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Zodiac Signs and MBTI Personality: Revealing the ESFPs Among the 12 Zodiac Signs

MBTI is a psychological analysis tool based on Jung's psychological theory. It divides people into 16 different personality types through the analysis of people's psychological behaviors and preferences. Among them, ESFP is one of them. ESFP is considered to be the most typical 'player'. They are full of energy and enthusiasm, always optimistic, cheerful, enthusiastic, thrill-seeking and like to i...

ENFP’s rules for a happy life: three words to make you confident and interesting

ENFP is a dynamic and creative personality type. They like to communicate with people, look for new and interesting things, and are enthusiastic and optimistic about life. However, in daily life, ENFP may face some challenges, such as how to respond to other people's inquiries, how to deal with their own emotions, and how to maintain their own personality and value. This article will provide ENFP ...

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