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Burns Depression Checklist (BDC)

Mental/Health 6 1 minute 10
Burns Depression Checklist (BDC)
The Burns Depression Checklist (BDC) is a self-diagnostic tool designed by Dr. David D. Burns, a new generation of American psychotherapist and University of Pennsylvania, to help people quickly assess whether they have depressive symptoms. This self-diagnosis form is based on Dr. Burns' experience and expertise in the research and treatment of depression. It uses a series of questions and assess...

Test how fresh you are in the eyes of others

There is a person in everyone's life who makes them look forward to the arrival of a new day. Life is like a play, and your acting skills all depend on yourself. Whether it’s cups, washware or tableware, it’s all decided by you. Maybe, there is no long-awaited rainbow after the storm. Maybe we didn't get the corresponding reward after our hard work, but after all, we have all worked hard. Maybe th...

Ningbo City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Ningbo?

Ningbo, this long-standing oriental city, attracts the attention of the world with its profound historical heritage and modern urban appearance. Ningbo, or 'Ningbo', is a sub-provincial city with unique charm and a leader among cities under separate state planning in China. As a new first-tier city, Ningbo is not only the fourth largest port in the world, but also an important city with the author...

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