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Free online gaslighting test to test whether you are being PUAed?

Interpersonal/Social 30 2 minute 3
Free online gaslighting test to test whether you are being PUAed? In our daily lives, the complexity of relationships can sometimes cause us to feel confused and uncertain. Gaslighting testing is a tool that explores this complexity and can help us identify and understand the psychological manipulation that may be occurring. The gaslighting effect is a subtle method of psychological manipulation ...

Fun test to see how your relationships work

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
Sociology defines interpersonal relationships as a social relationship established by people in the process of production or life activities. Psychology defines interpersonal relationships as the direct psychological connections established between people during interactions. Chinese often refers to the general term for interpersonal relationships, also known as 'interpersonal communication', incl...

Test what kind of personality you are more suitable to find as a companion

In our daily life, we often hear common sayings such as those who are willing to fight and those who are willing to suffer, repaying evil with kindness, etc. In the field of psychology, this reflects the two dimensions of interpersonal relationships-dominance and submission. It means that people have a tendency to behave in response to desired or unwanted stimuli. Psychology believes that people w...

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are fighting each other, what should you do to please her?

family/marriage 1 1 minute 1
The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is an eternal mystery that is difficult to solve. How to have a good relationship with mother-in-law and how to make the relationship harmonious and peaceful is a knowledge for everyone who wants to be a daughter-in-law. As the saying goes, 'Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite.' Two women love the same man, and...

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