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Glass Heart: Understanding, Causes, Characteristics, and Treatment

##What is a "glass heart"? "Glass heart" is a figurative term used to describe those who are emotionally fragile, easily hurt, and overly sensitive. These people have strong emotional reactions to criticism, indifference, or unkind words from others that are as fragile as glass. Glass Heart Level Test: ##Causes of glass heart The formation of glass heart may be related to the following factors: 1....

The love characteristics and emotional world of INFP Scorpios

##MBTI, horoscope, and love? Let us uncover this mystery together! Have you ever looked up at the stars at night and imagined how your love story would unfold? Or under the afternoon sun, immersed in your own emotional world, thinking about the mystery of love? If you are an INFP Scorpio, then your path to love must be full of unique colors and deep emotions. ##INFP: Dreamer and Emotional Explorer...

Characteristics of INFP Scorpios in the workplace

##Affectionate and Insightful: Scorpio’s Sensitive Gifts Scorpios are known for their deep emotions and keen intuition. In the workplace, this means they are able to discern the needs of colleagues and customers and provide help before they even realize it themselves. This ability makes INFP Scorpio an indispensable emotional pillar in the team. ##Full of creativity: INFP’s imagination As a drea...

The love characteristics and emotional world of INFP Libra

##INFP type Libra love characteristics INFP type Libra, a combination of zodiac sign and personality full of romance and ideals. They are true dreamers, always looking for that soul mate who resonates with them. INFP, or introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving people, they always seek deep and authentic connections in relationships. Libra, the constellation known for harmony, balance and b...

INFP Virgo personality traits and lifestyle

Have you ever thought about the interesting results if you combine zodiac signs with MBTI types? Today, we are going to uncover this mystery and explore the personality traits and lifestyle of "INFP Virgo"! ##What is MBTI? MBTI, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a commonly used personality assessment tool. It divides people's personalities into 16 types, each type has its own unique characterist...

When INFP meets Cancer

##🌟 The zodiac sign of the dreamer meets the idealistic character Cancer, known for its sensitivity and compassion, like the gentle moon in the night sky, illuminating the inner world of INFP. INFP, as a true dreamer in MBTI, their imagination is like a boundless universe, always full of infinite possibilities. ##🦀 Introverted Crab, warmth under the shell Cancer has a hard shell, but is soft and w...

Heartbeat Signal: Five Questions to Reveal the Truth About Your Love

In the labyrinth of love, everyone can get lost and not sure if they are really in love with someone. This article will help you explore and confirm the depth of your feelings through five simple questions. --- ##Five Signs of Love Love is the most beautiful and complex emotion in the world. It can make people ecstatic and miserable. But how do you know if you're really in love with someone? The f...

The romantic and emotional world of INFP+Aries

At the intersection of astrology and MBTI, there is a unique creature INFP Aries. They are dreamers and doers, with incredible passion and deep inner world. Let’s explore the romantic and emotional world of INFP Aries together! ##The Flame of Aries Aries, the leader of the fire signs, are passionate and move forward courageously. Like the first rays of sunshine in spring, they are always full of e...

MBTI cognitive function: Ti function - establishing internal logic

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation | Characteristics | --| --- | --- | | Extraverted intuition | Ne | Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively | | Introversion Intuition | Ni | Convergent association; seeks unchanging and common truths, ...

MBTI Cognitive Function: Te Function - the efficient way to achieve your goals

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation | Characteristics | --| --- | --- | | Extraverted intuition | Ne | Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively | | Introversion Intuition | Ni | Convergent association; seeks unchanging and common truths, ...

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