Common psychological barriers and coping strategies among college students

Common psychological barriers and coping strategies among college students

The college period is an important stage in life. However, as the pressure of study and life increases, many college students often face various psychological barriers. These psychological problems not only affect their learning and social abilities, but may also have a profound negative impact on their physical and mental health. Understanding and dealing with these psychological barriers is crucial to the healthy growth and all-round development of college students. This article will explore several common psychological disorders among college students and their coping strategies, aiming to help students better understand themselves and improve their psychological quality.

Inferiority mentality

Inferiority complex is one of the common psychological disorders among college students, which has a profound negative impact on interpersonal communication. Students with low self-esteem are usually pessimistic, melancholy, withdrawn, afraid to interact with others, and think that they are inferior to others. This psychological disorder is usually caused by:

  • Too much self-denial
  • Negative self-suggestion
  • Effects of frustration
  • Psychological or physical deficiencies

For example, some students have a sense of inferiority because of their short stature, poor appearance, humble background, poor academic performance, etc. Faced with this situation, educators should help students face problems with a positive attitude, understand themselves correctly, and improve self-evaluation. Inferiority mentality mainly stems from the inability to correctly understand and treat oneself in social interactions. Therefore, students should be guided to adopt positive social skills to enhance self-confidence. Learning communication skills is also key. No one is born a good communicator.

Loneliness Psychology

Loneliness is a psychological state of feeling isolated from the rest of the world, with no one to interact with you emotionally or intellectually. Lonely students usually appear depressed and unsociable, which affects their normal learning, communication and life. The main causes of this psychological disorder include:

  • Personality issues
  • Too conceited and self-respecting
  • Frustration

In order to change this psychological state, students need to learn to integrate into the group. Marx once said: ‘Only in the collective can individuals obtain the opportunity for all-round development.’ In addition, students should also overcome their self-esteem, self-esteem, and pride and actively participate in social activities. Establishing deep emotional connections and psychological resonance with others can help escape loneliness.


Jealousy is the feeling of displeasure, self-esteem, and resentment caused by comparing oneself with others and finding oneself inferior to others in terms of talent, learning, reputation, etc. Characteristics of this psychological disorder include:

  • Dissatisfied with the strengths and achievements of others
  • Hope others will fall behind you
    -Lack the courage to compete and adopt illegal means

Jealousy seriously hinders college students’ mental health and communication skills. In order to overcome this kind of psychology, students should start by improving their self-cultivation, actively divert their attention, and adopt legitimate, legal and rational means to eliminate jealousy.

Revenge mentality

Revenge is a mentality of venting dissatisfaction and resentment against people who have caused setbacks to oneself in an aggressive manner. This kind of psychological disorder usually occurs when people who are narrow-minded and have bad personality suffer setbacks. The emergence of revenge psychology is not only related to personality characteristics, but also related to the attribution of frustration and the environment. Revenge is often carried out in a covert manner because the avenger often appears as a weak person and lacks the ability to fight back openly.

To change this mentality, students need to improve their self-control, reflect on the harmfulness of retaliatory behavior, and learn to be tolerant. As the saying goes, ‘The prime minister’s belly can hold up the boat.’ Tolerance is an effective way to resolve the psychology of revenge.

Difficulties in communication

Intercourse with the opposite sex is a common social activity for college students, but it often becomes a psychological barrier. Some students have difficulty interacting with members of the opposite sex. The main reasons include:

  • Unable to correctly handle the relationship between friendship and love
  • Influenced by traditional concepts, it is believed that there is no other relationship between men and women except love.
  • The interference of schools, teachers and parents in the relationship between men and women

In order to get rid of the difficulties in heterosexual interactions, students must first get rid of the shackles of traditional concepts, actively participate in colorful group activities, and establish natural and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Secondly, we must pay attention to the propriety of communication to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Through the above strategies, college students can effectively deal with common psychological disorders and promote mental health and all-round development.


Coping with common psychological disorders among college students requires the joint efforts of students, schools and families. Through correct self-awareness, positive psychological suggestions, appropriate social skills and effective psychological adjustment methods, college students can overcome psychological problems such as inferiority, loneliness, jealousy, revenge, etc., establish healthy interpersonal relationships, and enhance self-confidence and mental toughness. Paying attention to the mental health of college students will not only help them succeed in their studies and life, but also lay a solid foundation for their future growth and development. Let us work together to create a positive and healthy campus environment and help every college student move toward a bright future.

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