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Psychological test: Test your ability to identify rich people

Life/hobbies 1 1 minute
As the saying goes: 'You can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't measure the sea water.' Can you tell a rich person at a glance? Money is an intangible thing. I think because there are many things that cannot be bought with money, the question of what is money is too difficult. People have different desires and requirements. Some people feel that they have 100 Ten thousand means you...

His character can be seen in the chatting situation

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 1
People like to chat, because chatting is not only a way of leisure, they can speak freely and express their feelings, but it can also shorten the distance between each other and strengthen friendship and feelings. Since chatting and formal meetings require different occasions, most people usually choose different venues for different conversation contents. If you make a scientific comparison bet...

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