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What makes you feel safe?

Compared with money and interests, the sense of security that people have is more valuable. In the process of interacting with others, the sense of security brought by each other makes us feel solid and beautiful. Many times, we like ourselves more and identify with ourselves more through the affirmation of others. In this highly competitive society, everyone seems to be living a good life, but w...

What's missing from your successful tactics?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
If you want to get rich and succeed, you must cultivate your high quality in many aspects. However, we are not all versatile, and there are always some unsatisfactory shortcomings. How far are you from success? What other abilities do you need to cross the threshold of success? Please take this quiz and it will tell you the answer.

Why does he want a divorce?

family/marriage 1 1 minute
Divorce seems to have become a fashionable thing nowadays. Not only are divorcees becoming younger and younger; even the duration of marriages is shrinking. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? Why does he want a divorce? After taking the test, the answer will be revealed.

Are you an impulsive person?

Character/Personality 5 2 minute 1
The ancients said that disaster comes from the mouth, and we often say things that hurt our friends when we are angry or inadvertently. Are you an impulsive person? This test can help you discover some of your impulsive blind spots, and then try to improve them.

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