Who is most likely to recruit villains in the workplace? Numerology experts name 4 zodiac signs to be careful about

##Zodiac Conflict in the Workplace Although from the perspective of zodiac signs, the zodiac signs that are prone to villains are different every year, but based on actual personality differences, in a workplace where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong, there are indeed certain zodiac signs that are easy to conflict with others. , “tiger, dragon, horse, dog” are talking about you!

###People who belong to the Tiger zodiac: high-contrast personalities annoy relatives and friends. People who belong to the Tiger zodiac are quite popular in the workplace. He has the air of a general and is a natural leader who can lead his team to create new worlds. In addition to being powerful and domineering, Hu’er is actually the most powerful in your work because you are flexible and flexible, because you also have the dexterity and alertness of a cat, and at the same time, you know how to play tricks on the situation, talk to people, and talk to ghosts. At first glance, Hu’er is basically a successful person, but this kind of contrasting attitude between two-faced people is the easiest to offend the friends around him. Hu’er’s villains are often the dark side of the people he trusts most, and when you least expect it, he will Don’t ask me why I am holding you back. You have to think about how you treated others in the past! ###People whose zodiac sign is Horse: Herbivorous animals are the easiest to be bullied. Friends who belong to Horse are the only vegetarian zodiac signs in this list of villains. In the workplace, you actually have a very hard-working spirit, and at the same time you have Strong ability to act, able to persist in their dreams to the end. Those strawberry people in the workplace who have low EQ and cannot tolerate setbacks are rarely of this zodiac sign. However, as the saying goes, a good person will be bullied and a good horse will be ridden. Once the horse is in a workplace with a large and complex personnel, and your kindness happens to be without edge, you will easily become the target of attacks and exploitation by villains. If you don’t have strong professional capabilities as back-up, or a back-end as hard as diamond, then Ma, Ma, you are definitely a stepping stone for everyone to move forward! ###People whose zodiac sign is Dog: their true temperament is often chewed to the bone. The five elements of dog belong to the earth. They are born to be 100% true-tempered people. They are pragmatic and willing to endure hardships and do not talk too much. They may be in line with good husbands and She has the qualities of a good wife, but in the workplace she is very likely to be chewed to the bone by villains! Dogs at work are not only serious but also have a bit of a stubborn streak, and can shine in the professional field. However, their outspoken personality often offends others inadvertently, and they are not tactful enough to please. Not only are they not easy to please, but they also They are the easiest to be exploited. To say that they hit many villains is better to say that they simply have a special ability to “turn all good and noble people into villains”. ##A wonderful way to get rid of villains in the workplace! Tips for all walks of life

###Tip 1: Applicable to general workers. When you are constantly being harassed by villains or made things difficult by your boss, you first need to change your working environment. Remove unnecessary clutter from your desk and cabinets. Or change the position and rearrange the area that you can see every day, so that the interpersonal relationship will be naturally refreshing.

###Tip 2: This ancient method is suitable for service industry and self-employed businesses. It is said to be particularly useful for workers in the service industry! The three-in-one energy mainly distinguished by the five elements of the zodiac can resolve the troubles of villains through wearing. Taking the water element as an example, if you are a rat, it is suitable to wear small items symbolizing dragons and monkeys to enhance your good luck, and so on for others. - Rat, Dragon, Monkey → Water - Ox, Snake, Rooster → Gold - Tiger, Horse, Dog → Fire - Rabbit, Sheep, Pig → Wood

###Tip 3: This method is most suitable for office workers. This method is suitable for sitting in the office for a long time. , or working from home (also suitable for students), the method is to replace the office chair you usually sit on at work with a high-back style, and replace the original high-back chair with a new one! In addition, a green broad-leaved plant is placed on the desk, which means it is the best defense to attract noble people in front and block villains behind. However, I suggest you that the wider the leaves of the green plants in front of you, the better, but you should avoid varieties with split leaves and holes, and you should take careful care to avoid dead leaves!

###Tip 4: Suitable for field work and business. This trick is also very old but effective, which is to enhance the decoration of the little finger. Because the little finger represents the self, some people suggest that the little finger nails should be kept long to enhance the sense of personal presence. However, due to the long If you have concerns about personal hygiene and grooming of your nails, a more recommended way is to use sterling silver tail rings, nail polish, etc. to highlight the little finger to bring you confidence and courage. This method can usually effectively drive away villains and rotten peach blossoms. oh! Psychological test recommendation: workplace social ability test

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/2DxzwdAr/

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