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The meaning and difference between the 'I' and 'E' in the MBTI personality type letters

In the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), 'I' stands for Introversion and 'E' stands for Extraversion. These two dimensions describe the way in which an individual interacts with the external world and the energy dynamics. The following is a detailed introduction to the difference between 'I' and 'E' in MBTI. If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to retest whether your perso...

Negative social personality: the “poisonous weed” friends around you

What is a socially negative personality? Socially negative personality, referred to as 'social poisonous weed', refers to those people who always exude negative energy in the social circle, making people feel tired, and even affecting the overall atmosphere. They may not mean it, but their actions and attitudes make people uncomfortable. How to identify socially negative personality? 1. Complai...

How to restore energy? Try these 9 simple and effective methods

Energy is the basis of efficiency. If we lack energy, we will not be able to work and study optimally. So, what are some ways to effectively restore energy when we feel low on energy? Here are 9 simple yet effective habits that we hope will help you improve your energy levels. The first habit is to sleep more. Sleep is a source of energy, and if we don’t get enough sleep, it affects the function ...

Human Design——Human Diagram

When each of us is born, the doctor writes the time of birth. The planetary gravity and magnetic field energy corresponding to this birth time create your innate talents and mission. Not all astrological signs, MBTI personality types or Enneagrams have the same lifestyle. Through human diagram interpretation, you will learn what you are here to do in this life? What is your strongest talent? What...

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