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Test what is your success rate in changing jobs before the end of the year?

It’s the peak season for resignations at the end of the year. Many people will have the courage to resign after receiving their last year-end bonus. Why did you resign? Because there is better room for development, or because you want to give yourself a break. When we first joined the company, we were full of confidence in the future. When we heard HR's promise on salary, we were all very excited...

Is it time for you to change jobs?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
You may be wondering whether to make the jump. You want to change jobs, but you are afraid that the gains will outweigh the losses; if you continue to work, you feel that the work is unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory, so you become restless and uneasy, and you fall into pain and helplessness. Don't worry, taking the test may help you get out of the crossroads and make the right choice. There are...

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