Gaslighting: Behind the scenes of psychological manipulation

Gaslighting: Behind the scenes of psychological manipulation

What is the ‘gaslighting effect’?

Gaslighting is a mental manipulation tactic that silently erodes your belief system and causes you to doubt your own perceptions and reality. Under this kind of manipulation, the perpetrator passes on his fault to the victim through continuous criticism and humiliation, thereby sowing seeds of self-doubt in the victim’s mind. This tactic not only allows the perpetrator to evade responsibility, but also allows them to firmly maintain control, causing the victim to gradually lose their sense of self-worth and self-confidence, and eventually fall into dependence on the perpetrator.

##Gaslighting online test

Understanding gaslighting can not only help us protect ourselves, but also make us more compassionate and understanding of those who are being psychologically manipulated.

Are you experiencing gaslighting? Wondering if you have experienced or are currently experiencing gaslighting? Take the online test to learn more!

Self-test entrance:

Is it possible that “gaslighting” is unintentional?

Indeed, gaslighting is not always intentional. In some cases, people may use this technique unconsciously when trying to cover up their faults. This unconscious psychological manipulation may stem from denial of one’s own mistakes or may be a self-protection mechanism. Nonetheless, as long as the behavior is not persistent, it does not constitute long-term psychological harm.

Why do people use ‘gaslighting’?

The use of gaslighting often stems from a desire for absolute control over a relationship. This need for control may be rooted in a narcissistic personality, antisocial behavior, or deep insecurities. In a broader social context, the use of gaslighting goes beyond personal relationships. It can also be seen in political propaganda and workplace competition, as a power game to achieve specific goals.

The harm of “gaslighting” to mental health!

Victims of chronic gaslighting may experience diminished self-worth, increased anxiety, and deepening self-doubt. They may mistakenly believe that they can only gain the perpetrator’s approval by improving their performance, without realizing that these demands are inherently unfair. Once on this path, victims can spiral deeper and deeper into depression, which can ultimately lead to depression, self-harm, or even suicide.

Could netizens use the ‘gaslighting effect’ on me?

In the digital age, gaslighting has become both more prevalent and more insidious. The anonymity and depersonalization of online communications provide fertile ground for this kind of psychological manipulation. From political propaganda to online fraud, gaslighting serves a variety of purposes and its influence cannot be underestimated.

Who is more likely to be a target of gaslighting?

Gaslighting does not single out specific victims. In fact, anyone can be the subject of this type of manipulation, especially those with narcissistic personality tendencies. They are often unable to resist the urge to manipulate others and may unconsciously exert influence even when faced with people who are fully aware of gaslighting.

If I have been gaslighted, how do I escape?

The following steps can be tried in sequence according to time and progress:

  1. When encountering a conflict, take a deep breath to stay calm, and then evacuate the conflict scene as soon as possible to avoid escalation of the conflict.
  2. Keep all evidence of interactions between you, including emails, call records, screenshots of transfers, etc., anything that can provide factual support for your memory afterwards.
  3. Set boundaries and learn to have boundary-based interpersonal relationships, including intimate relationships. Say no promptly to anyone and anything that crosses your boundaries.
  4. Talk to a family member/friend you absolutely trust and let them know what you are going through. Show them popular science information about gaslighting (such as our test) and let them help you analyze whether you really should find a way to escape from their perspective.

Finally, remember: If all else fails, it’s time to put aside all distractions and run away from the gaslighting person as quickly as possible. If you feel you are on the verge of collapse, please seek professional psychological counseling.

How to prevent yourself from being manipulated by the ‘gaslighting effect’?

While it’s nearly impossible to completely avoid gaslighting, we can reduce its impact on us by increasing our self-awareness, establishing healthy boundaries, and learning critical thinking. When we are able to identify signs of manipulation, the most effective response strategy is to keep a distance from the perpetrator, and never think that we can save the other person, influence the other person, or transform the other person**, because this is often in vain. You have to know that most people who subconsciously use gaslighting have a narcissistic borderline personality. It is impossible for these people to face up to their own mistakes and shortcomings. You will only consume yourself until you are completely withered and waste your life by repeatedly arguing about the facts.


As we explore the world of gaslighting, we not only learn how to recognize and respond to this manipulative tactic, but we also realize the importance of protecting ourselves. By increasing self-awareness and establishing healthy interpersonal boundaries, we can better protect ourselves from psychological manipulation.

Remember, no matter what relationship you are in, you have the right to demand respect and fairness. If you find yourself trapped in gaslighting, don’t hesitate to seek help and move toward freedom. Let’s work together to create a healthier and brighter future.

Gaslight Effect Online Test:

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