Constellation query | Twelve zodiac signs comparison table + personality characteristics of the four quadrants

Constellation query | Twelve zodiac signs comparison table + personality characteristics of the four quadrants

Twelve zodiac signs query table

The following is a concise query table of the twelve constellations, including the order of the twelve constellations, Chinese names, icons, English names, solar calendar time and other information to facilitate your quick query:

serial number constellation English name date range icon element
1 Aries Aries 3/21 - 4/20 ♈️ fire
2 Taurus Taurus 4/21 - 5/21 ♉️ earth
3 Gemini Gemini 5/22 - 6/21 ♊️ wind
4 Cancer Cancer 6/22 - 7/22 ♋️ water
5 Leo Leo 7/23 - 8/22 ♌️ fire
6 Virgo Virgo 8/23 - 9/22 ♍️ earth
7 Libra Libra 9/23 - 10/23 ♎️ wind
8 Scorpio Scorpio 10/24 - 11/22 ♏️ water
9 Sagittarius Sagittarius 11/23 - 12/21 ♐️ fire
10 Capricorn Capricorn 12/22 - 1/20 ♑️ earth
11 aquarius Aquarius 1/21 - 2/18 ♒️ wind
12 Pisces Pisces 2/19 - 3/20 ♓️ water

Characteristics of the four major quadrants of the twelve zodiac signs

The twelve constellations we are familiar with can be divided into four quadrants or the four zodiac elements (the four zodiac elements) according to the fire, wind, earth, and water signs. Each quadrant has its own characteristics, and each constellation also has unique characteristics and charm.

1. Fire sign: passionate leader

fire sign

Fire signs represent energy and enthusiasm. People of these zodiac signs are energetic, confident and always the center of attention in the crowd. Their leadership potential and competitive spirit set them apart from the competition. But remember, timely praise can make them feel valued.


Aries people are generous and cheerful by nature, and their desire for freedom and adventurous spirit make them unique among the crowd. However, they sometimes act impulsively because of their impatience, so it is recommended that Aries friends be more patient, which will make your interpersonal relationships smoother.


Leos always present themselves confidently, and their compassion and sense of humor make them a heart-warming presence among friends. They are not satisfied with the status quo and always strive to pursue their goals. But be aware that too much subjective awareness can sometimes make them appear conceited.


Sagittarius people are frank and adaptable. Their pursuit of freedom and sense of justice make them appear to be able to deal with problems with ease. Their crisis management skills are also excellent. However, Sagittarius friends should be aware that being too forthright may sometimes inadvertently offend others.

2. Air sign: wise communicator

air sign

Air signs represent the mind and thinking. People with these signs are quick-thinking and good at communication and expression. Their creative and logical thinking abilities give them unique insights into rational analysis. When communicating with an air sign, staying logical and clear is key.


Gemini people are keenly observant and their imagination and inspiration are endless. Their lively and talkative nature makes them the center of social situations. However, Gemini’s fickleness can sometimes be unpredictable, so they need to learn patience and stability.


Libras are the symbol of peace and they hate conflict and arguments. Their thoughtfulness and friendliness make them comfortable in relationships. Libra’s idealism and pursuit of romance are also part of their charm. But they can sometimes appear indecisive, so Libra friends are advised to stick to their opinions when necessary.


Aquarius people are very curious, they are willing to try new things and have unlimited creativity. Their uniqueness and reforming spirit make them stand out from the crowd. However, Aquarius’ rebelliousness and absent-mindedness can sometimes make them seem elusive.

3. Earth sign: steady doer

earth sign

Earth signs represent the body and practical actions. People of these signs are down-to-earth, and their ability to plan and execute makes them very reliable in achieving their goals. Their conservative and pragmatic attitude can sometimes come across as stubborn, but this is also the secret to their success.


Taurus people are hardworking and steady, and their gentleness and obedience make them reliable partners in a team. Their opinions and patience are also their strengths. But Taurus’ stubbornness sometimes makes it difficult for people to communicate, so they need to learn to be flexible.


Virgos pay attention to details, and their perfectionism and patience allow them to pursue excellence in their work. Their analytical skills and trustworthy nature are their strong points. However, Virgos sometimes put pressure on themselves because of their pursuit of perfection, so they need to learn to relax appropriately.


Capricorns are self-disciplined and their prudence and sense of responsibility make them highly trusted in the workplace. Their persistence towards their goals and their spirit of not giving up easily are their strengths. However, Capricorns can sometimes seem distant, so they need to learn to open themselves up and establish deeper connections with others.

4. Water sign: emotional listener

water sign

Water signs represent emotions and feelings. People under these signs are emotional, and their empathy and listening skills make them thoughtful people among their friends. Their sensibility and intuition make them particularly sensitive in dealing with emotional issues. When communicating with water signs, it’s important to care about their feelings.


Cancerians love their families, and their frugality and enthusiasm make them highly respected among family and friends. Their tolerance and emphasis on friendship are their strengths. However, Cancer people sometimes ignore themselves because they care too much about other people’s emotions, so they need to learn to balance their own feelings.


Scorpio people have delicate minds, and their jealousy and revenge can sometimes make them seem a little extreme. Their honesty towards feelings and their attitude of daring to love and hate are their characteristics. However, Scorpios sometimes act impulsively because of their emotions, so they need to learn to control their emotions.


Pisces people are full of emotions, and their compassion and romanticism are their distinguishing characteristics. Their natural gentleness and selflessness allow them to always give the greatest care to others in interpersonal relationships. However, Pisces people can sometimes appear unrealistic because they are too emotional, so they need to learn how to combine their dreams with reality.


The beauty of zodiac signs lies in their diversity and uniqueness. Each zodiac sign has its own unique qualities and charm, just as each person has their own personality and story. By understanding the characteristics of astrological signs, we not only understand ourselves better, but also understand others more deeply.

Regardless of your zodiac sign, remember that everyone is unique. The guidance of horoscopes can bring fun to our lives, but the most important thing is to believe in yourself and follow your heart. I hope everyone can find their own direction and live a wonderful life under the guidance of the constellations. 🌟

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