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Do you have 'bulimia'?

Bulimia is an eating behavior disorder. Patients are very afraid of obesity, and their self-evaluati...

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Are you someone who gets angry easily?

In our lives, we will inevitably encounter things that make us unhappy, and these things may cause u...

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Three urgent tests to see if love is in danger

In life, we often encounter various emergencies, and the way we respond can reflect our personality ...

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Shenyang City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Shenyang?

Shenyang, a city with profound historical heritage, was not only the political center of the Jin, Li...

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INFJ Gemini’s View of Wealth

In psychology and astrology, people’s exploration of individual differences has never stopped. The c...

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Am I never good enough? - Imposter syndrome

Have you ever had such an experience? Achieving certain achievements and being praised by others, bu...

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Zodiac Signs and MBTI Personality: Revealing the ESFPs Among the 12 Zodiac Signs

MBTI is a psychological analysis tool based on Jung's psychological theory. It divides people into 1...

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Cancer ESTP: Passionate and candid doer

Character traits: Cancers are emotional, considerate people who value family and close relationships...

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Find out where your nearest lucky god is

Where is the God of Luck these days?

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