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Love psychology test: Which one do you prefer, loving or being loved?

Love/Relationship 8 1 minute 1
'Choose the person you love or the person who loves you?' It seems to be an eternal problem. People have always wanted to figure out, which one is happier, loving or being loved? But in the world of love, there is no distinction between high and low. No matter you choose to love or be loved, you can always achieve happiness. So, love or being loved, which side do you prefer? Let’s take a test tog...

Should you be lovers or friends?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute
The distance between friendship and lovers is always so subtle but cannot be stated clearly. If they really cross the boundary, they may suffer each other, but if they clearly have each other in their hearts but are unwilling to destroy the ambiguous feeling, it will be too hurtful. Should you be lovers or friends?

Psychological test: What is the relationship between marriage and sex in your mind?

family/marriage 1 1 minute 1
An expert survey said: 70% of people get divorced because of disharmony in their sexual lives. This is true. Regarding the adjustment of divorce, is it not only the adjustment of the relationship between husband and wife, but also the adjustment of sexual life? For marriage among legal and reasonable relationships, the biggest difference between marriage and other relationships, and the irreplace...

Test your love style

Love/Relationship 3 2 minute
If the opposite sex is compared to a fish, then there are three types of your interactions with the opposite sex: the 'casting a net to catch fish', the 'catching fish one by one type', and the 'three feet from the water fishing type'. This quiz will reveal your style of interacting with the opposite sex.

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