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MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——ISTJ

ISTJ——Civil servant personality: Rigorous and pragmatic executor The ISTJ personality represents seriousness, quietness, and success through concentration and dedication, as well as a reliable attitude. They handle affairs in a pragmatic, orderly, practical, logical, authentic and trustworthy manner. Whether it is work, family or life, ISTJ-type personalities can always show good organizational s...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——INFJ

INFJ – The Counselor is a personality that succeeds due to tenacity, creativity, and clear intentions. They put their best effort into their work, quietly care about others, and gain respect for their principles. They are respected and followed because they present a clear vision for the common good. INFJs pursue ideas, relationships, and material meaning, and have the insight to inspire others. T...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——INFP

INFP Philosopher (Therapist) Personality INFP (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception) is known as a philosopher or healer type of personality. They are usually quiet observers, idealistic, and fiercely loyal to their values and important people. INFPs want to live in a way that is consistent with their inner values. They have strong curiosity, can quickly identify opportunities, and often ...

Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR

Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR
In the field of psychology, 'Character' and 'Personality' are two completely different concepts. Although there are many interpretations of the psychological definition of personality, generally speaking, it refers to a person's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies. In daily communication, what we call personality is actually what psychology refers to as person...

Have you tried all five mainstream personality assessment tools?

Have you tried all five mainstream personality assessment tools?
Personality is the embodiment of an individual's inner behavioral tendencies. It is unique, holistic, structural and stable, and provides a unified internal explanation for external behavioral patterns. Since Hippocrates proposed the 'Four Liquids Theory' two thousand years ago, human research on 'personality psychology' has never stopped. To this day, various schools of thought are competing for ...

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