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Which zodiac sign is your nemesis in the workplace?

Life/hobbies 2 1 minute
Don't be afraid of opponents who are like gods, but be afraid of teammates who are like pigs! Sometimes the biggest threat to your career is not your enemies, but your colleagues. They may not necessarily shoot you in the back, and they may even have a good relationship with you, but when it comes to work, they will definitely be a headache for you. So who are these people? Let’s test it together.

Test which kind of person you can’t get along with the most?

We are not RMB, and we cannot make everyone like us. There will always be people around us who don’t agree with us, or whose personalities are too different, or who have different opinions. In short, it is difficult for two people to get along harmoniously together. Conflicts arise, perhaps this is the so-called aura disharmony. If you are interested, let’s take this psychological test together to...

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