If the sixteen personalities of MBTI are compared to animals, what are they?

This article will introduce to you how the sixteen MBTI personalities are compared to animals and explain why. Please note that these metaphors are just a fun way to understand personality types and are not strictly scientific classifications. At the same time, each animal also has its own unique personality and behavioral traits, so these metaphors may only be approximate.

ISTJ - Red Wolf

The red wolf is a tough, loyal and highly task-focused animal. This is similar to characteristics of the ISTJ personality type, which tend to be detail-oriented, organized, and responsible while rarely leaving their comfort zone.

ISFJ - Penguin

Penguins are gentle, considerate, and organized animals, which are similar traits to the ISFJ personality type. ISFJs like to think about others and are loyal protectors who care about their families and communities. Penguins are also highly collective animals and often live in large groups.

INFJ - Owl

The owl is an independent, introverted, and creative animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the INFJ personality type. INFJs tend to focus on their inner thoughts and emotions, but are also idealists with vision and intuition, while owls are also nocturnal birds of prey, good at observing and thinking.

INTJ - Fox

The fox is a cunning, intelligent and strategic animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the INTJ personality type. INTJs tend to think about the future and long-term goals, have creative and strategic thinking, and are also very independent and calm. These characteristics can also be seen in foxes.

ISTP - Leopard

The leopard is an agile, resourceful and adventurous animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ISTP personality type. ISTPs tend to like adventure and challenges, are good at dealing with complex problems, and are also very calm and rational. These characteristics can also be seen in leopards.

ISFP - Antelope

The antelope is a sensitive, passionate and creative animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ISFP personality type. ISFPs tend to focus on personal emotions and experiences, like freedom and self-expression, and also have artistic talent and aesthetic vision. These characteristics can also be seen in antelopes.

INFP - Panda

The panda is a gentle, kind and creative animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the INFP personality type. INFPs tend to seek truth and meaning and like to think independently and express their own values. They also have the ability to empathize and understand others. These characteristics can also be seen in Pandas.

INTP - Cat

Cats are independent, curious and creative animals, which are similar traits to the INTP personality type. INTPs tend to seek knowledge and understand complex systems, have logical thinking and analytical skills, and are also independent, calm and good at problem solving. These characteristics can also be seen in cats.

ESTP - Hyena

The hyena is a brave, adventurous and action-oriented animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ESTP personality type. ESTPs tend to seek excitement and adventure, have intuition and the ability to improvise, and are also optimistic, confident and good at problem solving. These characteristics can also be seen in hyenas.

ESFP - Monkey

Monkeys are lively, social and entertaining animals, which are similar to the characteristics of the ESFP personality type. ESFPs tend to enjoy life and interact with others, have good interpersonal and performance skills, and are also optimistic, outgoing, and optimistic. These characteristics can also be seen in monkeys.

ENFP - Dolphin

Dolphins are friendly, enthusiastic, and creative animals, which are similar traits to the ENFP personality type. ENFPs tend to be optimistic, kind, and imaginative. They like to communicate and meet new people and things. They are also flexible and adaptable. These characteristics can also be seen in dolphins.

ENTP - Wolf

The wolf is an intelligent, brave and strategic animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ENTP personality type. ENTPs tend to think about the future and long-term goals, have creative and strategic thinking, and also have a spirit of adventure and exploration. These characteristics can also be seen in wolves.

ESTJ - Leo

The lion is a confident, decisive and leadership animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ESTJ personality type. ESTJs tend to focus on order and organization, have practical thinking and decision-making skills, and are also confident, firm, and decisive. These traits can also be seen in Leos.

ESFJ - Dog

Dogs are friendly, loyal, and organized animals, which are similar traits to the ESFJ personality type. ESFJs tend to be attentive to the needs and feelings of others, have organizational and coordination skills, and are also warm, loyal, and responsible, traits that can also be seen in dogs.

ENFJ - Elephant

The elephant is a compassionate, gentle, and leadership animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ENFJ personality type. ENFJs tend to be attentive to the needs and feelings of others, have leadership and insight, and are also warm, compassionate, and creative, traits that can also be seen in elephants.

ENTJ - Tiger

The tiger is a confident, decisive and strategic animal, which is similar to the characteristics of the ENTJ personality type. ENTJs tend to focus on goals and efficiency, have leadership and organizational skills, and are also confident, decisive, and strategic. These traits can also be seen in Tigers.


By comparing the sixteen MBTI personality types to animals, you can better understand the characteristics and behavior of each personality type. Although there are many differences between humans and animals, these metaphors can help us gain a deeper understanding of personality types and facilitate interpersonal interactions and communication.

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