Want to relax but can't get away from your worries? 2 tips to relax at the right time!

Do you feel anxious because the epidemic has repeatedly disrupted many plans? When faced with many unknowns, it is normal to feel worried. However, have you noticed any symptoms of anxiety in yourself? 1. Soreness everywhere in the body and tight muscles 2. Different thoughts are passing through the head and cannot be stopped deliberately 3. Feeling tired easily 4. It is difficult to concentrate

We can try the following two small methods to help ourselves temporarily withdraw and find inner peace. First Step: Breathing Exercise – Abdominal Breathing If the breath stays in the chest, it will be short and shallow, making us more anxious🫁 If the breath can push the diaphragm down and inhale to make the abdomen bulge, it will be long and slow. Breathing, effectively helps us relax by regulating the autonomic nervous system. How to find the belly? Lie down and hold a heavy book against your abdomen. When you inhale, think about lifting the book up📖 Steps: 1. Maintain a comfortable and relaxed sitting position, close your eyes 2. Inhale through your nose to make your abdomen bulge; nose or mouth You can exhale, and the abdomen will sink back. 3. Repeat and feel the rise and fall of your abdomen. There is no need to pursue slowness in terms of speed, just keep the speed that you feel comfortable and stable🌟 Practice for about 10-15 minutes at a time* Where is your pressure reducing valve? » * Second move: Progressive muscle relaxation Steps: 1. Maintain a comfortable and relaxed sitting posture, close your eyes 2. Fist : Clench your fists for a few seconds until your palms turn white, relax and let your hands rest naturally on your thighs 3. Upper arms: Curl your fists with both hands toward your ears, stay for a few seconds and then relax 4. Shoulders: Lift your shoulders up toward your ears, stay for a few seconds Relax 5. Back: Bend your hands, push your shoulders back and inward, stay for a few seconds and then relax. 18 6. Legs: Straighten your legs, and tighten your toes toward you until your thighs feel tight. Stay for a few seconds. Relax after a few seconds; stretch your toes toward the ground until your calves are tight, stay for a few seconds and then relax🌟 You can adjust the steps and time as needed

Repeated practice can reduce daily anxiety levels, and allows us to better distinguish the difference between our anxious and relaxed states, making our emotions more stable and helping us regulate our emotions more effectively~🌼

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/XJG6oE5e/

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