate the details and changes of things, use Ni to predict and plan the trends and directions of things, and use Fe to coordinate and adapt to their emotions. and interpersonal relationships. ISTP is a smart, practical, calm, and flexible type. They are good at using their skills and tools to solve practical and urgent problems, pursue efficiency and effectiveness, and create practical and useful works. ###ENTP (Extroverted Intuition-Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Feeling) Ti is the auxiliary function of ENTP, and Ne is the dominant function of ENTP. ENTP is an innovator type. They like to use Ne to explore various possibilities, use Ti to analyze and understand the principles of things, use Fe to communicate and collaborate with others, and use Si to review and summarize experiences. ENTP is a smart, resourceful, flexible, and versatile type. They are good at identifying problems and opportunities, proposing creative solutions, and promoting change and progress. ###ESTP (Extroverted Sensing-Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Intuition) Ti is the auxiliary function of ESTP, and Se is the dominant function of ESTP. ESTP is a challenger type. They like to use Se to seek sensory stimulation and environmental changes, use Ti to analyze and evaluate the pros and cons and risks of things, use Fe to interact and compete with others, and use Ni to adjust and optimize their goals and strategies. ESTP is a smart, decisive, brave, and active type. They are good at using their own opportunities and resources to deal with challenges and crises, pursue excitement and achievement, and create fast and effective results. ##What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ti function? As a judgment function, the Ti function has many advantages and disadvantages. The following are some common advantages and disadvantages: ###Advantages - Ti function can help us establish and apply our own internal logic, improve the clarity and accuracy of our thinking, and increase our understanding and awareness. - Ti function can help us analyze and solve complex and difficult problems, improve our creativity and efficiency, and increase our sense of achievement and satisfaction. - The Ti function can help us maintain our independence, do things our own way, improve our self-confidence and self-esteem, and increase our autonomy and freedom. - Ti function can help us create novel and valuable things that conform to our own logic, improve our innovation ability and contribution, and increase our influence and value. ###Disadvantages - Ti function may cause us to be too rational, ignore or suppress our own or others’ emotions and needs, and easily cause conflicts or estrangement. - Ti function may cause us to be too independent, have difficulty cooperating or coordinating with others, and be easily isolated or misunderstood. - Ti function may cause us to be too creative, ignore or oppose others or existing rules or methods, easily take risks or be excluded. - Ti function may cause us to be too introverted, difficult to pay attention to or adapt to external changes or requirements, and easily fall behind or be ignored. ##How to develop and balance Ti functions? The Ti function is a useful and interesting function. It can help us establish and use our own internal logic, improve our ability to analyze and solve problems, and increase our confidence and independence. However, the Ti function also needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect. Here are some suggestions for developing and balancing Ti function: - Communicate and interact with other people with Ti function, share your own logic and ideas, listen to their feedback and suggestions, and learn from their strengths and experiences. - Pay appropriate attention to your own or others’ emotions and needs, use Fe or Fi to express and understand your own or others’ feelings, and ensure that your logic will not harm yourself or others. - Pay more attention to yourself or others or existing rules or methods, use Te or Si to verify and evaluate whether your logic is valid and feasible, and ensure that your creations will not violate or destroy important principles or order. - Pay more attention to external changes or requirements, use Se or Ne to observe and collect information or opportunities related to yourself, and ensure that your logic can adapt to and respond to different situations. ##Summary The Ti function is introverted thinking, which is the ability to establish and apply internal logic. The Ti function is characterized by strong rationality, strong independence, strong creativity, and strong introversion. The Ti function appears as a dominant or auxiliary function in INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP and other types. The Ti function has many advantages, such as improving clarity of thinking, improving creativity, and improving independence. The Ti function also has some disadvantages, such as ignoring emotions, difficulty cooperating, ignoring rules, and difficulty adapting. The Ti function needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect. > Official free MBTI online test > > Test address:

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