6 'Stupid Buttons' that come with the human brain, please turn them off as soon as possible

The human brain is a very complex and powerful organ that can process various information, perform logical reasoning, create imagination, express emotions, control behavior, and more. However, the human brain also has some defects and weaknesses, which can affect our thinking and decision-making, causing us to make some irrational or even stupid choices. These flaws and weaknesses are like the ‘silly buttons’ of the human brain. If not turned off in time, they will cause us trouble and losses.

So, what are the “silly buttons” built into the human brain? How to turn them off? This article will introduce the following six aspects:

1. Turn off speculation

Speculative psychology means that people tend to pursue goals with high returns, low risks, and can be achieved in the short term, while ignoring the process of making efforts, taking risks, and long-term persistence. Speculative psychology originates from human instinct, which can help us find survival opportunities in critical moments, but in modern society, it often leads us to fall into various traps and scams.

For example, some people like to buy lottery tickets, gamble, stock stocks and other activities. They think that they will become lucky and get rich overnight, without considering that they may lose all their money. Some people like to participate in various MLM, pyramid schemes, virtual currency and other projects. They believe that they will receive high returns and do not care whether they are deceived or illegal. Some people like to obtain degrees, positions, reputations and other achievements through cheating, plagiarism, plagiarism and other means. They feel that they can succeed easily without realizing that they may be exposed or punished.

These people are driven by speculative psychology. They do not really work or study hard, create value or contribute to society. They just want to achieve their goals through shortcuts. However, doing so is often counterproductive. Not only will they lose what they originally had, but they will also lose their dignity and credibility.

Therefore, we must turn off speculation, understand that there is no free lunch, and know that success requires paying a price. We must establish correct values and goals, and act in accordance with rules and ethics. We must study and work hard and constantly improve our abilities and qualities. We should cherish what we have and be grateful for the opportunities we have been given. We must be honest, upright and responsible people.

2. Turn off quick decision making

Rapid decision-making means that when people face complex or ambiguous situations, they tend to use simple or intuitive methods to make choices without full or in-depth thinking and analysis. Rapid decision-making originates from human evolution and helps us respond quickly to protect our lives in emergency or dangerous situations. But in modern society, it often causes us to ignore important details and impacts and make wrong or regretful decisions.

For example, when purchasing goods or services, some people only see superficial prices or advertisements and place an order in a hurry without comparing other options or learning more information. When some people choose to work or study, they only consider their own interests or income and sign up blindly without evaluating their abilities or prospects. When dealing with interpersonal relationships, some people express or act at will based only on their own feelings or impressions, without considering the other person’s feelings or consequences.

These people are influenced by quick decisions without real thinking and analysis, without truly weighing the pros and cons and risks. They just relied on their intuition and experience to make hasty and blind choices. However, doing so often causes them to encounter various problems and difficulties. Not only will they waste their time and money, but they will also damage their own interests and relationships.

Therefore, we must turn off quick decision-making, understand that thinking is power, and know that decision-making requires rationality. We need to collect and organize relevant information and data, and use logic and evidence to support our opinions and judgments. We need to consider different angles and possibilities, and predict different results and impacts. We must be rational, prudent and wise people.

3. Close desire expansion

Desire expansion means that after meeting basic survival and security needs, people will continue to pursue higher-level needs, such as social recognition, self-realization, etc., and these needs will change with changes in the environment and conditions. Desire expansion stems from human potential, which can help us achieve self-improvement and development through constant challenges and innovations. But in modern society, it often causes us to lose satisfaction and happiness and fall into endless desires.

For example, some people want more money and things after they have enough wealth and material things. They will continue to work and consume without enjoying life and rest. After some people have achieved a certain status and fame, they still want higher power and honor. They will constantly compete and compare without caring about others and society. After some people have a stable partner and family, they still want more love and excitement. They will continue to cheat and betray without cherishing their feelings and responsibilities.

These people are controlled by the expansion of desire. They are not truly satisfied and happy, and they are not truly grateful and contented. They were simply driven by external temptations and inner emptiness, and made greedy and foolish choices. However, doing so often makes them lose the most important thing about themselves. Not only will they be condemned by their own conscience and morality, but they will also lose the trust and respect of others.

Therefore, we must turn off the expansion of desires, understand that desires are infinite, and understand that happiness is limited. We must establish a correct outlook on life and happiness, and live according to our own hearts and values. We must control our desires and emotions, and enjoy and indulge in moderation. We want to be a satisfied, happy and self-disciplined person.

4. Turn off social addiction

Social addiction refers to people’s excessive reliance on or addiction to social activities, such as chatting, making friends, sharing, etc., to satisfy their social needs, such as a sense of belonging, identity, self-esteem, etc. Social addiction stems from human group nature. It can help us obtain support and help, enhance self-confidence and security in interactions with others. But in modern society, it often causes us to ignore our own personality and independence and fall into meaningless and inefficient social interactions.

For example, when some people use social media or online platforms, they will constantly refresh, like, comment, forward, etc. They will post various contents in order to gain more attention and appreciation, without caring about their privacy and image. . When some people participate in social activities or groups, they will constantly entertain, flatter, and flatter, etc. They will cater to various opinions and customs in order to integrate into more circles and relationships, instead of adhering to their own principles and positions. Some people will constantly complain, complain, accuse, etc. when dealing with social problems or conflicts. They will exaggerate their difficulties and grievances in order to seek more sympathy and support without solving their own problems and responsibilities.

These people are troubled by social addiction. They do not really communicate and communicate, and they do not really establish and maintain meaningful and valuable social relationships. They engage in boring and time-wasting social behaviors just to satisfy their own vanity and emptiness. However, doing so often causes them to lose their individuality and independence. Not only will they waste their time and energy, but they will also reduce their quality and level.

Therefore, we must turn off social addiction, understand that social interaction is a means, not an end, and that social interaction is about quality, not quantity. We must choose appropriate and beneficial social media and platforms, and use them reasonably and sparingly. We are to participate in meaningful and valuable social activities and groups, and to be sincere and candid with others. We must deal with our own social problems and conflicts and seek solutions proactively and proactively. We must be a person with personality, independence and taste.

5. Turn off the protagonist’s mentality

Protagonist mentality means that people tend to view the world in a self-centered way, overestimate their importance and influence in various events, and believe that they have a special destiny or mission. The protagonist mentality originates from human self-awareness. It can help us enhance our confidence and motivation and overcome our own fears and confusion when facing difficulties and challenges. But in modern society, it often causes us to lose objective and rational judgment and fall into a state of self-centeredness and self-deception.

For example, when some people encounter misfortune or failure, they will think that they have been framed by fate or others. They will shirk responsibility and mistakes to external factors without reflecting on their own reasons and ways to improve themselves. When some people encounter luck or success, they will think that they are favored by fate or others. They will attribute their achievements and achievements to their own abilities and talents, instead of thanking others for their help and opportunities. When some people encounter the ordinary or ordinary, they will think that they have been ignored by fate or others. They will regard their lives and work as boring and uninteresting, without looking for their own interests and passions.

These people are all affected by the protagonist’s mentality. They do not truly know and understand themselves and the world, and they do not truly respect and accept themselves and others. They just see everything according to their own imagination and expectations and make selfish and stupid choices. However, doing so often causes them to lose their balance and direction. Not only will they suffer their own setbacks and failures, but they will also lose the trust and friendship of others.

Therefore, we must turn off the protagonist mentality, understand that the world does not revolve around us, and know that we are not the protagonists of the world. We must look at ourselves and the world objectively and rationally, and use facts and evidence to support our opinions and judgments. We must respect and accept the strengths and weaknesses of ourselves and others, and treat the feelings and behaviors of others with empathy and tolerance. We need to be humble, honest and cooperative people.

6. Turn off superego self-consistency

Superego self-consistency means that people tend to use a set of fixed and abstract standards to evaluate the behavior of themselves and others, and believe that this set of standards is correct and noble and cannot be questioned or changed. Superego self-consistency originates from human moral sense. It can help us adhere to our own principles and values and safeguard our own dignity and justice when facing moral dilemmas or conflicts. But in modern society, it often causes us to lose flexibility and adaptability and fall into a state of narrow-mindedness and paranoia.

For example, when some people obey or violate certain rules or laws, they will think that they are acting for some reasons such as kindness, sacrifice, tolerance, dreams, justice, loyalty, etc., and think that these reasons are enough to prove that their actions are reasonable or reasonable. Glorious and does not require any other explanation or evidence. When some people evaluate or criticize certain behaviors or phenomena, they will think that they are speaking from a certain standpoint of kindness, sacrifice, tolerance, dreams, justice, loyalty, etc., and think that these positions are sufficient to support their own opinions or judgments. , and will not accept any other opinions or rebuttals. When some people treat or help certain people or things, they will think that they are acting out of some kind of kindness, sacrifice, tolerance, dream, justice, loyalty and other motives, and think that these motives are enough to explain their selfless or great behavior. , without taking into account any other consequences or impacts.

These people are dominated by their superego. They do not truly understand and respect the diversity and complexity of themselves and others, and do not truly consider and balance the interests and relationships of themselves and others. They just measure everything according to their own moral standards and make narrow-minded and paranoid choices. However, doing so often causes them to lose their flexibility and adaptability, and they not only suffer their own difficulties and frustrations, but also encounter resentment and rejection by others.

Therefore, we must turn off our super-ego and self-consistency, understand that morality is relative, not absolute, and that morality is changing, not fixed. We must look at our own and others’ behaviors with openness and tolerance, and evaluate our own and others’ behaviors based on reality and effectiveness. We must understand and respect our own and others’ positions and motives, and use communication and negotiation to resolve conflicts between ourselves and others. We need to be flexible, adaptable, and collaborative people.

The above are the six ‘stupid buttons’ built into the human brain that this article will introduce. They are obstacles and misunderstandings in our thinking and decision-making processes. If they are not turned off in time, they will bring us various problems and losses. We need to recognize the existence and harm of these ‘stupid buttons’, learn how to turn them off, improve the quality and level of our thinking, and make more rational and wise choices. I hope this article is helpful and inspiring to you, thank you for reading.

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/aW54pE5z/

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