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Take a bath for your riddled soul, 15 life philosophies that will make you happy

Sometimes life is like a journey. We will encounter various scenery and encounter various difficulties. Sometimes, we feel tired, confused, and frustrated. We need to take a bath in our souls to regain our energy and confidence. I would like to share with you 15 life philosophies that make you happy, hoping to bring you some inspiration and encouragement. 1. The happier you are, the easier life ...

50 cognitive biases that Musk recommends everyone master

The 50 cognitive biases that Musk recommends that everyone should master are an in-depth analysis of the common errors and biases in our thinking. These cognitive biases not only exist in our personal lives, but also widely affect social and economic development. Understanding these cognitive biases can help us see things more objectively and make smarter decisions. 1. Fundamental Attribution Err...

Can zodiac signs really affect our lives? This article tells you the answer

History and Origin of Constellations ! Constellation is a product of Western culture. It divides human birth dates into 12 areas according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic. Each area corresponds to a constellation. Each constellation has its unique personality, love, career, fortune, etc. feature. Each constellation represents a mythical character or story. For example, Taurus is the w...

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