Among the 16 MBTI personalities, who is most likely to cheat? Who is the most loyal? Which one are you and your TA?

Among the 16 MBTI personalities, who is most likely to cheat? Who is the most loyal? Which one are you and your TA?

From the MBTI, you can also see which personalities are prone to emotional infidelity! Today let’s take a look at who among the MBTI16 personalities is most likely to cheat!

What is MBTI? How to test your personality type?

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a forced-choice, self-report personality assessment test that is used to measure and describe people’s psychological activity patterns and personality types in obtaining information, making decisions, and treating life.

The MBTI test divides people into 16 personality types based on the following four dimensions:

  • Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I): Do you get energy from the external world (people, things, things) or from the internal world (thoughts, feelings, imagination)?
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): Do you tend to focus more on concrete facts and details, or on abstract concepts and possibilities?
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): Are you more inclined to make decisions using logic and principles, or are you more inclined to make decisions using values and emotions?
  • Judgment (J) or Perception (P): Are you more inclined to live a planned and organized life, or are you more inclined to live a flexible and random life?

If you want to know your MBTI personality type, you can click here to take the free online test. The test usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. You only need to choose the answer that best suits your true feelings to get your personality type and corresponding explanation. Of course, these tests are not 100% accurate, and you can also judge your personality type based on your actual situation and experience.

Among the MBTI 16 personality types, who is most likely to cheat?

According to the theory of MBTI, different personality types have different tendencies and performances in relationships. Some people are more loyal, some are more carefree, some are more rational, and some are more emotional. So, among the MBTI 16 personality types, who is most likely to cheat? We can analyze it from the following three aspects:

  • Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I): Generally speaking, extroverts are more likely to cheat than introverts because they are more social, make new friends more easily, and are more susceptible to temptation from the outside world. Introverts are relatively more conservative, more focused on their inner world, pay more attention to their own feelings, and are less willing to take risks.
  • Reality (S) or intuition (N): Generally speaking, people with realness are more likely to cheat than people with intuition because they pay more attention to reality and material things, enjoy sensory stimulation more, and have a harder time resisting temptation. Intuitive people are relatively more idealistic, pay more attention to the soul and thoughts, pursue meaning and value, and are more principled.
  • Thinking (T) or Emotion (F): Generally speaking, thinking people are more likely to cheat than emotional people because they are more rational and selfish, value interests and achievements more, and find reasons and excuses more easily. Emotional people are relatively more emotional, kinder, value emotions and relationships more, and are more prone to guilt and regret.

Based on the above three aspects, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Among the MBTI 16 personality types, the ones least prone to cheating are INFJ and INTJ. They are the most loyal and dedicated personality types. They are very serious and responsible for their feelings. They are also very idealistic and rational, and will not be easily shaken. betray.
  • Among the 16 types of MBTI personalities, ESTPs are the most likely to cheat. They are the most carefree and least dedicated personality type. They are very casual and irresponsible about relationships. They are also very realistic and materialistic, and are easily tempted and betrayed.

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The 4 most loyal types of MBTI personalities!

Among MBTI personalities, the ones least likely to cheat are ‘INFJ and INTJ’! These two types of people are very introverted, sensitive to life, and easily fall into negative emotions. If they encounter emotional problems, it will make them more exhausted. They have very clear boundaries for interpersonal relationships. Although they have many friends and admirers, they are really There is only one person you love, so there is no extra energy to distract. Secondly, MBTI personalities that will not cheat include ‘ENTJ and ESTJ’. Although they are very attractive and can easily win the favor of the opposite sex, their Fi function makes them soft-hearted and cannot bear to hurt other people’s feelings.

In MBTI personality, ‘ES’ and ‘EN’ types are prone to cheating

Why are the two extroverted types ‘ES’ and ‘EN’ more likely to cheat? Because ‘ES’ people pursue ‘carpe diem’ and focus on living in the present, their sense of morality is relatively low. ‘EN’ people are curious and easily attracted to new things in the outside world. They may think that this is not cheating and is just ’normal friendship’, but their behavior will inadvertently hurt their significant other.

MBTI 16 types of personalities are most likely to cheat. Third place: ENFP candidate

ENFP people are naturally romantic and are masters of love. Emotionally, they usually give people a careful, gentle and affectionate impression, so every relationship they have is as sweet as first love. Being with you can make them feel happy and happy. , they will not leave; on the contrary, if they find it boring to get along with you, they will not hesitate to find a new love.

Most ENFPs find their lifelong partners very early, but the other side of them is ‘scumbags who love to make excuses’. For example: it was not they who cheated, but the other party who seduced them, because ENFPs are famous for evading responsibilities and want them to It may be even harder to admit a mistake than to go to heaven. They seem to be easy to get along with, but in fact they are very stubborn at heart, and they like to be ambiguous with many people, especially pursuing novelty.

MBTI | ENFP Detailed Interpretation of the Campaigner Personality Type

Second place among the 16 MBTI personalities most likely to cheat: ENTP debater

ENTP is very enthusiastic and proactive towards others, and will deliberately praise the other person’s advantages to make the other person quickly develop a good impression of them. ENTP and ENFP are similar. They are both N-type people who are unwilling to take responsibility. In addition, they are very curious and are very interested in the people they meet around them. This also means that they usually only have three minutes of interest in people they are interested in. , once you feel that the other party has taken the bait, leave.

Before really settling down, ENTP people may change partners frequently, giving people a feeling that they are welcome to come. For long-term partners, ENTPs are both rational and emotional, and they want both material and emotional needs. However, this does not mean that they will definitely be able to settle down. Whether they can capture the heart of an ENTP depends entirely on your charm. ENTP and ESTP have one thing in common, which is that they have a ’low sense of morality’, do not have too many constraints, and pursue casual relationships.

MBTI | ENTP Detailed interpretation of the debater personality type

No. 1 among the 16 MBTI personalities most likely to cheat: ESTP entrepreneur

ESTP is the personality with the highest probability of cheating among all personalities! They are social masters themselves. They always appear in front of everyone as playboys or social butterflies. They are good at chatting and very lovable, and can easily attract the opposite sex. Especially male ESTPs have great rapport with the opposite sex and are deeply loved by girls. Even if they often emotionally blackmail each other, they will make girls willingly follow them. Their way of dealing with relationships is very fickle. They may have just promised you forever a few days ago. The vow to stay together can be broken down immediately the next day and the couple breaks up.

For ESTP, ’love romance’ is the best way to prove their charm. They enjoy and are very accustomed to the admiration and pursuit of the opposite sex for them. Therefore, they lack a sense of single-mindedness in their relationships, and their feelings are too bland. It can also make them want to run away. In marriage, ESTP people focus on material and practical aspects. The long-term partner they choose must be someone who allows them not to worry about material things, and their emotional needs are relatively weak.

MBTI | ESTP Detailed Interpretation of Entrepreneurial Personality Type

Of course, these conclusions are not absolute, and everyone’s personality type is not fixed and will also be affected by environment and experience. The reason for cheating is not necessarily a personality problem, it may also be a relationship problem, or other problems. Therefore, we cannot generalize or use this as an excuse. Instead, we must manage and maintain our feelings carefully to avoid the possibility of derailment.

Other personality types also have different tendencies to cheat, such as:

  • ESFP and ESFJ, they are both passionate people who like to socialize and entertain, but they are also easily influenced and tempted by the outside world. If their relationship encounters a crisis or they meet a more attractive person, they may also cheat.
  • ENFJ and ENTJ, they are both leaders and have strong attraction and influence, but they can also easily ignore their own feelings and the needs of their partners. If the relationship encounters obstacles or meets someone more valuable, they will It may also be cheating.
  • ISFP and ISFJ, they are gentle and considerate people who attach great importance to their own feelings and the feelings of their partners, but they are also easily hurt and stressed. If their feelings are betrayed or they meet someone warmer, they may also Cheating.
  • INFP and INTP, they are idealists and pursue their dreams and ideas, but they are also prone to loneliness and addiction. If the relationship cannot satisfy their souls or they meet someone who understands them better, they may also cheat. .
  • ISTP and ISTJ, they are both doers and attach great importance to their own abilities and efficiency, but they are also prone to being cold and rigid. If feelings cannot bring them excitement or they meet someone who can inspire them more, they may also become indifferent. Cheating.

Of course, these conclusions are not absolute, and everyone’s personality type is not fixed and will also be affected by environment and experience. The reason for cheating is not necessarily a personality problem, it may also be a relationship problem, or other problems. Therefore, we cannot generalize or use this as an excuse. Instead, we must manage and maintain our feelings carefully to avoid the possibility of derailment.


Cheating is a serious matter that can cause irreversible damage to your relationship, as well as a blow to your self-esteem and self-confidence. However, you should not give up on yourself because of this, and do not resent the other person because of this. You must believe that you have the ability and wisdom to handle this crisis, and you must also believe that you are valuable and charming to find better happiness. The MBTI 16 personality type is just a reference. It does not determine your destiny. Only you can control your destiny. I hope this article can be helpful to you, and you are welcome to leave a message to share your opinions and experiences. Thank you for reading!

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