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Test how smooth you are in the workplace

Workplace/career 2 1 minute
Whether in life or in the workplace, we must learn to be able to have both sides and be versatile, which is what we call sophistication and tact. In the workplace, we generally need to be able to have both sides and be all-inclusive, so that we can go far in the workplace. If you haven't learned these things and are a relatively upright person, there probably won't be many people who sincerely in...

Workplace Temperament Test: Test what kind of temperament you bring to the workplace

Workplace/career 3 1 minute
Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' believes that the different proportions of the four body fluids of blood, black bile, jaundice, and mucus in the human body constitute the different temperaments of each person: the one with the predominance of blood is the sanguine temperament, which manifests Those with a dominant gallbladder have a melancholic temperament, and those with a dominant gallbladder...

Test your entrepreneurial luck

Workplace/career 4 1 minute
Most people don't like to be dependent on others and immerse themselves in working for others. They always dream of breaking out of a world and working for themselves. They work hard for their careers but don't know whether they can succeed in starting a business? So, can your entrepreneurial dream come true? Let us take a test now to see how your entrepreneurial luck is? Click the start button b...

Psychological test: What kind of inferiority complex are you troubled by?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 4
Many people have low self-esteem, because at some point, their subconscious will tell you that you are not as good as others in some aspects, so you feel worse than others. People with low self-esteem need to fully understand themselves and be good at discovering themselves. Strengths, identify your true value, and imply that you are no worse than others. Only in this way can you surpass yourself....

Picture test: TAT Thematic Apperception Test, how deeply do you hide yourself?

Mental/Health 5 1 minute 2
TAT Thematic Apperception Test, the full English name is Thematic Apperception Test, is a projective personal test invented by American psychologist Henry Murray in 1935. TAT inspires test subjects to project their inner fantasies and mental activities through sketch images, and inadvertently becomes an X-ray showing the test subject's heart and self. At present, TAT is also one of the more comm...

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