Is being efficient and biting your nails actually 'high-functioning anxiety'?

Have you ever heard of “High-Functioning Anxiety”? This is not a formal name for a disease, but describes your behavioral state. For example: when you are nervous or anxious, you can’t help but make small movements such as biting your nails and scratching your head, you are obviously tired at night but can’t sleep, you want to take care of everything. Everything is listed on the calendar.

Although these things will not affect our daily routine, our psychology will be hijacked by fear and we will not be able to feel happy from the bottom of our hearts. If the anxiety problem is ignored, it will have a long-term impact on mental health, and excessive accumulation may turn into depression.

Self-test for anxiety disorders: SAS Self-Rating Anxiety Scale

‘High-functioning anxiety disorder’ makes you feel that life is stressful, you often have insomnia, and you are unable to relax even on holidays, which gradually affects your mood and life. Therefore, if you have the following conditions, you need to pay more attention, because this is ** Common daily habits of people with high-functioning anxiety disorder**.

  1. Outstanding career performance and strict self-requirements
    Generally speaking, it is not easy to identify people with high-functioning anxiety, but most people with high-functioning anxiety have some characteristics, the most prominent of which is ‘good work performance’ - they are usually very ambitious in their careers, and The results that appear to be outstanding and positive are actually achieved because you are worried that you will not succeed and do more than others.
    Perhaps it can also be said that perfectionists in the workplace have very high requirements for themselves. At the same time, they are also easily disappointed or dissatisfied with themselves, so they often accumulate negative emotions deep in their hearts.

  2. Put even the smallest things on your schedule
    Because I feel that listing things on the schedule can improve the efficiency of doing things, but I often lie in bed still thinking about what I have not finished today and what I have to do tomorrow and feel very anxious.

  3. The body is tired but the mind keeps moving
    Because people with high-functioning anxiety disorder are constantly thinking about what happened today and thinking about the future. Even if their bodies are very tired, they still can’t fall asleep in bed, which ultimately leads to insomnia. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body and mind will be greatly affected, and it is also one of the reasons why you develop depression.

  4. Cancel parties temporarily and like to be alone
    People with high-functioning anxiety disorder are very concerned about their interactions with others. When attending parties, they often feel that they are not ‘being themselves’ and feel very tired. Therefore, they often cancel the activities they originally planned to participate in. In addition, they need to be alone with themselves. Only at this time can I feel relaxed.

When you find that you may have high-functioning anxiety, you should start to actively adjust your lifestyle. The following tips are quite effective methods to relax your body and mind:

  1. Get enough sleep:
    Anxiety becomes more serious when you are stressed and sleep deprived. Therefore, the first thing to adjust is your sleep time. Force yourself to sleep 6-8 hours a day, and regard adequate sleep as a ’to-do list’ and ’to-do list’. mission accomplished’.

  2. Daily set healing time:
    When you are plagued by work pressure and anxiety every day, you must let yourself escape at the right time and do 30 minutes of exercise every day, such as yoga and HITT, to calm your busy body and mind. Take a bath, watch TV dramas, write a diary, manage self-media, anything that can make you ‘switch your mind’ or ‘stop your endless thinking’ can be tried.

  3. Practice changing thoughts:
    When you find yourself having negative thoughts, encourage yourself in a positive way, replace the ‘perfect’ mentality with ’try your best’, and replace the ‘failure’ mentality with ‘seriousness’.
    Perfection is a goal, but it should not be an internal depletion of self-torture. Try to say to yourself, ‘You tried your best, thank you for your hard work,’ and ‘It will be better next time.’ Look at yourself and accept yourself in a gentle and soothing manner, in a positive and healthy way. Not being perfect does not mean failure. Even if you fail, treat it as promising yourself a better goal in the future.

  4. Improve unconscious anxiety movements:
    When you realize that you bite your nails, pluck your hair, pluck your eyebrows, or bite your lips when you are anxious or stressed, you should always remind yourself to make corrections to avoid affecting the appearance of your body, such as red and swollen skin, severe hair loss, etc. When your anxious behavior occurs, you can try to divert your attention, such as putting on headphones to listen to music for a short time, or getting up and walking around. Filling water, getting a snack, or going to the toilet are all good choices.

You can also pass the Eysenck Emotional Stability (EES) Test to test your current emotional state.

Through the above four tips, you can improve your anxiety state. We also hope that people suffering from anxiety disorders can also be aware of their condition and spend every day happily.

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