Is it a good or bad habit to stick to negative news? How to get rid of the doomsday scrolling problem?

##Why do we pay close attention to negative news? In this era of information explosion, we are exposed to all kinds of news every day, many of which are negative, depressing, and even scary. Epidemics, disasters, violence, conflicts… these events make us feel powerless and frightened, but also make us irresistibly want to know more. We constantly refresh the screen of our mobile phones and watch negative news one after another. This behavior is called “doomscrolling”. Doomsday scrolling is a psychological mechanism for self-comfort. People seek a sense of control and security by reading negative news. They hope to: - remind themselves to think rationally - be better prepared for disasters - look for possibilities to overturn their fears

However, doomsday scrolling does not really solve the problem. Instead, it will aggravate people’s anxiety and depression and affect their quality of life and health. Doom-scrolling can lead to the following negative consequences: - Decreased mood and motivation - Reduced focus on other activities and interests - Impact on sleeping and eating habits - Increased stress and tension ##How to get rid of doom-scrolling So, how to get rid of doom-scrolling What about the problem of screen swiping? We can take some of the following measures to improve our mentality and behavior: ###1. Stay away from the source of troubles. If you find that you always scroll before going to bed or after getting up, you can try to put your phone further away from the bed. place, or set a regular reminder to limit your phone use. This can avoid receiving negative information before going to bed and when you first wake up, which will affect your mood for the rest of the day. ###2. Limit the time you are exposed to negative news. You can set a maximum time for browsing relevant web pages every day through the app or schedule to strike a balance between doomsday scrolling and daily life. In addition to reading negative news, you can also pay attention to other good news and take an interest in it to neutralize the sadness or fear caused by negative news. ###3. Maintain positive thinking. You can carefully filter the credibility of information and pay attention to whether the level of your worries is unreasonable, which can help reduce the uneasiness about news events to a controllable range. You may also choose to share your concerns about these events with someone you trust, who can allow you to vent your inner stress and fears.

We cannot control the good or bad of things in the world, but at least we can adjust our mentality and welcome the future with a healthy and positive attitude. challenge. What’s more, the future may not be as bad as we expected~ It is important to cultivate the courage to face fears head-on, but when you are tired, remember to get enough rest first!

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