Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Is there a dark side to your personality? INTJ’s shadow function personality revealed

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Is there a dark side to your personality? INTJ’s shadow function personality revealed

Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality characteristics. For example, you are usually an introverted, rational, and innovative INTJ, but sometimes you will become extroverted. , emotional, traditional, even a little nonsensical? These characteristics that are opposite to your main personality are your shadow functional personality. What is shadow functional personality? How did it form? What effect does it have on you? How should you deal with it? This article will analyze INTJ’s shadow functional personality from the perspectives of MBTI and Jung’s eight dimensions. I hope it can give you some inspiration and help. PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the relevant concepts, you can , or search for relevant information by yourself. ##What is shadow functional personality? MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a commonly used personality testing tool that divides personality into 16 types based on people’s preferences in four dimensions. Each type has four main functions, namely the sensing function (Sensing or Intuition) and the judging function (Thinking or Feeling), as well as the direction of these functions (extroversion or introversion). For example, the four main functions of an INTJ are: introverted intuition (Ni), extroverted thinking (Te), introverted feeling (Fi), and extroverted sensing (Se). Jungian Cognitive Functions is the theoretical basis of MBTI. It believes that personality is composed of eight cognitive functions, and each function has a priority, from the first function (dominant function) to the eighth function ( demonic function). Each personality type has its own eight-dimensional model, in which the first four functions are yang functions, which are the main functions in MBTI, and the last four functions are shadow functions, which are secondary functions in MBTI. Shadow functions refer to those functions that are suppressed, ignored or denied. They usually do not show up in daily life, but under some special circumstances, they will suddenly emerge and affect people’s behavior and thinking. Different personality types have different shadow functional personalities. The specific transformation rule is that if you replace the first and fourth letters of a personality with the opposite letters, you will get a shadow personality. For example, the shadow functional personality of INTJ is ENTP, and the shadow functional personality of ENTP is INTJ. Below, we will focus on the shadow functional personality of INTJ. ##What is the shadow function personality of INTJ? The corresponding relationship between INTJ’s positive side function and shadow function is as follows: | Priority | Positive side function | Shadow function | | —- | —— | —— | | 1 | Ni | Ne | | 2 | Te | Ti | | 3 | Fi | Fe | | 4 | Se | Si | | 5 | Ne | Ni | | 6 | Ti | Te | | 7 | Fe | Fi | | 8 | Si | Se | Can be seen It turns out that the shadow function personality of INTJ is a personality type in which extroverted intuition (Ne) is the dominant function and introverted sensing (Si) is the demonic function, that is, ENTP. The characteristics and advantages of INTJ’s shadow function personality are as follows: - Extraverted intuition (Ne): This is the dominant function of INTJ’s shadow function personality. It enables INTJ to show openness, curiosity, and changeability in some situations. Characteristics of being able to respond flexibly to various possibilities, looking for new ideas and opportunities, and enjoying the process of exploration and trying. - Introverted thinking (Ti): This is the auxiliary function of INTJ’s shadow function personality. It enables INTJ to show logical, analytical, and critical qualities in some situations, to think about problems independently, and to seek internal consistency and accuracy. Sexual, loves challenges and debates. - Extraverted Sensing (Fe): This is the third function of INTJ’s shadow function personality. It enables INTJ to show kindness, cooperation, and caring qualities in some situations, to pay attention to the emotions and needs of others, and to seek external Harmony and recognition, like social interaction and communication. - Introverted Sensing (Si): This is the fourth function of INTJ’s shadow function personality, and it is also the demonic function. It enables INTJ to show conservative, traditional, and detailed qualities in some situations, and to value past experiences and memories. Seek stability and security, like routine and habits. So, under what circumstances will INTJ’s shadow functional personality emerge? Generally speaking, there are several possible reasons: - Pressure: When INTJ encounters some pressure that is beyond their abilities or expectations, they may tend to use their shadow function to cope, for example, when their Introverted Intuition (Ni) When unable to find a clear goal or direction, they may turn to extroverted intuition (Ne) to look for various possibilities, but this may cause them to become anxious and confused, unable to focus and make decisions. - Emotions: When INTJ’s emotions are strongly stimulated or impacted, they may tend to use the shadow function to express. For example, when their introverted feeling (Fi) cannot handle their emotions or values, they may turn to They use Extraverted Sensing (Fe) to seek support or approval from others, but this may cause them to become sensitive and dependent, losing themselves and principles. - Creation: When INTJs want to create something new or try something new, they may tend to use their shadow function to create, for example, when their Extroverted Thinking (Te) cannot realize their ideas or plans. They may turn to introverted thinking (Ti) to analyze their own logic or theory, but this may cause them to become withdrawn and stubborn, ignoring reality and effects. - Growth: When INTJs want to grow and develop their personality, they may tend to use their shadow function to grow. For example, they may turn to Introverted Sensing (Si) when they cannot adapt to their environment or habits. Use Extroverted Sensing (Se) to explore their senses or take risks, but this can cause them to become impulsive and indulgent, ignoring consequences and responsibilities. It can be seen that the shadow functional personality of INTJ is not completely negative. It also has some advantages and values, which can supplement and balance the positive functional personality of INTJ to a certain extent. So, how can INTJ take advantage of the shadow functional personality? ##How to take advantage of the shadow functional personality? In order to take advantage of the shadow function personality, INTJ needs to do the following: - Recognize and accept their own shadow: INTJ needs to be aware of the existence of their shadow function personality, do not deny or suppress it, but accept it as their own personality part, understand its characteristics and advantages, and its impact on yourself. - Observe and analyze your own shadow: INTJ needs to pay attention to the emergence and reasons of your own shadow functional personality, analyze the behavior and thinking patterns of your own shadow functional personality, and find out the strengths and weaknesses of your own shadow functional personality, and how it relates to yourself The relationship and influence of yang functional personality. - Adjust and use one’s own shadow: INTJ needs to reasonably adjust and use one’s shadow functional personality according to one’s own goals and situations, so that it is in harmony with, rather than in conflict with, one’s yang functional personality. Use one’s own shadow functional personality use the advantages to make up for the shortcomings of one’s yang functional personality, thereby achieving self-growth and development. Specifically, INTJs can try some of the following methods and techniques to take advantage of their shadow functional personality: - When INTJs encounter stress, they can use extroverted intuition (Ne) to find some new possibilities and ideas to Relieve their own anxiety and confusion, but at the same time, they also need to use introverted intuition (Ni) to screen and integrate these possibilities and ideas to maintain their focus and decision-making. - When INTJ encounters emotions, they can use extroverted feeling (Fe) to seek support and recognition from others to relieve their sensitivity and dependence, but at the same time, they also need to use introverted feeling (Fi) to deal with their emotions. and values ​​to maintain one’s self and principles. - When INTJs want to create, they can use introverted thinking (Ti) to analyze their own logic and theories to alleviate their isolation and stubbornness, but at the same time, they also need to use extroverted thinking (Te) to realize their ideas and Plan to keep yourself practical and effective. - When INTJs want to grow, they can use Extroverted Sensing (Se) to explore their senses and take risks to relieve their impulses and indulgences, but at the same time, they also need to use Introverted Sensing (Si) to adapt to their environment and Habits to keep yourself accountable and accountable. ##Conclusion Through the above analysis, we can see that the shadow functional personality of INTJ is a valuable and potential personality type. It can supplement and balance the yang functional personality of INTJ to a certain extent, and help INTJ cope with different situations and challenge to achieve self-growth and development. However, INTJs also need to note that shadow functional personality is not a way of substitution or escape, but a way of collaboration and integration. INTJs need to recognize and accept their own shadows, observe and analyze their own shadows, and adjust and use themselves. The shadow of one’s own yang function is coordinated with, rather than in conflict with, one’s own yang functional personality, thereby achieving personality integrity and harmony. I hope this article can give you some inspiration and help. If you are interested, you can further explore and learn about your own shadow functional personality, or compare and communicate with shadow functional personalities of other personality types. You may discover some new ones. Discover and gain. Thank you for reading and wish you a happy life! > 📖 Read ###MBTI Type 16 Free Online Test If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to take the test again Whether your personality type has changed? PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI type 16 professional personality test. We hope it will be helpful to you. MBTI free test address:

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/AexwBE5Q/

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