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psychological test
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Psychological test: What are your five elements personality attributes?

Life/hobbies 10 3 minute 1
In traditional Chinese culture, the Five Elements Theory is an important way to describe natural phenomena and life activities. It summarizes everything in the universe into five basic elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and believes that there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between these elements. Nowadays, this ancient theory has been applied to personality analysis, forming t...

Sigma Male Level Test

Character/Personality 20 2 minute 6
Sigma Male Level Test
Sigma Male (Sigma Male) generally refers to independent, self-disciplined men who do not pursue or please the opposite sex and respect everyone. He is considered a 'high-quality man' because he is different from the mainstream social values and appears full of personality, and is regarded as a 'lone wolf'. These qualities make them high-quality individuals who are unsociable, highly independent, h...

Dessert Shop Battle: Test your business intuition!

Life/hobbies 2 1 minute
Welcome to the 'Sweet Shop Crisis Management' psychological test! How would you respond to competition? Your choices may reveal something about your business strategy and inner world. Choose an option and see what it says about you! This is an interesting psychological test designed to explore your strategic choices in business competition and the psychological traits behind them. Each choice ref...

Fun test: Does your ID number calculate your career development?

Workplace/career 4 2 minute
Discover your digital destiny! Just your ID number will reveal the personality traits and future trends hidden behind the numbers. Come discover this mysterious number game and see how it reflects your life journey! Just by looking at the number on your ID card, you can calculate your life's destiny. It's amazing! Check out this test now and take control of your unknown destiny. Click the start...

Workplace Test: What is your status among your colleagues?

Workplace/career 4 1 minute 1
Your personality impression, that is, your own personal brand, is particularly important in the workplace. It can be said that the quality of your logo directly affects your future and prospects. Brands need to be built. A good brand makes people trust and love you. What kind of workplace personality impression do you give people? How good is your relationship with your colleagues? Do you want to...

Heartbeat Signal ABM Love Version MBTI, test your love animal personality? (PsycTest version)

Love/Relationship 50 4 minute 92
Heartbeat Signal ABM Love Version MBTI, test your love animal personality? (PsycTest version)
Have you ever wondered what your love animal personality is? Do you want to understand your performance and needs in love? Do you want to find a partner who is more compatible with you? If your answer is yes, then you must try this heartbeat signal ABM Love Animal Personality Test (PsycTest version). This psychological test is based on the ABM animal behavior metaphor theory. It can help you disc...

4 pictures to test how deep your city is

Mental/Health 4 1 minute 18
The word 'city' seems to have always been used in both a complimentary and derogatory sense. City is a double-edged sword. If you master it well, it can help you. If you master it poorly, it will make others think that your love is unreliable. So how deep in the city are we? Let’s take a test through 4 pictures.

9 pictures to calculate your personality traits and psychological characteristics

Character/Personality 10 1 minute 10
Do you know your personality traits and personality well? It's a bit presumptuous of me to ask this. Who doesn't know themselves? However, there are also many people who really don’t know themselves well and don’t know what kind of personality they have. Sometimes they are like this and sometimes like that. Is this multiple personalities? maybe! Let’s do some testing! See if this test is similar t...

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