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How to use SWOT analysis to discover your character strengths

What is SWOT analysis? SWOT analysis is a method of evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your own or other objects' internal and external environments. SWOT is the abbreviation of four English words, which stand for: Strengths: The unique strengths, resources, skills, and abilities you possess that set you apart...

Use SWOT analysis to find out personal strengths and opportunities, and quickly find the job and industry that best suits you

'What should I do? I'll graduate in a few months and I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.' 'How about getting a master's degree?' 'Go be a soldier first and then think about it later.' Graduation season is approaching. , are you feeling uneasy about entering the society? I feel even more anxious when I think that my entire resume is blank. In fact, for college students with no work exp...

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