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psychological tests
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Picture psychology test: test the hidden side of you

Mental/Health 5 1 minute 10
The hidden side often refers to the discrepancy between the image a person presents on the surface and their true self on the inside. This difference may be due to the influence of social, cultural, family and other factors, or it may be caused by the resistance and fear deep in the individual's heart. The impact of a hidden other can be profound on an individual, leading to internal pain and diss...

How scheming are you?

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 3
There is a word called "ulterior motives", which is mostly used to describe people who are not kind enough and who plot others behind their backs. In fact, this word also tells us a truth, that is, no matter who you associate with, you can't really see other people's hearts. Those who smile at you may have ulterior motives; those who come to you to complain may be better off than you. Happier, he ...

This is how a man’s heart can be measured

"A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea." We all think that a woman's heart is unpredictable, but when a woman is willing to tell you her thoughts, it is very easy to understand her heart. The way of thinking and expression between men and women is completely different. He will not tell you clearly what he is thinking, so how can you understand your boyfriend? Let’s start with his shoes!

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